RP:A Meeting of Ice and Wind

From HollowWiki

Ysmir , finding nothing to do in those interminable periods 'twixt healing and training, found herself wandering near the Frostmaw gates again. The elven encampment had a long way to go to recovery, but she had pitched in as much as she could, for several days now. She was growing more experienced by the day.. her dragonian intellect and wisdom providing her deep insights into her chosen fields of practice. She carried her blade and shield with more confidence, and wore her cloth and mail armor proudly, though it was wholly unsuited to the cold. Still, she was a silver, she had no problem with the frigid cold. With platinum hair, a milky complexion, and vertically slit steel grey eyes, her dragonian nature and even color would be obvious to anyone who knew much about dragon lore. Still, she had managed to keep her nature more or less a secret around Frostmaw for some time, and much preferred it that way. She busied herself peering at the magnificent gates, studying the craftsmanship behind them. She truly loved the snow, and these lands where a wonderland of pure, white snows.

Satoshi, in a state of agitation, has once more paced from one gate to the next, but rather than her mood lessening with the cycles of exercise, the kit's grown further on edge with each step--her golem on her heels. The exact reasons aren't obvious to onlookers, however, as the source is her complex ties into Frostmaw, that arcane nervous system that allows her a heightened level of defense for her lands. A wraith is in her territory, and Satoshi can feel its corruption as near-constant pings against her consciousness--despite efforts to ward off the worst of the foul shadows. Thusly, the magus is not in the best of moods, because while she knows where this wraith is and can kill it easily, it's playing the role of prisoner to her husband and is thus off-limits while it maddens her slowly.

Ysmir noticed the heavy crunching, and even slight trembling of the golem making it's way towards the gates, which brought her attention to the one it guarded... Satoshi, the Queen of Frostmaw. She looked very perturbed about something, and Ysmir didn't know if it seemed like a good idea to bother her... still, she couldn't very well ignore the Queen. That would be impolite. "A pleasure, your Highness." Ysmir said, with a gracious bow. "I hope the day finds you... well?" She probably sounded like a very foolish sycophant.

Satoshi is drawn from her silent brooding by a familiar voice. With a start she looks up at the armor-clad woman and, after a minute of staring and thinking, recalls meeting her in this same spot before. But a name doesn't quite return to the mage's faulty memory. Instead she returns the bow with a polite nod, and informal, "Hullo there, 'mere." Close, but no cigar, Satoshi. "And, aha~, the days me as well as one can hope with conditions as they are. Your own? Sophie keeping you busy?" While speaking, the kit-vampire's eyes are scanning Ysmir's form, taking in details, processing them, and storing them away. If the little dragon hunter has made a guess at Ysmir's heritage, she makes no show of it.

Ysmir had had close friends call her by the monosyllabic mir' before, but in this instance she guessed the Queen didn't remember her name. Well, they had met for only an instant, and Ysmir wasn't even sure she had told the queen her name. They probably both got eachother's name from Sophie. Ysmir see's no reason to immediately correct her, not wanting to come off as nit picky as a first impression. The queen was studying her closely, she knew, with her very piercing eyesight. "Yes, your Highness, Sophie does indeed keep me very busy. The elves have much more need of any healing I may be able to procure, and I am studying the ways of weapons intensely. I am hoping that one day, when my skills are great enough, that I will achieve the noble title of knighthood, in spite of a less than illustrious birth."

Satoshi keeps up her scrutiny--focused upon the paladin's armor, currently--while still following the conversation. She gives a nod in understanding at the mention of staying busy, and looks up with a brow raised when healing and knighthood come into the picture. "Oh? You're a healer, then? Fantastic~. A tricky art, that. As is knighthood." Glancing toward the golem looming over her in silent guardianship, and then to Frostmaw, Satoshi adds as if in afterthought, "Here, however, we knight based on skill and honor, not by birth. Birth matters little in this realm. My knight-captain was a former murderer, my squire an assassin." Hell, Satoshi's got the furthest thing from a spotless record herself~. But no sense telling the paladin that before they've had a chance to gauge each other further.

Ysmir was taken aback by Satoshi's admittance's of the pasts of her champions. Ysmir's first thought was that such titles going to such debased beings was horrid... but then she tried to soften her ideals and the stories she had always been fed, in light of trying to adapt to these strange lands. Perhaps Satoshi's forgiveness, or forbearance, in these cases was purely indicative of how trustworthy they really were... Though Ysmir steadfastly believed that in human blood lines, at least, nobility bred through bloodlines. Still, it wouldn't do to hold fast to such prejudices with such a lack of real experience in the world. Well, honestly, all told... it meant she had far greater chances of success, should she give her training her all, and find field experience. She had chances to prove herself, which was all she would need. Something bugged her still, though, about some of her presumably divine abilities... "Yes, I do heal... but I know not what power I call upon to do so. I worship no god, and though I know an intimacy to the winds, and to the cold frosts, I'm unsure where such power derives from. I just... feel it flow through me, naturally, as though an intrinsic part of my character. I have yet to seek the counsel of one wiser than I on the matter." She had theories, of course. She hadn't always had these powers... perhaps some benevolent deity gave them to her, because she truly followed that deity in her heart, even if she didn't know his or her name. Or, perhaps, it was really something even closer to her... she had to know, eventually.

Satoshi makes a thoughtful sound, absently leaning back against the broad legs of her golem as she mulls on the paladin's words. "That es an interesting thing, no doubt. There's all sorts of theories that could go with it," oh no, she's entering scholar mode, "but hazarding a guess without anything to go off than those few words would be... a tad silly. If it's answers you want on a magical ability, however, you're in the right place~. Myself and another here are part of the Mage's Guild and learned in magical theory. I'm likewise a healer of sorts, although mine is not the divine type. There are also naturally-trained mages among us, a few paladins, warders, a runist, scholar, and what equates to a jumbled ball of peculiar arcane and divine knowledge, for my husband." To sum it up, a whole army of people willing to experi- work with Ysmir to figure her out.

Ysmir was surprised to hear that Frostmaw held such a scholarly magical element to it. Ideas swam in Ysmir's head, and her curiosity was piqued. She knew little of magic, but wanted desperately to know from whence her abilities came, and how to harness them. It would probably be crucial to her future. "I would absolutely cherish the opportunity to learn more about myself, and these magics, you Highness, if you deem fit to give me such aid." Ysmirs eyes lit up at the possibilities. She seemed genuinely pleased with the idea, and quite enthused as well.

