RP:A Ghost of Her Past

From HollowWiki

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Part of the Through The Looking-Glass: Return To Wonderland Arc

Synopsis: Meri happens upon the apparition of a familiar face as she passes through Kelay.

Date: July 24th 2018

Kelay Way

The moon hung high on a calm summer’s eve, the pathway connecting Kelay to Milous bathed in its pale light; Illumination bright enough to make navigation a breeze for any that had no brought their lanterns with them. To most that walked this pathway, it was if it were any other night, quiet and peaceful. However, not all that walked this path would see the very same. For in between worlds wandered a young woman, lost and alone, with no moonlight to guide her journey. She tripped and stumbled, a constant race against time to avoid whatever it were that had been trailing behind. Bones of all shapes and sizes liked the pathway, while all around were trees of stark white, a scene much unlike any place that had been seen in the land of Lithrydel. Well, not entirely. There were landmarks. Awfully familiar landmarks that the girl could have sworn she’d seen before. But where? With no sense of direction or anything that would speak of civilization nearby, the girl decided that she would not have much left to lose. That perhaps is she tried hard enough, someone might hear her call. And so, she cupped her hands to her mouth and began to cry aloud, “HELLO!? IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE?! I NEED HELP!” Meanwhile, for the most part, those that traversed the path between Milous and Kelay would not see a thing. They might however, hear the faint cries for help, distorted and echoing as if spoken by multiple voices.

Meri does not see what Raevyn sees, and that is not because the light has faded, making it hard for the average human eye to see. It is different because the trees are not stark white, they were brown and green as one might expect. No bones line the path that Meri walks upon either. What she does see is a woman who looks vaguely familiar to Meri, but that was hard to confirm from the distance, and who appeared to be in distress. Meri's path was already set in the direction that Raevyn was calling for help in, so it is not much of a detour for the blonde at all. As she approaches, she calls out to Raevyn, "Heeeeeey. What's up? Is everything okay?" As Meri travels nearer and Raevyn's features become clearer, there is some amount of recognition of this woman. It has been so long though, that Meri cannot quite place a name to the face, nor does she fully recall where or how they met. Raevyn is treated as Meri might treat a strangers, not that they really became anything more than acquaintances after their one and only encounter.

Raevyn whips around to the sound of a voice, but is unable to see a thing. Nothing but white trees and that pathway of bone. “H-hello?!” she calls again. She knew she could hear a voice, but the body in which it belonged to was nowhere to be seen. “I heard you! Where are you?!” Raevyn turns again. From Meri’s perspective, the girl would have looked in her direction, perhaps even stared face to face. Two steps forward and Raevyn should have collided with meri, but instead she passes through the blonde with a cold chill. Was Raevyn now a specter? Or was it more complicated than that? “Hello! Please say something again!” Again, despite being so close to meri, Raevyn may sound somewhat distant or distorted as she called out.

Meri was usually quick on her feet and would have in most cases at least attempted to side-step the woman that is about to collide with her. In this case, the blonde was so flabbergasted by the response she gets that she doesn't react quick enough to dodge Raevyn. The woman passes straight through Meri, causing the blonde to shiver from the sudden chill that races through her. This was beyond Meri's realm of expertise, in all likeliness this would be a sad exchange where Meri would be able to offer no help to a woman she was assuming was dead. There was still that strangely nagging feeling that Meri knew this woman, but she still has not managed to place a finger upon the finer details. Time does that to memories. "Helllllloooooooooooooo?" Meri snaps her fingers a few times and claps her hands, this is done right in front of Raevyn's face with the hope Meri will be seen.

That voice. Why was is so familiar? Where had she heard it before? Raevyn didn’t know a whole lot throughout the land, but this voice- They had met somewhere. The snapping of Meri’s fingers were a bit jarring. Raevyn took a step backward, yet saw nothing before her very eyes. “Yes! I heard you! Where are you!? Are you near?! I can’t see you!” she called out. “Do you know where we are?!” Raevyn heard the snapping of branches and turned toward the southern section of the Sage forest. She began to get an uneasy feeling. “W-was that you?!”

Meri was still perplexed, enough that the feeling that she knows Raevyn fades and is buried in that confusion. "I am literally standing right in front of you...." That snap in the forest is heard, it pulls Meri's gaze, but she sees nothing off in the distance and she does not have that same uneasy feeling that Raevyn does. At least not about what might be looming off in the shadows of the forest. About the ghost standing in front of her? Absolutely. "Look, I don't know why you can't see me but I can see you. But I am pretty sure that you are probably not...uhh...in this plane of existence." She wanted to tell Raevyn that she was probably dead, but that felt abrasive and it could be an incorrect assumption on Meri's part. Maybe, but ghosts were the only other thing Meri knew of that could pass through people like Raevyn did. "I don't know how much help you are really going to be able to get from anyone...short of maybe a necromancer."

Raevyn looked at first, confused. And then realization began to settle as that voice finally clicked. “Meri?! Are you Meri?! You’re friends with… um… Lita! Yes?!” Raevyn’s form flickered like the flame of a candle caught in a gentle breeze. Another cracking of branches rang out, catching the necromancer’s attention toward the south. “What do you mean right in front of me?! Wait… another plane of existence?!” Raevyn muttered to herself, trying to figure out what exactly took place the evening before. The meeting with Khitti, the black inky void- She could barely remember any of it. “Necromancer! Yes, yes! Can you send word to-” But she would not finish that sentence. Again her image flickered, and she stumbled backward, staring up and at something that Meri would not be able to see. “By the Gods! What is that?!” On Raevyn’s end, she picked up a piece of bone; A makeshift weapon. She swung wildly at whatever was before her, and soon, threw the item with all her might. While the object would not be seen by those on the normal mortal plane of existence, its effect would definitely be known. Suddenly, the side window in the house to the east was shattered out! And from the gentle glow of a candle being lit in another room, whomever was home had heard the sound of glass breaking and was getting up to investigate.

Meri looked behind her but she did not see anything. She could see that Raevyn was attempting to pick something up, but what that object was exactly Meri could also not see. The blonde was nothing but perplexed, and as soon as the window breaks she is decidedly not going to stick around to continue to ask any additional questions. She does not want to end up being blamed for something that she had nothing to do with, foot a bill for a repair when she had no hand in damaging anything. Not that she was broke these days, she just would rather not pay for something she did not break. "I don't know of any necromancer's these days, but I will try." That was the only assurance that Meri would give that she would try to help, and she would try....but her efforts would be for nothing because Vailkrin is one of the few places Meri is not keen on setting foot. Raevyn would find herself alone, for this time Meri is actually leaving -- not that this would be seen. Perhaps heard? But the chances are the sound of Meri's feet against the earth was nothing compared to the confusion and frustration of the home owner who is now dealing with a broken window.