RP:A New Daughter and a New Admirer?

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rest in Pieces: Vailkrin! Arc

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Summary: Larewen takes advantage of her incorporeal state to whisper sweet nothings into Orphyn's ear. Discovering her deepest desires and knowing her madness, the banshee coaxes Orphyn into joining her family as a daughter. Meanwhile, that strange merchant, Sisi, pops up again and puts the moves on the dead woman. Ooh la la!

The Hanging Corpse

The door to the Corpse explodes open with a loud and tremendous bang, the body of a large male forcefully entering and sliding across the floor on his ass. He looked rough, battered, and most definitely afraid as he scrambled backward on his hands and rear. The door opened again, this time with the man's pursuer stepping through. She was dressed head to toe in black leather, protected by a long duster decorated with morbid trinkets, collar flipped up to shield her features from anyone looking upon the woman with interest. Her hair stood out like a sore thumb; Vibrant and pink, a most unusual shade compared to most across the continent. Her eyes were open wide, expression enraged, almost manic. Her hands, adorned with black painted nail, each held firm onto the handles of two fierce looking twin danggers- Both of which seemed to course with a strange viridian shimmer. Comparing the two, the man should logically have the advantage. he was a lot bigger than she was. He looked seasoned. Yet here we was, cowering like a rat from this tiny angry woman."WHERE. IS. IT?!" she yelled as she raversed the tavern toward the man. Her chest heaved with every breath, teeth gritted as she went on. "You're going to die, Bal. painfully. Unless you tell me where it is." Another step forward. "I want it now!" It was here that Steadmen decided to step in; He had grown to tolerate the strange woman's crazy antics, but this was one thing he did not like in his establishment. "Orphyn...Not h-" he started before being rudely interrupted. "DON'T CALL ME THAT." she screamed back. "...Not in here." he would reply. Her gaze snapped back at the man on the floor, those inner gears beginning to wind as she debated on whether or not to honor the man who gave her a chance, or to simply just do what she had planned on doing in the first place.

Larewen lingers within the establishment, hiding under the anonymity that comes with being a ghost that has not materialized. Mismatched eyes are focused on Orphyn and the man she pummels into the ground, a brief stare spared for Steadmen too. Instead, the banshee desides once more to practice a bit of havoc. Still unseen, the banshee draws close enough to the pink-haired youth that she might feel an icy chill. Leaning toward her, cold breath falls upon the girl's earlobe. "He doesn't really appreciate you, girl. Always getting on to you. Why can't he be more accepting? More gracious for all the things you've done?"

A look of confusion settled upon the woman's face. More than confused. This incarnation of the fracture was used to the incessant nagging from the other personality. The innocent soul. It was nothing like this, however. Steadmen was looked upon again, those icy blues giving the man a stare that would rattle the dead. He seemed unphased, and in a way this angered the woman further- especially with those tainted whispering words attempting to infiltrate her thoughts. "Sin! Please! I really don't know! Jacob had it and took off! I swear to Sven. He robbed us blind!" Sin. This seemed to be the name that managed to steal the woman's attention. Another step forward, knuckles beinning to pale as her grip tightened on those daggers. "Sin. Not in here, please?" the older man asked again.

Larewen follows Orphyn fluidly, the sweet, warm milkiness of her voice coaxing the other ear now. "All he does is yell. Don't do this, don't do that, clean that up, get that out of here. What do you get out of that, Siiin?" Her preferred name is dragged out, as if the necromancer is savoring its taste. Truly, sin is a love thing to one of her ilk. "This place has survived far worse and it's not like a dead body will keep customers away. It's Vailkrin. We're all dead here." When the woman's eyes drop toward the man she's pummeled once more and her fingers tighten around the blades, that voice is there to comfort her. "Do it. You know someone that will buy the body for more than he's ever truly given you."

SiN continued to advance,one paintstakingly slow step at a time. She enjoyed watching Bal squirm. He bumped into a table and soon realized he had no more room to flee, 'Sin' now standing over him with those dagers held at her side. She stared down at the beaten male, still fighting those conflicted thoughts. She wanted him dead. By all accounts, it was his fault that the thing went missing. He was employyed to keep it safe. He should pay. "Sin.... Come on, now." Steadmen chimed in. Sin growled under her breath. THat voice was right. The barkeep always told her what to do. Always. he never let her have any fun! But she maybe cared about him. In some way or another. That old man took her in. He gave her a place to stay. A place to work. He mind ventured to those times where she found a random gift in her quarters, usually for a special occasion. Maybe he did tell her what to do, but he was the closest to family that she, or at least 'Orphyn' had. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" she suddenly screamed out of the blue. Her manic gaze lifted and began to search amongst the few patrons within, trying to figure out who exactly was toying with her. Sin was no stranger to mental infiltration. This wasn't Smiley. This wasn't Orphyn. This was something far more sinister. Fighting with all her conviction, Sin turned back to Bal and used the toe of her heeled boot to step upon his manly goods. "You're a very lucky man tonight, Bal. Get your kids. get your wife. Head west. Far west, past the reaches of Xalious. Hop on a boat and never return. If I see you around here ever again, I will make you watch your children and wife die in front of your eyes." She applied a little force, making sure he understood her intent. With a huff she turned, icy blues now returning to the survey of the room, her words sharp and demanding. "Who is it?! Who's doing it?! I hear you, you gutless worm! Show yourself!" bal would take this time to scramble up onto his feet, one hand clutching his nethers as he made a mad dash for that door. He wasn't going to even chance begging the woman to reconsider.