Satoshi pushes herself off the golem to offer Ysmir a sweeping bow, followed by a cattish wink. "Deem it fit~? I live to learn, m'dear, and we both stand to learn in this endeavor. So I suppose, firstly, can you readily access your healing, or does it come forth unbidden at times of need? I'd like to see it in use, y'see. I might be able to get a better sense of its origins when it's active. Otherwise, I'd have to go digging through your essence with my magic, and that's an all-around tricky affair." Doubly so, if Ysmir is of draconic descent that she appears to be. Last time Satoshi sent her magics searching through another's for answers, it was a lycan with an affinity for fire, and it had ended painfully for them both.

Ysmir paused to consider, but only for a moment... she had a quick mind. "My magic comes at my bidding, and it feels divine. I don't have to do much to channel it... I basically focus on what I want, and wave my arm, and feel the energies gather, and release them." Ysmir decided to give her a practical demonstration. She drew a cooking knife from her side, and pulled back her cloth and mail sleeve, drawing a deep gash along her arm. She simply waved the other arm, the magic bidden in her mind, and a light shined from above, seemingly from nowhere, and cast upon the spot, closing the wound quickly. She wiped the excess blood off with a handkerchief from a pouch, before pulling her sleeve back up. She cared about her appearances. "It isn't very powerful, but it can help heal most anything... broken bones even. It has become more potent since I've been using it frequently, though it remains easy to draw forth. I can only use it in limited quantities, too... It.. 'runs out', I suppose."

Kirien hops energetically along through the snow to one side of the path itself, his boots crunching in the white blanket, a broad grin visible on pallid features amidst a whirl of snowflakes. Apparently he's quite pleased with himself for some reason. Heading toward the gate, the empath's in the midst of raising an arm to wave to the guards stationed at Frostmaw's eastern entrance when he comes to notice Satoshi's presence nearby, and the vague formation of a stranger surrounded by intermittent flickers of magic - in his queer form of perception, at least. "Oh? 'Allo, lovelies." It's a greeting to them both, of course. Satoshi in particular earns herself a curious wiggle of vulpine ears and a certain pleasant swish of tail.

Sephrene had been referred to this place by her employer, having been sent on a mission to collect info, but that was not the only thing on her mind this day, she was searching for the woman and man that did it in the first place and had planned on crashing through their house and wrecking it. She had been walking through the dreadful cold unaffected, her body surrounded by a warm current of air that she kept around her at all times in places like this, and it was days like these that made her wish she had chosen an easier way of life. Not paying attention however also led to problems, for she slipped on a rather icy patch that she had blindly chose to walk upon, catching herself but hurting her hands on the way to the ground. When she finally stood and straightened out her gown did she see the group gathered, "Greetings... Nice weather isn't it?" she offered with a warm and friendly smile.

Redovian walks into view from the north, the paladin looking to his queen and those here.

Satoshi's observation of the healing display is interrupted by pulses thrice flickering against her consciousness from Frostmaw's snowy nervous system. Two are a familiar signature, her kindred spirit and covenmate, Kirien, as well as the fiery essence of the paladin, Redovian. The other is an unknown, however, and thus instead of looking toward Kirien at his greeting, the magus' eyes are turned toward the mountain path in time to behold the slip and fall. A brow is arched in an expression of vague curiosity. "The best weather, truly. But if that bit of ice proves tricky, you're not going to like what's beyond the gates." Nodding past the golem towering above her, Satoshi indicates the snowy landscape that waits to test those that are allowed through by the pair of Frost Giant guards present.

Satoshi, could she read minds, might have told Sephrene how finding Satoshi's house is impossible without prior knowledge of its existence and the technique needed to reach it. She didn't run the assassin's guild and a city without knowing how to keep pests out of her front yard~.

Redovian seems a bit restless, as his left hand strums the hilt of his katana as he watches the going ons of things here. A small smirk forming upon his lips at Satoshi's comments, before he exhales a sigh and waits. Mayhaps soemthing will happen here?

Ysmir many auspicious presences were drawn to the Frostmaw gates today, it seemed. Ysmir allowed herself the vanity of thinking her magic had drawn them, for a moment. A passing fancy. The Queen addressed a feline that had slipped, and seemed almost as though she needed no hello's for the vulpine man. A paladin approached from within the city, and Ysmir wondered just why all these people were suddenly gathering... The gates of Frostmaw didn't seem so well traveled. She held herself straight, and with dignity, straightening her cloth and mail armor and preparing to greet anyone interested in her with a polite introduction, and her name.

Satoshi said to Redovian, "I hope your training is going well~." Hint hint, to the other hard-training paladin present. "And work in Larket?"

Redovian said to Satoshi, "My training does go well. I was disappointed in the ogre's of Gamorg in the attack I was apart of, after having trained against the exiled frost giants here. By Cyris' grace my blade cut down many a vile ogre in retribution against the parasite."

Kirien pauses mid-step on his short journey to Satoshi's side, looking as though something has captured his interest all of a sudden; but his gaze strays downwards rather than in the direction of any gathered here at the gates. Canting his head, he stares at the frozen ground as though it's the most fascinating thing he's ever come across before. Knowing the terramancer, it probably is. After but a second though, he's hopping forward another step to skim a foot or so across the path to Satoshi and her companion, ending up skidding to a halt near enough to the other foxkin that he can reach and tweak one of her ears. He remains silent but she'll receive a grin should she look his way.

Kirien said to Redovian, "I've heard ogres' brains are about the size of a walnut. Never tried seein' if this is true though."

Satoshi meets Kirien's ground staring with a meaningful look, a finger pressed to her lips in a 'shh' gesture while she winks once.

Redovian said to Kirien, "I did not care to look. My blade felled the foul beasts and I continued on my way."

Sephrene fixes her gaze on the one that spoke to her, and the one that had begun speaking to the paladin of Cyris, if that is what he called himself. Before delving too deep into that thought however she went back to the woman, and looking at her, she fit the description she was given as the one named Satoshi, atleast she hoped it was her, for that would make the search much easier. Moving closer to the group, she made sure to watch the ground this time, intent on not slipping again. When she did stop, she was just outside the small group of individuals whom she vaguely recognized, seeing one of them as the woman whom she had sneezed on last week, and then the paladin. She remembers Kirien from seeing him a couple of times, but otherwise she didn't know whom Satoshi really was. "Hello. I am Seprhene Ryder." she stuck her hand out in offer to the strange woman, her ears perked and her tail wrapped about her waist.

