RP:A Friendly Arrangement

From HollowWiki

Frostmaw Tavern

Lita was bundled up against the cold, muttering a string of curse words under her breath that would've made the Cap'n blush- if such a thing were ever known to happen. She was making a beeline for the bar when the sight of Kasyr gave her pause. A little smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she paused midstep and offered him a mock little curtsy. "Mon cheri." She was mimicking his accent, though she'd only heard it once or twice before. It wasn't something you heard everyday. She flickered a glance to the woman at his table, nodded a greeting at her. "When you've a moment, I'd like a word if you wouldn't mind."

Kasyr 's getting ready to return to snoozing and everything...right before a vaguely familiar voice addresses him, so as to promptly dispel the notion that he's going to get rest any time soon. With a reluctant shake of his head to either side, the Kensai tilts his head up just enough to glance at Lita, his Calico ears mirroring that hesitant motion. After a moment spent contemplating whether or not he should pretend to be unable to see her over the collect of wine bottles and papers on his tables, he finally settles on the side of ...not being a total jerk, "Take a seat, madamoiselle. I'm...not all ears, but I have a working pair..."

Satoshi bounds down the tavern's stairs two at a time--which is an impressive feat when they're stairs built for the stride of giants, and you're scurrying as quickly as the little kit--coming to a landing in a crouch after a final leap. The four armored Frost Giants that follow in the magus' wake raise a ragged cheer in response as Satoshi rises to her feet with a dramatic flourish, although whether their applause is from entertainment or mead-induced is unknown. Nor does Satoshi care, for praise is praise whether genuine or feigned, and she's a praise-hound. Offering them a bow, and promises of the next two rounds being on her, the foxkin shoos her companions along so that she can have an unobstructed view of the tavern before her, allowing her to spot her husband--and the unknown company he keeps--in short order and make a slinking approach. Weaving through the tables and chairs, Satoshi murmurs an ongoing dialogue to herself and any patron she passes, running along the lines of, "Behold the mighty huntress as she stalks her unsuspecting prey." It's quite possible the meeting she's just come from involved a heavy amount of drinking, or the foxkin is just -that- bored after politic games and is in need of entertainment. Bit of column A and B, more likely.

Lita was stealing the recently-vacated seat as the stranger girl was leaving the tavern. Guess she was grateful that Kasyr had offered it. She was fishing through a coat pocket for the book she'd found when Satoshi came bounding down the stairs- literally. Lita glanced over her shoulder at the distracting noise but couldn't help another little smile at the woman's antics. The book she sought was found and flipped open, pages skimmed as she searched for the passage she'd been researching. Stuck to the pages were various notes, references to other books, theories, legend, often these notes were even scribbled in different languages. Lita laid the book on the table, turned it around so Kasyr could read it and nudged it forward across the table. "It's written that Arkhen, the god of light, once knew a champion called Sirhana." She flipped a few pages and pointed to another section of the book. "Vakmatharas, god of death, sought to destroy Sirhana, so he commanded his champion, Kierno, to slaughter her family. Legend says that Sirhana's heart turned cold as stone and black as night, fueled with hatred and driven by the need for revenge. Sirhana renounced her vows to Arkhen and pledged her life and her sword to Vakmatharas if only she could gain the power to defeat Kierno. But Vakmatharas kept Kierno protected and chaos ruled for many years." She paused and flipped to another part of the book. "It's said that Xalious and Selene, once they got tired of the insanity, created a necklace or medalion- some kind of a token- that when worn, would calm Sirhana's spirits and send her quietly into the afterlife." She leaned back in her chair and drew a deep breath, let the story simmer. "After that, there's nothing more written about Sirhana. But that token, whatever it may have been, was supposedly taken into the mountains of snow for no one to find again. I think it's in Frostmaw. And I want you to help me find it."

Kasyr s' immediate reaction to the book being nudged across the table towards him, is to spastically rearrange the empty wine bottles that are currently serving as his entourage- incidentally clearing a proper passage for the item. With that out of the way, he simply proceeds to eye the book nudged at him, whilst occasionally nodding his head, and offering affirmative, "Hrms." to Lita. It's only after that little bit of exposition that he properly responds, "So, there is some sort of...medallion, that calms and kills the wearer...and you want to find it? Remind me not to accept gifts from you." The Kensais' ears twitch momentarily before he promptly face plants back into his scarf, " But, anyways- why ask me? Did you do your research and find out that it's in a submerged temple, deep within a mountain that also happens to serve as the lair to one or several dragons andLitaor mythical abominations?" Whilst the Kensais tone -is- somewhat sarcastic... stranger things have happened, he wouldn't be surprised if he was half right. "Also- weren't tu supposed to discuss business with moi a long time ago?"