Larewen clicks her tongue in Sin's ear but does not yet materialize before the young woman. "He won't. You know he'll never return, and you'll never have the chance to do that. You like to be rug everyone walks upon, don't you? Why not find yourself a real family? Someone that will love you the way you are. Someone that understands the madness that colors the edge of your vision. Steadmen will be happy for you, when he sees how much better you are."

Orphyn was growing angrier by the minute. Whomever, whatever this was, it was playing on her wants and needs, her fears- Her deepest emotions. Both hands lifted to clutch at the side of her head, eyes shut tight as if plagued by some sort of migraine. "NO. GET OUT!!" she screamed, easily disturbing some of the pratrons into getting up and leaving. Steadmen grew concerned, his brow knitting with worry. He dare not to step in however, as he wasn't quite sure what this incarnation was capable of.

Larewen takes a more motherly approach as anger settles over the young woman, cold arms curling around her form. Though still not visible, she carefully manipulates her being enough that the other one will feel the embrace. "Shhh, little one. No need to yell at me. I only speak the truth. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone that lets you create all the mayhem you wish? A mother. Imagine that, a true mother to love you, to guide you, to appreciate you."

Labored breathing began to slow, a wave of calm befalling the pink haired woman in a most unusual way. While the frature known as Sin still held onto that very rage that set her apart from the others, it was deep down that the calmer and more sincere personality began to shine through. orphyn longed all her life to have a family. It was all that she wanted- At first. yet Sin's influence made sure that wasn't ever possible. Or.. was it? The black mascara that decorated the woman's eyes began to leave, a single black tear streaming down her cheek. In essence she began to break down, and although she wanted to fight, that soothing approach seemed to get through.

Larewen notes the shift, not entirely alien to it. She flows around Orphyn, coming to face in front of her and then taking advantage of another aspect of ghostly figures: she appears only to the girl. Orphyn will recognize her, though she is quite a horrid sight to behold. Black blood stains her body, a gaping hole resting in the hollow of the left side of her throat. Numerous gashes mar the blackened scars that cross her flesh and yet the specter is familiar. Lady Dragana, the very woman who has paid Sin in the past to deliver a fresh corpse or two that Steadmen complained about. She unfurls her arms around the young woman, both hands raising to her face whilst the pads of incorporeal thumbs brush the tears from her cheeks. "You can have both. Freedom and a family, little one. Someone that understands, someone that knows some desires, some urges require feeding, and will love you regardless. Someone who will value your opinions, your wants, and your desires. A true mother's unconditional love. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Orphyn tried her best to shine through, lips forcing a smile upon that angry surface. The entire idea sounded more than she could ever ask for! She did recognize Lady Dragana almost instantly, her eyes projecting a sense of sorrow as it dawned upon her what had become of the corpse collecting woman. "Yes..." she began, before her words turned gruff. Sin wasn't letting it go that easily. "What is your game, spectre? What are you after?" The fracture stared upon Larewen carefully, hue of ice dancing amongst the others as if trying to read her thoughts. Steadmen of course seemed relieved that she had calmed down, but you could tell her was a bit concerned that she seemed to be speaking to no one visible. Again.

Larewen releases the woman’s face, if only to draw upon an unseen thread of magic with which to conjure. Summoned from her study within House Dragana, is a rat’s skull. Steadmen will see it, hovering there in front of the girl. He’ll probably even recognize the brand of magic that blackens the bone and illuminates the thing’s emerald inlaid eyes with an eerie, verdant glow. House Dragana magic, no doubt. “I’ve seen you time and time again, berated by that grumpy old man for your perfections. Taking you in, but expecting you to be something you’re not. I tried that once, it turned badly. Within my House, among my allies, under my name, you will be welcomed with open arms. All I ask is for your unconditional love in return, as a child might their mother. I will tend to your every need. Just take this trinket, so that you might reach out to me anywhere I may be, and it will be done.”