Kirien catches a hint of Satoshi's gestures, or maybe just the sentiments behind them. She gets another gentle ear tweak while Redovian prompts a brief flash of fangs in a broad grin. "Sounds like you had fun."

Redovian said to Kirien, "I do enjoy battle, when there is meaning behind it."

Satoshi regards the offered hand with a blank expression and doesn't reach to return the favor. Instead, her left hand is raised in a brief salute--that doubles as a Kirien-hand-swatting, and her golem mimics the peculiar greeting seconds later. "Greetings. What brings you to Frostmaw?" No name is given, but considering the annoying number of wanna-be assassins, Parasite-zealots, and so on, Satoshi doesn't readily offer her name or welcome to anyone within Frostmaw's borders anymore. Not before she determines where they stand, like the current large bunch gathered around her. Aside from possibly the dragon, she knows she can entrust her life to them.

Sephrene withdraws her hand, one brow twitching in irritation, being one to easily anger she didn't take it personally, it was just something certain people didn't care to do. In a few moments she found herself just staring at the woman, her thoughts wandering, going on tangents about when Satoshi would be alone, how long this would take, and when would her next fight be. She was eager to get this over with. Sephrene had fighting in her blood and was trained to control the air as only a master of the destructive element could. Around her, the current of air however got a little warmer, feeding off of her slight anger that was unintentionally created by the woman before her. "I am just a traveller. I hear that the snows of these mountains and the town make it a beautiful place, all times of the year even. I just thought that perhaps I take a break and come up here to relax."

Kirien 's focus is on Redovian as Satoshi appears to be dealing with the feline stranger, though he spares the unknown woman a brief glance before looking back to the paladin. "Did I miss a meaningful battle?" he asks with maybe the slightest pout on his lips as his hand is smacked away by Satoshi. Lowering his arm, he stuffs both hands into his pockets and rocks back on his heels some. "Damn. Guess I was too busy indulging in pleasure crimes." What Kirien refers to here is entirely questionable but judging by the somewhat amused smirk curling up the corners of his mouth, it's probably not exactly innocent. Sephrene's brief flare of anger prompts another glance her way. "...Relaxing, eh?" he says smoothly and with a slight lift of brow. The sensation drifting from her hints the opposite of that to the empath. "Also, beautiful this place is but goddamn is it vicious." This actually applies to the cryomancer at his side, thinks Kirien; and because of that idle thought he ends up grinning again.

Satoshi said to Sephrene, "It is a beautiful land, but this is not the place to relax. The city of Frostmaw is at war. Seek Chartsend, if you want a place the Parasite hasn't looked... yet." While the kit's tone is neutral and her face devoid of expression, there is an underlying current of vexation for the handful of tourists that have wandered in assuming the City of War was a vacation spot during these chaotic times. This annoyance manifests itself in a less than subtle rumble from the permafrost they stand upon, and a crackle as the snow hardens into slick ice, ripples of power coursing between Lady Frostmaw and her territory. The guards nearby shift uncomfortable, assuming another of the frequent earthquakes is at hand. "Those that enter here are those that will face the Leech, only."

Satoshi glances sidelong at Kirien. "So -that's- why you're so chipper."

Kirien slides Satoshi is look laced with total amusement. "I'd give you all the juicy details but you'd have gone mad by the end of it." A pause. "Well. Madder." He says that affectionately, and hopefully all he'll get for it is a jab in the ribs or something. "Part of it involves squid."

Sephrene tilts her head as her gaze flicks to Kirien, curious if he could sense her intentions, but otherwise she remained unaware that it was Satoshi who caused anything that was happening with the rumbling. Sighing, the air around her got noticeably warmer, keeping the cold from getting near her form as the woman spoke. "The parasite? the Leech? I do not know of the things miss. And if they are such a threat.. why are you here? I have not heard of such creatures and I also do not know where said Chartsend it..." her tail flicked, agitated that she was being deflected so easily. She knew it would be a more difficult job, but this was going to be quite the test of her already dwindling patience. She began to wonder if this was the right day for this activity, perhaps another. Should she put it off some more... No... she must do this now.

Redovian sits by and watches, now leaning up against a nearby wall.

Satoshi does indeed jab Kirien's ribs, even as she gives the strange feline an incredulous look. "Do you live under a feckin' rock? The Parasite, the Leech, the Time Lord. G'damn -Vuryal-. Y'know, the bloody ball-licker running amok in the lands causing wars from one end of the map to the other?" The ground shakes again, this time more forcably and provoking sharp spikes of ice to thrust up in the frost between herself and Sephrene. Above her and sensing the kit's volatile moods, the golem grinds his behemoth fists together, even as Satoshi continues on with a shake of her head, seething, "Glad to know all our blood, lives, and energy are going noticed by the rest of the world. Pack of useless fools, skulking about in their booze-sinks."

Kirien 's expression remains entirely unreadable, and anything he has picked up on from Sephrene is not spoken of at all. He does wince a bit at Satoshi's jab, expected and perhaps deserved as it was, though. "Hey, even the people that live under rocks know who the hell the Parasite is," he adds in a hushed tone, apparently having decided to take her words literally despite understanding the phrase. Underfoot, the ground gives a tremor that is not caused by his hand and he grants it a curious stare, before hopping in place just once. "Hm."

Sephrene stands there and takes the insult with a mere curling of her upper lip, only to reveal her fangs. Then realizing that it probably wouldn't be best to fight here, with the large golems and the two others there to help the woman if need be, she lowerd and smiled, the idea that the woman was causing these strange events such as the quake and the spikes starting to form in her head. The playful thought of a thought pressed itself against the bars of her will, wanting her to see blood, wanting her to draw the double swords on her back and create chaos once more while the current of air around her swirled, steadily growing stronger. A few inches she rose above the ground, floating on the air below. "Well.. you are the rude one aren't you. And I know whom Vuryal is, just if you are referring to him as the parasite and leech, then I am sorry to say that I was ignorant to those names!" she growled, her tail lashing angrily, her hair actually going from its blonde to auburn.