Satoshi 's ears come forward and all thoughts of feigned-hunting Kasyr are forgotten, Lita's narrative having caught the kit's interest. Not only is there a lovely, unfamiliar book on the table, but it's also accompanied by tales of forgotten stories and lost artifacts that may well be lurking in her territory. If that doesn't catch a book-hoarding, adventure-loving magus' eye, nothing will. And so, Satoshi promptly straightens up before padding over to the table, where she can situate herself directly behind Kasyr and plop her chin down between his cattish ears without invitation--offering said ears a tickling wriggle of whiskers as unspoken hello. Lita and the book are given curious glances, along with a lopsided grin for the former. "Evening~."

Lita couldn't help a smile as his point of not accepting gifts from her. "No worries, cheri. I admire Miss Satoshi far too much to meet you with such a fate. Besides, the medallion isn't for you." She didn't offer who it was for- or if it was for anyone at all. Perhaps she was simply a collector of such things. She lofted a brow at his ideals of submerged temples and mythical creatures and wasn't sure if she should be amused or slightly surprised by his ramblings. "Trail runs kind of cold. I was hoping you might know of any books in your libraries that would hold anymore information about it?" Lita caught sight of Satoshi out of the corner of her eye and resisted the sudden urge to tuck the book back into its hiding place. Instead, she returned the little grin, dark eyes settling on Satoshi. "That business was settled." That to Kasyr, even though she was still watching Satoshi. "Evenin'." she drawled easily.

Kasyr blinks a bit, than tilts his head up slightly, as though endeavouring to stare up at Satoshi. It's not all that long, however, until he settles down anew- albeit, with his arms reaching back to coil about his wife's waist, "Et..bonne soir." That greeting aside, the Kensai addresses Lita anew, "I'm not that well versed in Frostmaws history or books. That's more my wife's forte. Vailkrin es more my thing..et that's mainly because I wiled a few months away in the black library, nosing through books."

Lita glanced away, back at the table, as the pair shared that greeting. Lita didn't know much about Vailkrin, nor had she ever been. She heard there were big lizard creatures. Why would anyone -want- to go there was beyond her. She glanced back up towards Satoshi, wondering if the kit knew anything of the treasure she was hoping to find.

Satoshi weighs her options before speaking. Use tact and politely pretend she didn't overhear the stranger's words, or go for straightforward and hope it results in curiosity being sated? Politics, politics, she's so damned tired of the endless politics. "It's likely not in a dragon's lair. At least not if it's in Frostmaw. The frost dragons hoard raw gems, not worked trinkets, mostly." Screw you, tact, and the horse you rode in on. With that, the kit gives one of Kasyr's ears a tug before continuing to him, "You're not well-versed in Frostmaw's history and books because so few of the latter exist, and most of the former is buried in tales of blood, war, and glory to Aramoth. They forgot to record the other details~."

Had Lita been privy to the war going on in Satoshi's head, she would have been glad to see the straight-forward approach win out over tact. "I'm okay with it not being in a dragon's lair." She was sure of that much, at least. "Would you mind if I holed up in the libraries for a spell? I'd love to read through some of the history, try to see if I can't dig up some more information on where this thing might be located."

Satoshi said to you, "I can do you one better~. Catch me on a free evening, and I'll introduce you to someone that might have been around during that time. Either or," the kit manages a shrug then, despite her position and lacking of a right arm making the gesture awkward, "you're welcome to exploring the library to your heart's content. Although, if you don't like dragon lairs, you may want a guide to visit the more informative one, as it's located in a spot that's a fair bit more dangerous than dragon nests."

Lita was trying not to beam excitement up at Satoshi. She cleared her throat and stood from her seat. "I wouls appreciate that very much, Miss Satoshi." She took the book from the table and tucked it back into her pocket. "Very much indeed." She laid a few coins on the table and gave Kasyr a wink. "For your next bottle, cheri." Lita said to Satoshi, "Until next time.~"

Satoshi salutes Lita, and gives Kasyr's ear another tug as her hand drops back down. "Until then~."

Kasyr glances between the pair discussing matters, if only to offer a mumbled, "I don't see the problem with dragons." Nonetheless, he doesn't feel it overly necessary to continue along that tangent, instead leaning back against his wife, and offering Lita a casual wave, "Adieu?"