Orphyn seemed very much torn between two sides. First it was that innocent, more longing side, the one that swallowed those sweet words whole with sugar on top. Larewen's ofeering was beyond anything she had ever dreamed and hoped for. The other wise however, was that cold calculating type. That entity of corruption, molded by malice and spite; Her skepticism the only thing from taking the trinket and accepting the offer. There was a third of course, but that one was most likely off , deep down, eating paste like a simpleton. Sin's mistrusting nature took hold and stated, "That did not answer my question. What... are... you after?" First and foremost she was a business woman. She knew better than to accept what appeared to be a one sided, in her favor at that, deal. "You speak with a silver tongue. Working my rage did not get you the results you desire and now you caress the innocent. What is your game?" Those weapons of darkness were slowly slipped into their leathery homes at her hip- Even if she wanted to, it was doubtful that they had the power to hurt a spectral being. Not yet.

Larewen reaches out, caressing Orphyn’s cheek gently. “What I’ve always wanted, and sacrificed for foolish notions of love: a living child. I’ve always wanted to have that, but it is always being taken from me,” she says. “When I become Queen, who will be my princess?” The latter rhetoric was meant to further sweeten the deal for Orphyn, perhaps even to corner Sin: how could she turn down a deal of this manner under the guise of protecting her weaker half without good cause? “I have all the means to provide comfort - my daughter-in-law can tell you so. Even with her husband’s death, I still provide for those I consider mine.”

Sisi is tucked in a dark little corner...yup. Nevermind her, the merchant had her head lowered eyes trace the many scars in the wooden table beneath her. Witch then some banshee encounter.

Orphyn 's nose wrinkled in almost disgust at the touch. Sin's influence was still perched on the woman's shoulder. An inner dialogue would begin, a war of words between host and parasite, the great battle for control. All of these words held some appeal to both sections of the fracture. Orphyn would get someone to look up to. Someone who appeared to care. Sin would have a foot jammed in that door- A first step toward actual power. She had been a small time criminal in this time, a tough talking drug pusher. Sure, she held power amongst those who knew her. Those who were afraid of the way she conducted business. But "princess"? This could be a whole new opprtunity into exapnding her enterprise. Larewen did not look like a joke. She obviously had power enough to not pass on in death and become something so much more. Although the corruption's mistrust was heavy, in the end, Orphyn won. Lifting her left hand, Orphyn took the trinkey in her palm, using the thumb to roll it around and observe it. Something about the item was alluring. Black lips finally released that angered grimace, a gentle smile to take its place. "It sounds so... wonderful." she murmured.

Sisi is, for the moment unnoticed by the specter, for her attention is focused solely on Orphyn. The moment the rat skull passes into Orphyn’s hands, the magic within blossoms into a tangible feeling of comfort, of not being alone. Her trinket is only one in an entire network of similar things, a thread of magic used to bind the Umbral Council together so that they might speak between one another at any time. Others that the necromancer considers allies. “When the barrier comes down in the forest, I will show you your room. It’s been waiting for you for quite some time, dear heart.”

Sisi spares a glance upwards, the merchant shakes her blonde tresses before she drinks in quick order, one bourbon, one scotch, one beer.

Orphyn 's fingers enclose around the rat skull trinket and her smile softens, brow coming together in curiosity at the thought of a room to call her own. "Thank you, Lady Dragana. Thank you so much. " It seems Sin has receded to the depths down below for the time being. She asks then, tucking the item into the innermost pocket of her duster, "Although I don't understand? barrier in the forest? And might I ask... what happened?.. you are not quite the same as I remember. Not like before." This of course would be indicative of those could of corpse runs he made in the past. The newest arrival was garnered a glance and a smile, a pleasant greeting nod of sorts.

Larewen materializes then, revealing the mystery to Steadmen and showing herself to Sisi with a ghastly grin. Had she revealed herself before? She cannot remember, but that’s besides the point. Instead, she says to the merchant, “Still here are you? I thought you’d have been spooked for good after our last meeting, human.” Even as she speaks she draws Orphyn to her side, embracing her again briefly before tossing a ghostly stare over her shoulder to the barkeep. “Add her expenses for the moment to my tab, Steadmen. And any complaints you have about her dealings can be directed to me. Understand?” There’s a warning in her voice. To Orphyn, she explains simply, “The elf you’ve seen me here with before tried to kill me and instead nearly brought destruction on us all. I have dealt with the issue for now, and I’ll provide you with more details in a more secluded place my dear. You may yet be of quite some help in the future.”

Sisi lifts up her empty beer glass to the banshee, one eye squints as she shakes her head. "Nah, I strapped steel to my backbone." The young merchant explained as she toast the specter. "That lady I met at the fountain was doing the introductions."