Redovian uses the thumb of his left hand to pop up the hilt of his katana an inch or two out of the sheath. A simple motion, that due to his position, one wouldn't even notice, but would allow for a quicker draw of the masterwork blade if need be. This woman would dare come to Satoshi's kingdom and think it smart to try and be arrogant? While to all present, the paladin seems calm, he has noticed an increased desire for battle as of late. He hoped the woman would make a move, so she could become just another stain upon his blade.

Kirien , all of a sudden, has a ruby broadsword in one hand. How exactly he drew it so fast is unknown - but then, knowing Heresy, perhaps he never did draw the thing in the first place. Whatever the case, the blade's razor edge is now angled across jagged splines of ice for the feline's throat, though the empath's features reveal nothing of his emotions or motivations. There is, however, the slightest tint of irritation to his voice when he speaks. "Insulting my sister around myself es generally a bad idea, madam - unless of course, you enjoy being roughly impaled."

Satoshi quirks a brow, nonplussed by the levitating feline. All things considered as far as family and rivals go, it's a commonplace sight. "It'd seem so, as the entire world refers to him as the Parasite." The very thought of the Time Lord gets Satoshi's blood boiling, doubly so when one of his pets is currently imprisoned in Frostmaw, a shadowy claw at the back of her mind as a constant reminder. But no such darkness comes from Sephrene. What the lands and her own abilities tell of her the stranger is that she possesses some aeromancy ability, and is a bundle of tension. She's given a sneer at that, her melodic voice gaining a sharp tinge of authority, "So, tell me why you're -actually- in Frostmaw, as not a damn person comes here for vacation or to relax. This land devours the weak, no one remains idle here."

Sephrene smiles wickedly, her eyes dropping to the ground before slowly rising to Satoshi's face. She ignored the presence of the other two males, figuring that as long as they couldn't fly, she should be fine high up in the air. However when she was confronted so directly by the woman before her, she decides to come honest. Her hands slip to her back, the two sheaths bound tight, but the swords easily ripped from their casings. One was a peculiar blue-steel with the ability to separate and become a whip. The other however was shimmering yellow, almost golden, her own personal family weapon. The wind picked up around her and she raised steadily to the air, both above and away from the woman and her golems. "Alright then.. I shall reveal my purpose. I was sent here to find out whom you are Satoshi... But of course with the information I was given you weren't that hard to find. However i was supposed to find out other information. Anything else is none of your business. But I will tell you one more thing, probably will reveal the rest of the story. Return his hoard and the scales and I will take my leave!"

Satoshi laughs. Just laughs. "That useless bag of scales sent -you-? After conceding defeat willingly? I knew he was a fool, but I didn't think he was -that- idiotic. I'll assume, for his sake, a part of his sandcastle fell on his head after he surrendered. Oh, and princess flutter-'round, think twice about your methods," Satoshi calls, glancing up at Sephrene with a wide, vulpine grin as the glacial form of Asorial finds its presence within her hand. It's in that instant that the feline will find Frostmaw's ice-laden winds do not readily heed her call, their elaborate binding with Satoshi's essence allowing something of a hi-jacking by the Magister Templi. In the distance, a roar like an avalanche is heard, as Cryothain--likewise carrying a bond to Frostmaw, although weaker--is awoken to the threat within her airspace. The pair of guards at the gate reach for their weapons out of habit, but refrain from approaching in the immediate. "Your newt of a master just sentenced you to death. I return -nothing- I rightfully win, but I will return your head to him."

Kirien :: It's probably not a wise idea to ignore Kirien when he's brandishing a weapon, especially not when said weapon is effectively possessed of its own intelligence through a rather morbid means of unpleasant emotion siphoning. Heresy is not a happy entity - the ruby broadsword in the empath's grasp constantly emits a malignant aura that will be felt by those nearby who are perceptive enough to pick up on it, its voice an unearthly whirl of whispers that tug at the edges of one's hearing. Through the means of melding himself partially to the earth, at least mentally, he's able to perceive Sephrene just above his domain of normal sight, and manages not to become distracted by the snowflakes in the process. Even with his odious blade in hand and a glint now shining in his eye, Kirien remains still, not one to attack first. Good things come to those who wait.

Redovian reacts as soon as the woman foolishly goes to grab her swords, the man using the space between the giant sized stones that make up the wall to find a foothold to propel himself up with startling dexterity. The leather armor he wears no hindering such an act in the least. Up one, two, three and four boulders goes the divine swordsmen, the paladin reaching the top of the last stone in a matter of seconds, to leap into the air. The act seems foolish in of itself, given the distance between the feline and himself, but the truth of his actions are revealved the moment another thunderous roar erupts fro behind the massive stone wall to Redovian's rear. Cryothain, the ancient guardian frost dragon of Frostmaw, swoops down with predatory grace, the paladin landing upon the wyrm's back and finding a leathery mane to grab hold of. Now airborne upon Cryothain, the paladin draws his sacred blade, the entire length of the razor sharp instrument become sheathed in holy fire. It seems Sephrene has bit off a bit more than she could chew this day.

Kirien huffs a chilly breath and murmurs, "Paladins an' dragons. Prone to bein' flashy bastards in any situation." His faint grin hints that he means it playfully.

Satoshi shares Kirien's sentiment, privately. Mostly because of her husband.

Satoshi whispered to Kirien, "Is it a motivator that Riss had a similar ability...~?"

Sephrene sighs, the first thing to dissapoint her about this place is the wind, barely controllable in such an environment and in the presence of the woman that obviously had the upperhand here. Without the wind all she had was her emotions and her swords. Those she could probably fight well enough with, but not against three plus a dragon. She didn't even expect a dragon to appear and that angered her a bit, realizing that she would not survive this day, and the chances of getting her employer's hoard back were nil, so she resheathed her swords. "Perhaps I have made a small mistake. My battle was to be with you Satoshi.. Not with your friends. I fear I may have caught you at the wrong time, and so I will take my leave." she drew out the fang that was given her a few weeks back, just for a situation like this. Biting on it, she cracked the weathered ivory and the magic within was released, swirling around her and concealing her form. "Good bye for now Satoshi, perhaps when I catch you alone or atleast in another area, will I choose to fight. For now I am vastly overpowered." the magic made her vanish and teleported her to the castle in the desert.

