RP:A Meeting at the Frozen Throne

From HollowWiki

Part of the What Lurks Beneath Arc


Chapter 1: A Meeting at the Frozen Throne

Cerinii had landed feet first, into the snow. She quickly made her way into the throne room, not necessarily needing the guards to open the door for her. She did it all by herself, like a show-off might. She approached the throne, expecting Satoshi to be there. She crouched onto one knee, wings flaring out in respect as she lowered her head in respect also. "Snow Maiden. You called?"

Satoshi is indeed sitting in the throne, albeit not in an entirely stately manner, as she's turned sideways and seated crosslegged in an almost pouting fashion. The chess board set up on a stool in front of her, with her personal guard sitting on the floor across the board and grinning widely, might be the reason for this. "Just your queen and king left, Snow Maiden," Tharn announces proudly even as he respectfully dips his head toward Cerinii. And in a flash, Satoshi plucks up her icy queen piece and knocks over Tharn's king while he's looking away, feigning innocence at his baffled expression as she also looks toward Cerinii. "Checkmate. And hello, Herald~. Got your scorpion. Got my letter?"

Cerinii nodded, "Indeed." She grinned, rising to her feet. She extended her metallic hand, "Ohh, mein little lovely, come here." She grinned widely, as the small titanium scorpion whirred into life and scuttled towards her. On her boot, up her leg and across her torso. Perching on her shoulder quite happily. She patted his pincer with affection,"Ooh, who's ein good boy.." She grinned to Satoshi, "Und how may I assist you, Snow Maiden?"

Satoshi straightens up properly while Tharn busies himself with resetting the board, both watching the scorpion reunite with its master. "You make such interesting little contraptions, Ceri-dove~. The one you gave me has come in handy a few times already," revealing her fangs in a grin, Satoshi offers her unspoken gratitude before carrying on. "As for assistance... Any news on that disappearance?" Normally she wouldn't care much about a random death... but this one is one of -her- people, and she's protective of them. And something, call it animal instinct, is telling her this isn't the typical predator lurking about.

Cerinii grinned widely, "It's what I am best at, Snow Maiden. It is mein purpose, to create the odd." She murmured, "Hide." The scorpion shuffled onto her torso, becoming solid and taking on the brooch form. She sighed softly, "Unfortunate news, indeed." She paused. "The Giant is dead. We found his.. boot at first. Und then we found his foot und axe. Bloodied." She murmurs, "The way the foot is.. I would say it was.. pulled off by brute force."

Satoshi settles back into her throne with a thoughtful sound. "Brute force... Could it have been an exile?" The question is directed toward Tharn, who immediately responds with a sharp shake of his head. "Not likely. The exiles... display, their rare successes." Satoshi's heard this answer already, but this time she's sober enough to properly log it in her memory and mull over it. "What, then? The trolls never get near enough to the city... Mammoths would leave obvious tracks.." Heaving a sigh, the Snow Maiden looks back at Cerinii. "I'm at a loss with this one. What do you think it es? And how soon can we kill it~?" The last question provokes rumbling growls of approval and bloodlust from the normally unobtrusive guards stationed around the room.

Cerinii paused, murmuring softly. "Well.. Erm.. We found burrows." She rubbed the back of her head, "I sealed them, but.. I think there is ein larger one. Or one being made." She paused, "It's.. confusing. Herr Ayras und I are performing night patrols und ein curfew has been put in place."

-Further discussion is unrecorded (ooc: RP was ended early and remains incomplete)-