Orphyn sticks her tongue out at Steadmen in a teasing manner. She never really had too many problems with the man. She did care for him, but just seeing Larewen excercise power on her behalf felt good. Steadmen didn't seem too shaken up by the idea, though. In all honesty, Orphyn hardly ever paid for her drinks. To him, he was actually going to get paid! With larewen's explanation, Orphyn wrinkled her nose, this time more with a sadness or mere disappointment. "Wow. How did I not hear of this sooner? I look forward to learning more..." Approaching Steadmen, orphyn asked politely for a drink, just water tonight, her icy blues bouncing back to Sisi and Larewen as she listened in to the pair while they spoke.

Larewen arches a brow at Sisi. “You’ll end up dead sooner, rather than later if you spend too much time here. Or mad. Madness suits a woman well,” the banshee says, eying the foreign woman. A tilt of her head back toward Orphyn lends her a shrug of her shoulders. “Perhaps too much nagging from Steadmen and not enough listening to tavern gossip?”

Sisi sets her empty beer mug on the table, "Death is the greatest adventure, or so I'm told,” she draws a idle symbol on the tabletop before going on. “Besides, profit can be made either if I'm living or dead."

Orphyn lifts a slender brow at Sisi's words, the idea of making profit from the grave both interesting and confusing. She turns and seats herself onto an empty stool with her back against the bar, a shrug aimed at Larewen as she replied, "I suppoooose." Steadmen was afforded a wink. Although he makes a nice scapegoat, there was something more devilish at work when it came to the things she could recall.

Larewen’s image flickers, the sustained flow of magic weakening momentarily. She becomes translucent, easily seen through by those around them. Sisi’s words continue to stump the necromancer, for the woman had seemed timid on their first meeting. The specter floats toward the merchant, leaving her new daughter to receive her drink in peace. Little to either know, but Steadmen is putting every charge incurred by Orphyn in her history of being here on that tab. After all, he knows Larewen’s House can afford it. To the merchant, she finally speaks again, “Curiouser and curiouser. Profit can only be made in death if you manage to cross into unlife. Were I in possession of my body, I would make a quick meal of you yet.”

Sisi looks up with amusement, the symbol she drew was really a rune Diryon taught her. With a slight fingernail touch she activates the drawn rune. "I don't know you well enough to allow you any part of me to eat." Sisi was good at playing the victim or possum, one of many merchant's emotional arasnal weapons. "

Sisi said to Larewen, "I'd barge a nibble for you, but Diryon might get upset.""

Orphyn shifts suddenly in her seat, the duster she had been wearing discarded and folded upon her arm. From an external pocket she produces a dingy, blood-stained smiley face mask. There is hardly a word and she gets up and slips the mask on, heading out into the night of Vailkrin on a mission. Maybe she had a change of heart regarding her earlier victim?

Larewen watches in curiosity as the merchant draws her rune. Considering the tavern does not seek to negate the magic, it must be for the woman’s own protection and this draws a bemused peal of disembodied laughter from the ghost. Smiley’s departure is caught from the corner of her eye, but the banshee makes no attempt to follow. The girl does well enough on her own, it seems. She’ll come home, when she has finished whatever she’s set out to do. Of that Larewen is certain. This leaves her focus on Sisi, largely taken aback by the flirtation denoted in her words. The name Diryon is familiar and the necromancer tests it upon her lips. “I’ve heard that name before.”

Sisi shivers in place as goosebumps raise the soft body hair. "Very cute, towhead blonde, well built, clean shaven male mage." She sighs aloud, a calculated side glance is given now. "Yeah...I was a bit scared for abit, but then I worked for a imp, she ran a inn and a tea house, all sorts of customers came in. Then I dated a drow, he was into the S and M scene." She was rather nonchalant.

Larewen isn’t sure what to make of Sisi, for the way in which she speaks baffles the necromancer. The merchant is far too casual, as if she doesn’t realize who or what stands before her. “You’re a strange one,” she decides, her image flickering again for a moment. Exhaustion is setting in for the specter, if you can call it that.

Sisi taps on the rune once she is sure she won't. E eaten." I get that a lot." She comments, a wink is offered. ""Perchance I will get to chance to taste you in exchange of a bite of me." Her brows wiggle as she grins, "Things could be arraigned should you wish." What was she implying?! ^_~

You furrows her brow slightly. “You would need to give me reason and show me proof that you’re worth siring, human. What would I have to gain from that?”

Sisi said to Larewen, "Hm…” taps her index finger along her bottom lip. “Well, my family connects and trade routes, a slice of the trade income, me since Diryon is gone. And I'm a rather great merchant."

Larewen has been made to feel something she hasn’t felt in quite some time: discomfort. As Sisi boasts about her ability to ply her trade, the necromancer lifts a ghastly finger, signaling silence. “I have no use for your gold. Take some time to think about the answer, human.” And with that, she vanishes.