Kirien wraps his free arm firmly about Satoshi's shoulders, Heresy still held in the other hand as a safety measure. "Clearly we'll have to lock you up now someone's after you," he says, and judging by his smirk can't quite manage to remain entirely serious

Satoshi rolls her eyes, Asorial dissapating with a hiss. "Like employer, like pet. Pack of bloody fools. Pity for that one, I'm never alone~." All around, Satoshi seems peeved to have yet another talker turn tail after throwing insults. "Note to self, next time don't spare the dragon. Cut off his head when he bows it in defeat."

Satoshi said to Kirien, "Ha~! Is that furball supposed to worry me? The -Leech- is after me, a flying cat is a speck of dust by comparison."

Redovian sighs, and then notices he is still on Cryothain,and quickly finds a place to get off, seeing as the beast doesn't care for those she does not really know. The paladin seems rather upset the woman left, and says. " Well, that was a disappointment."

Satoshi said to Redovian, "As was the last one. Interested in a hunt? I'll make you a fantastic present, if you do~."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "I am at your command, my Queen. *offers a bow*"

Kirien slides Satoshi a glance that hints to the fact he was definitely being sarcastic beforehand. "Cats can be dangerous though - I mean, what if you're allergic?" He laughs, the sound an amused and somewhat mocking at the feline's rather foolish attempt just now. Looking to Redovian, he states with a pointed tap to his head, "Pretty sure hers was about walnut-sized, too."

Kirien is a complete and utter bastard sometimes.

Kirien picked it up from Kasyr. Totally.

Satoshi smirks at the paladin while leaning into Kirien's hold slightly, quartet of tails jerking with quiet frustration. "Bring the dragon's pet back, and I'll find something suitable to reward you. Something to go with that lovely sword of yours, perhaps."

Satoshi said to Kirien, "Part ogre?" Her face is frozen in mock-horror. "Ew."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "I shall leave this instant, My Queen."

Redovian said to Kirien, "I shall find out soon enough. *smirks*"

Satoshi shouted, "Unleash the Cyrisling!"

Kirien 's own tail wiggles as Heresy, apparently as frustrated as others here but a little more obvious about it, forcefully wrenches itself from his grip and slashes through the air twice, before shrinking abruptly. The empath leans slightly to catch the weapon, now returned to its dormant gemstone form, and tucks it into a pocket with a sigh as he gives Satoshi an affectionate little squeeze. She's too short to nuzzle against when they're standing, he realises with some disappointment.

Redovian shouted, "* A thunderous collection of battlecries call out as the Frost Giant's present harold the paladin's unleashing*"

Satoshi said to Redovian, "I don't have any ability with teleportation magic, but go to the Outpost. They'll provide you a mount." Cryothain's given a shake and snort at the interruption to her nap that ended with no meal, departing with an enraged roar and a glare for Satoshi. "Aha. A less temperamental mount."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "I leave at once."

Redovian heads to the outpost.

Kirien 's ears perk up a bit at the mention of the Outpost. "Come to think of it, I've yet to visit that place," he murmurs somewhat thoughtfully.

Satoshi whisks Kirien away to the Outpost, to explain the Eyrie and properly recruit him! Buahaha.

Sephrene turns to look at the man, "A little warm isn't it? hehehe.. You were sent just to come after me weren't you? I am sure of it, no way in hell you would want to 'play with me'

Redovian eyes the woman and replies in a calm manner. " I shall offer you the chance to come along quietly, and no harm shall befall you by my hands." After these words are spoken, the paladin's eyes rise up to lock upon the woman in a dangerous manner as he says. " Resist, and I cannot garuntee you will go unharmed. For one way or another, you are going to stand before my queen once more."

Sephrene laughs, gripping her two swords and drawing them for the second time that day, the second time in the last hour. "Perhaps I will go if you subdue me. However i warn you, I am in my element now, your precious queen can't hinder me here. And i am surprised that Dragon isn't here, however I figure being of the mountains, it wouldn't survive the desert, however I will fight here, just don't damage anything... If you do, I will get pissed." her auburn hair was an indication that she was already angry.

Redovian shows no outward sign of any emotion in responce to the woman's threats, save for drawing his own blade as he readies himself. " Very well, come, give me everything you got."

Sephrene nods slowly, her form immediately concealed by billowing sand and swirling winds. In fact while this wall hid her, she was retreating, the winds in the area strong on this day as the sun shone upon the palace and the surrounding desert. "It was not wise to come here paladin. I will not go so easily. There is a reason why I am a mercenary." The winds were gathering around her swords. Her anger had risen to a level that has allowed her control over the wicked element of fire. The winds that were engulfing her swords were immediately ignited and the fires spread, becoming the sub-element of blaze. She knew that this was a wild way to go but she was not going to let up, this was the most exciting thing that has happened to her in a while. With a flick of her head, the wall of sand shot out to envelop Redovian, to hopefully blind him enough so that her attack may follow through. Sephrene struck the ground, releasing the fury of the wild fire upon the paladin. Two horizontal tornadoes shot out towards him, engulfing and incinerating anything caught in their walls, which meant all of her employer's precious plants in his garden. Any of the fragile stone work was blown away by the blazing winds, the fires lapping at the palace, hungrily trying to devour the structure as they expanded, also wanting to devour the man whom was on the opposite side of the court.

Redovian watches as the mercenary unleashes a duel bladed attack, and stands idle as the sand comes down upon him. Indeed, it blocks his view of her, but it also blocls her view of him and his actions. The words of prayer leave his lips as the torrents of flame are sent forth by the woman, a small smile forming upon his lips as the medallion about his neck begins to shine with divine power. Seika, the celestial guardian of holy fire, sweeps out from the realm in which she resides, to aid her charge in his time of need. The magically manipulated flames meet the holy fire of the god Cyris. The forces of the arcane and the forces of the divine clash, causing a tremendous torrent of fire to build up around the man, spiraling up and over the area with tremendous destructive force, and with Redovian in the eye of this storm. It was odd, how peaceful being there was, with Seika's presence bringing with it a sort of calm serenity that always gave the paladin a boost of confidence in such situations. For a moment, it would seem to Sephrene that the flames may have devoured Redovian, but to think so would be a folley, as the man channels divine power into the sacred blade he weilds, and with the combined power of his unwavering faith, and the mystical powers of the celestial guardian Seika, Redovian sends the torrent of flame that surrounds him right back at Sephrene. The mercenary now faces her own attack, amplified by the holy power of the god of freedom and independence. The man watches as the destructive force renders all things in its path to ashes, allowing Sephrene a glimpse at what awaits her should she continue to fight so defiantly.

Sephrene doesn’t wait idly by as her own strike is sent forth towards the man, instead, she backs off further and takes to the air. Quickly she rose above normal heights, rising above the palace with its caved in roof. She was furious when she gazes upon the paladin to find him unscathed. Perhaps something a bit more, vicious would be necessary as she watches her attack get sent back to the place from which she was only moments before she had lifted off. The flames splashed against the courtyard, consuming all the organic life. Obviously fire would not be the way to go with this man. She was whispering things to herself, the winds around her gathering much quicker, she was gathering the desert winds to aid her in this fight. The heated air swirled around her form, eventually becoming strong enough to start drawing in small debris, mostly sand. When she touched the ground again, the fires were trying to devour her, but her cyclone of sand was preventing it, and the loss of visibility was a necessary sacrifice for her own protection. The mercenary started laughing at the way things have turned out even, her body electrifying rapidly, eventually bolts of lightning firing at the walls of the tornado, the immense heat turning chunks of sand into glass, and then the force of the winds breaking it to bits. If the man were to get close enough, he would find his body riddled with shrapnel. However this was all happening over the span of a few moments and hopefully he would not so quickly cross the sea of flames that separated them. She needed to get rid of him fast anyways, putting more of her energy into this stroke of genius. This was going to be rather fun for her. The winds had picked up bits of rubble from the courtyard, “feel the power of the storm in the desert Redovian.. Paladin of Cyris.” She pulled the cyclone closer to her , the wall spinning faster the smaller it got, the more compact it became. That is when she acted. The bottom of the tornado lifted off the ground, and like a drill went straight for Redovian, Sephrene’s horizontal frame at the tip of the whirling beast. The sand, glass, rubble was hopefully going to be enough to grind the man to bits.

Redovian watched as the woman created a sandstorm to hide in, and smirked as she vanished within. She was playing it safe, and the paladin could not blame her. The blessed ring of Kanos that he has, given to him for his service to the ascendi by the High Priest Marcellus, comes into play when the lightning bolts are sent forth, the Ascendi's domain of choice for this encounter being time. While not near the level of a chronomancer, Redovian is able to avoid the bolts of electricity because of such. But, what happens next is quite unexpected, as his opponent heads at him with reckless abandon in a whirlwind of destruction. Is is here that once again Seika comes to the aid of the paladin, rushing forth like a tidal wave of holy fire to meet the mercenary and her unorthodox attack. Indeed, the sand about the paladin is blown force by the overwhelming power of the celestial being, the intense heat of the divine flames that erupt throughout the area causing the sand to turn to glass much in the same manner Sephrene's attack did, though this time instead of simple shards, a jagged stucture of razor shapr glass is erected about the paladin. Seika continues on her course, rushing forth to meet Sephrene's attack. While not a corpreal being and posing no physical threat, the sheer fact that she is a creatutre composed of divine fire is enough to cause concern. Should Sephrene not be quick, he direct assault will lead her first into a wave of holy fire by means of Seika, and then a jagged structure of razor sharp glass waiting to meet the woman like a line of spearmen in the frontlines of an army. With the powerful gale force winds, Redovian has to brace himself within his enclosure, and hope that the woman isn't foolish enough to take such damage head on.

Sephrene felt a halt in her plans as her tornado got unusually hot and the sands started to melt. Quickly she stopped her spinning at its heart and the tornado died down, herself ascending back up to the sky, safely away from any attack that he may have sent her way. She was breathing hard as her winds broke down, her energy depleted. This was ridiculous. She actually had hoped that she had a chance to kill this man that intruded upon her employer’s home. Things would not go well for her if this was but a mere handyman of the Ice queen. With a sigh, she swiped her hand and the winds in the courtyard broke down fully, leaving just his creatures, the ‘Seika’ of divine fire. She had been subdued, just like she hoped not to have happened. Her ideas were crushed, this man was too great for her skills, or at least he had too much help from other places for her to deal with. Slowly she floated back to the ground, to a safe place and called out to the Paladin in a resigned voice, “I give up… You win Redovian… I can’t fight anymore.” She was on her knees, her hands pressed against the damage stonework of the court in fists.

Redovian watches as the woman declares her surrender, and makes his way over towards her, but making sure to keep a decent distance. He calls out to her. " Very well. I hope you have honor enough to go back on your own, and not have me force you." He hopes she has honor, he doesnt feel like dragging the woman back kicking and screaming.

Sephrene sighs, nodding slowly. "I will probably get there before you even." with that her form is concealed within a powerful gale, however when it dissipates, she is gone

Roytoc didn't like flying, no not at all, flying made him nervous, and he could never shrug the feeling of falling to his doom. Nevertheless, he needed to get to Frostmaw fast and efficiently, therefore Sanguis, his apprentice's dragon, would do just fine. Though as the Drow lifted over the ridge of a rather high peak he heard quite the commotion, many jovial Roars and shouts, of course it was the Frost giants, but why were they… celebrating maybe? The Ranger would swoop low on Sanguis, the blood-red dragon quite obvious in the skies, though Roy was sure he had clearance, surely he should have checked before he flew in. The brisk wind would blow his cowl back, revealing his stark-white hair and ebon skin, as well as the heart of his vest had Frostmaw's banner sewn to it, and it seemed to glimmer in the winter atmosphere. Sanguis landed rather roughly, not appreciating Roy at all, and in turn the Drow would go flying off the beast maybe some ten feet away. The Drow would crash into the snow with a tumble and a slide, he tried to catch himself but failed miserably, but to his pride, he still got up rather quickly. Hands would swiftly brush off snow as the dizzy Drow began looking to where people once were, he seemed lost on direction now, "Damn beast," He mumbled in a groggy tone.

Satoshi, returning from escorting Kirien to the Outpost, finds her eye caught by a flash of red. Seconds later, as she's turning toward the sight, the snowy lands inform her of a dragon's landing and a second, smaller, something being dropped in the process. The magus spots Roytoc sliding across the snow then, the Ranger's appearance and signature upon Frostmaw's essence drawing a smile from her. "I see now why your kind prefers to live below ground~," Satoshi calls by way of greeting, as a pair of young ice wyverns soaring overhead in a precautious swoop to ensure the Red and its rider are allies and not foe. The kit waves them off with a gesture. "Welcome back to the lands, Ranger."

Roytoc gave his Queen a hearty nod, he hadn't seen her in weeks, and it was quite nice to see the one so kind to anoint him as First Ranger. "Indeed, I haven't been to this wonderful kingdom in at least two weeks. A lot of things have been happening, Larket most of all. I have been giving them some relief with my medicinal abilities, as well as helping them fight off those wraiths. Speaking of which, my apprentice's lover, Raziel, defeated one in combat, a powerful druid one at that. The wraith got away, so it is still running rampant wherever they go, but still, that is still another victory for us." A mighty grin would splay across the Drow's face as well as his arms spreading out, seeming to take in the surrounding snowy area. Light steps would take the Drow to his queen, where he would nod once again. Stone-gray eyes would take in her appearance, she looked very different from last he had seen her, and he would look different to her as well. The left of Roy's face was now rough and of a lighter hue than the rest of his skin, it had been horribly burned, and It looked as if it had trouble healing. "Do you have a new tail?" The Ranger would ask, for really it made him curious. "As well as, what has been happening on your end, Sato?" Ebon arms would cross over the man's sturdy chest.

Satoshi said to Roytoc, "Preparing, as always, and waiting. I too defeated one of the Leech's wraiths, as did my husband last night. He managed to capture the thing, it's imprisoned here currently." Satoshi's eyes darken at this thought, once more feeling that shadowy pressure that is Pyoshia's presence in her lands. Additonally, being unaware that Raziel's and Kasyr's victories were over the same wraith, Satoshi can't reassure Roytoc about the creature's capture. Instead she simply shrugs one-sided, glancing at the black tail making a fourth to her collection. "Aye, I did, a bit ago. Obnoxious thing. But that aside, it's good to have you back, Ranger. War is blooming~."

Roytoc nodded, the fight against the wraiths seemed to be going well, but getting too cocky would indeed be bad. "I see, that is good then, we are all doing our parts," Roy said with a soft smile. A wraith imprisoned in Frostmaw, well that was something to watch out for, If Roy got the chance he might as well check things out. "I know, war is blooming. I have been hearing rumors about things in Rynvale, though I haven't been able to prove them true or false, it seems to bode ill with many." The First Ranger was sure his queen would know about it if he didn't. "Also, I few days ago, I learned of something curious. I found out that The Wizard had been making his home in Frostmaw lately. I know not his name, nor he mine, but we have known each other for a very long time and we seemed to have named each other as nemesis. I have nothing against him though, he seems to despise me, I'm sure you would recognize him. Overly pointy hat, a large lack of teeth, goofy face, and a deep nasally voice." Roy's face didn't crack a smile at this description, though it was truly hilarious.

Satoshi allows an amuse smile to flicker across her features. "Rynvale suffered damage, but we did worse to Gamorg in response. And yes, the wizard Svilfon resides here. He is my family, and a savior numerous times. You'll also find the terramancers Kirien and Dami, the runist Markos, the healer Ysmir, and the paladin Reodvian have been added to our numbers, among many others. We've raised the banner of war alongside Larket and Rynvale, to destroy the Leech. Additionally," here she halts to give Roytoc a close look, "do not approach the wraith, if you discover where we've put it. I won't risk an escape by wards being tripped. The little bug is my husband's to deal with. ...however much I want to crush it myself."

Roytoc let a smile etch across his face at this, "Indeed, that is grand news. Frostmaw is a force to be reckoned with." Truly this brought some sunshine to the Drow's lately bleak life. "Svilfon, you say… odd name. Svil-fon… Hmm," The curiosity could be noticed in his tone, "I have an advantage over him now, whereas I know his name he does not know mine. I will have to speak with him soon. As for the others, I will get to them soon, but they are unimportant in my priorities compared to Svilfon… Kirien I have already met." Roytoc's thoughts would drastically change as she ordered him not to go near the wraith, he wouldn't check now, "Yes my queen, I will not approach the wraith." It had been a bad idea anyway. "I've been noticing the wolves of Frostmaw acting strangely lately, as well as odd… rumblings… if you do not know why I am sure I can figure it out."

Satoshi's grin takes an impish twist. But what she's musing over is something she keeps to herself for the time being, and instead answers Roytoc... somewhat. "I know the reasons behind it, yes, and it isn't something to worry over. Frostmaw is preparing itself for war, in many ways." The cryomancer sees no reason to tell anyone outside the Coterie--as secrets can't exist among them anyway--about her essence woven into Frostmaw's. It'd serve as a useful surprise for invading enemies, if kept a proper secret. What had destroyed Bozrah could very well repeat its performance when the time comes.

Sephrene appears in a large gale of desert wind. She looks defeated and resigned, having been humiliated and beaten

Redovian makes his way back to where his Queen is.

Satoshi bristles at the sudden reappearance of the feline from earlier, until she notices Sephrene seems considerably more deflated than before. "Back again?" she asks in a drawl, brow arched.

Sephrene growls in response to the woman that had sent her Paladin after her, "I was not strong enough to beat Redovian. Otherwise I would have sent him to you in pieces"

Satoshi said to Sephrene, "If he was not strong enough to defeat you, he wouldn't be a part of Frostmaw."

Redovian shows no emotional responce to Sephrene's comment.

Redovian in fact, he returns back to his favorite spot on the wall, leaning and being all nonchalant.

Satoshi said to Redovian, "You, Cyrisling, are a god's blessing, I'm quite certain."

Roytoc only nodded to his queen, "Yes Sato, I trust you and your judgment completely, I have no need to ask questions of you. Frostmaw is an amazing kingdom that I am glad to be serving, always vigilant and ever resourceful. Only the strong can survive here!" A grin akin to his queen's would appear upon his face, very much looking more malicious than anything, he was a Drow. Stone-eyes would watch the appearance of a feline and the paladin his queen spoke of, he had seen him before, a nod would be sent to each of them. "Do you need my aid with anything, Sato?" Roy would ask.

Redovian said to Satoshi, "I am honored by your compliment, my Queen. *bows*"

Sephrene slowly stands from her kneeling position, her anger rising once again, "All I need is My Employer's scales and his hoard..." she repeated it once more, though this time it was more demanding of her to speak of it since she was in the position of submission.

Derry appeared via spontaneous combustion near the crowd, the wounded vampire looking about as he seems to barely manage to stand on his own two feet," I hate ogres..." was all that was heard from his lips.

Roytoc 's fine brow would arch at the sight of… a man combusting out of nowhere, Roy barely ever saw such things. He was not a Drow who appreciated magic.

Redovian would offer Derry a nod, should he happen to look his way.

Satoshi gives Roytoc a look at his first comment, as if to say 'You have -no- idea-', but from there she diverts her attention to the paladin and feline once more. Sephrene, specifically, in time to reply in a remarkably calm tone, "He surrendered his hand and treasure willingly in defeat. He has no further claim upon them after he surrendered. Did he tell you I -stole- them? Because I assure you, I don't not steal when I can easily destroy. I spared his life, but I think that may have been a mistake now."

Satoshi eyes Derry, beginning to think this is the hotspot for spontaneous comings and goings. "You too, firebug?"

Redovian said to Satoshi, "Shall I go an dispose of the dragon?"

Derry said to Satoshi, "Me too what?"

Satoshi said to Redovian, "Not yet... I want to see what this all is, first. If he can sort his wits, he'd be a useful ally."

Satoshi shrugs one-sidedly at Derry. "Hate ogres. Played in Rynvale. All that whatnot. You lot had a party without me."

Roytoc would look around at the new faces, he would surely get acquainted with the paladin, as well as… the fire man. "I enjoy the new additions to Frostmaw," The First Ranger mused to himself.

Sephrene growls fiercely, her skin brightening at the anger that was growing inside of her. "If you go near him, I will not show mercy on you like I did your friend. I usually don't go all out, but with one strike I will wipe you from existence."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "As you wish, my Queen."

Sephrene said to Satoshi, "No ice or water will stand in the way of the fury of my winds"

Roytoc snorted at the feline's comment, he very much was sure it was the other way around. Satoshi was a very -very- powerful woman, and truth be told, he would rather face Patron Kuzial than her… Which still wouldn't work out most likely.

Satoshi said, "Kill her."

Roytoc would point to himself, "who shall do so, the paladin or myself?" But a simple question.

Redovian said to Sephrene, "I shall offer you this advice. I can see you are proud, but know this. I am far from the strongest in this bunch. Queen Satoshi is by far my superior in many aspects. Do not so foolishly throw away your life."

Satoshi gave that command to Roytoc, Redovian, Derry, the guards, and the golem alike. Best do it before -she- does.

Sephrene growls, a flash of light from her back concealing her form.. "Perhaps I take my leave. Noone holds the wind for long."

Sephrene disappears with a magical aura surrounding her.

Redovian said to Satoshi, "She is a proud warrior. Perhaps too proud, and a tad bit foolish. But, ignorance is not a sin. I ask that she be spared, if only to be taught her place."

Satoshi said to Redovian, "After twice saying she'd kill me? And after you'd already bested her? No, death is the ticket she bought."

Roytoc 's bow, Winter's guardian was already strung and in his hands, the bone-ivory of the bow twinkling in the reflective sparkles of the snow. A rather nasty looking arrow was nocked as well, made from the bones of a stallion-sized lion. The Drow pulled the fletching to it's fullest extent, the draw weight being some four-hundred pounds. The arrow would fly free but the feline was too fast, it would go through insubstantial mist… "Hmm," Was all the Drow would say.

Roytoc said, "Need to get that arrow... rather like it," slow steps would go and search for the thing. "Damn."

Roytoc scratched the back of his head and sighed, "I'm usually fast enough to get my target... Never gonna find that arrow in this snow," The mumbles would be more to himself than anyone else.

Satoshi's ties to Frostmaw can help Roytoc here, and since he'd at least tried to get the feline before she disappeared, Satoshi will do just that. With a rumble, the distant snow shifts until the upper half of his arrow is seen protruding from it, just waiting to be retrieved. "There, Ranger. Hunt yourself a cat with that."

Roytoc smiled as the head of his arrow could be seen some ways off, quick strides would take him to it, and with a few brushed it was put back in his quiver. "Thank you, my queen." The Drow would say with a nod, approaching the group once more. "The bone of a cat to hunt a cat, rather fitting," The Drow chuckled.

Satoshi grumbles, digging for a slip of paper and stick of charcoal. "I need that runt's name..."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "Sephrene Ryder is her name. "

Roytoc had no idea what the feline's name was, it had been their first meeting. He looked to the paladin though, would he know?

Roytoc knew he would have.

Satoshi perks up slightly while writing on the paper, grinning at Redovian. "Yes, that's right. She introduced herself last time. I forgot."

Redovian inclines his head to his Queen.

Satoshi finishes off the note she's writing and offers it to Roytoc. "Would you post that in Kelay tavern for me, please?" With that, she looks toward Redovian, her gaze level and voice eerily calm, "If you want her spared, you'd best act quickly. I am placing a bounty on her head. She sets foot in these lands again, she is dead."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "You are the law of this land. I shall obey your decision. Though I cannot partake of a bounty."

Roytoc took the note and thumped a fist against Frostmaw's banner on his chest, "Yes my queen. I will be back soon as well, for I have business with someone soon, and my supplies are still in my cabin." The First Ranger placed the note in his cloak and sighed as he walked back towards Aeonis' dragon, "Damn beast, behave this time," Roy grumbled to it.

Satoshi nods to the departing ranger, and then to the paladin. "It's your choice what you do here. I won't command you one way or the other in this. You already did what was asked of you."

Roytoc slowly climbed atop Sanguis and took a hold of the reigns Aeonis had added alongside his friend, "Take off slowly, Sanguis, Aeonis would want you to," The Drow said cautiously. But of course the thing didn't listen and shot off like a bat out of hell, "Dammmmnnnn beeeeasssstttt!" Would be heard fleetingly as they started off towards Kelay. Roy really needed to learn how to fly a dragon.

Satoshi shakes her head, smiling, at the drow's departure. God she adores Frostmaw's people.

Satoshi said to Redovian, "Is there anything further you might need? If not, I've a notice to post, and your reward to obtain."

Redovian said to Satoshi, "I do not. I shall be around."

Satoshi takes her leave then with a salute to Redovian, before heading off to the tavern, home, and onward--in search of Kasyr, Markos, and the wraith.