RP:A Foggy Reunion

From HollowWiki

LOCATION: Rynvale, Entrance to Fog Forest

What stands before you is the ancient Fog Forest, a sprawling mass of strangely malformed ancient trees that bend and twist into horrific shapes that seem to a keen observer like the whole forest is in pain. The strangely formed trees are not the only feature of this oppressive place a traveler would have to worry about as the forest does live up to it's name and is brim full of an ever-present thick and unrelenting fog. The fog swirls mysteriously from some location deep within the forest sprawling out in some places like tentacles of a vast supernatural creature, intertwining everything it comes across, tree's, bushes, rocks, hills and now you. The fog seems to draw you inside as if the fog seeks to bring all within this spooky forest will you dare venture within?

The Black was picking a careful path along the fog covered forest trail, sensitive hooves, experienced with finding sure footing along even more torturous pathways, moving with confidence under the guidance of the gentle pressure applied in rib and mouth by the knees and hands of the runner. Astride the stallion Finn shifted in the saddle, another nudge with booted heel applied to point the horse around a gnarled and twisted branch that had evidently fallen from one of the many bizarrely twisted trees that littered this area of forest. Gold flecked gaze narrowed warily, sharpening upon the object as he moved around it. He was a thief himself, and not unfamiliar with the stratagems laid to trap an unwary traveler on dangerous patches of ground such as this. Every sense was raised to full alert, though the runner appeared to slouch lower in his seat, one broad palm coming to rest lightly against his thigh, just inches away from the handle of his dagger, loosely holding the reins. Rekkur was so familiar with his rider that he could almost be led by verbal command. To any watching, the smuggler would seem as one relaxed almost to the point of falling off the horse, but the first sign of any unexpected or hostile activity would reveal that perception quite, misinformed.

Keturah , perhaps by grace of her tainted existence, was able to pick her way near silently over brambles and undergrowth alike. Despite herself, however, the druidess had managed to bloody the hardened soles of her feet by treading over thorns or other hidden unpleasantries that littered the forest floor. She had little other difficulty in her travels, save for the occasional snag of her dress against those same unforgiving brambles, leading to quiet hisses of curses. Perhaps the greatest issue the druidess was having rested in the odd little passenger she carried in her arms; the charming pick-pocket of a penguin for whom the fog forest had proved to be too great a trouble for him to waddle through himself. Moss hued eyes turned amber as she strained to see through the fog, and catching sight of the shadowed figure ahead, the lycaness caught her breath in her throat. Of course she would run into some probable danger.. especially when she had been so keen to leave the mainland that she had forgotten her dagger. Her grip against the odd shaped fowl tightened, leading to a quiet squawk of complaint. Shushing him, the druidess took a step forward, only to find herself suddenly jerked back. The loud rip only hinted at damage done to her dress, and biting against her lip, she jerked her head back so as to examine what had caught her. Brows furrowed, and adjusting her arm so as to carry her tuxedo clad companion in the crook of one arm, the druidess worked near frantically to untangle herself as quietly as she could.

It was the snap of twigs breaking, a most unusual squawk and a muttered curse that definitively alerted the runner to the presence of another in the dense fog of the trail, and the fact that the issuer of the noises was so clumsy about covering their trail gave him to believe that the individual behind the sounds was not intent of maintaining cover for the sake of an ambush. The start of a grin tugged at his tanned lips. If he was, the would- be assailant sure as heck needed a whole lotta lessons in how to be a better petty criminal. Maybe he’d offer to teach him. Rekkur had started beneath him at the unexpected squawk, and a broad palm fell upon the dark haired neck to soothe the skittish creature. “Easy boy..eaassyy..” the runner would murmur as his gaze swept the trail ahead. The sight form with her peculiar bundle was soon made out, though the cover of the fog prevented instant recognition. A woman? Alone? Out here? A frown knit his brow. “ I’d say g’night lass..but it seems you could be havin’ better..” The greeting was called down from on high, above the petite frame as she struggled to free herself from natural entrapment. “ Need a hand there?..” Let it not be said, that the thief could not also be a gentleman.

Keturah was still furiously working mud caked fingers against the brambles that had caught her so cruelly, troubles heightened all the more by the sudden struggles of the penguin in her grasp. "Arey!" She grumbled, leaning over so as to deposit the curious little creature on the ground, apparently forgetting that there had been a figure ahead of her. Sharp hearing would not miss the voice that went out to calm the horse, and scowl deepening, she gave up trying to free herself altogether. Hands dropping to her sides, the druidess squinted through the fog, as if seeing the face could help her place the familiar voice. It was the drawl that gave him away, and exhaling with a soft sigh of relief, the lycaness nodded. "Could.. be having a better week.. altogether, no?" Her voice cracked, but the sing-song accent still had a way of making her sound utterly happy. It was almost a curse in and of itself. "..Ah.. Yes.. I do need.. help. I'm caught." At her feet, Haerion only went on to croon pleasantly, waddling to a proper hiding place behind her leg.

Finn drew in on the stallion’s reins, holding him to a prancing, restless stand at the side of the female, and in a single, fluid moment, the runner would dismount, dark brown overcoat fluttering on unseen currents to come to rest somewhere around the knees that were covered by riding trousers which disappeared into the scuffed riding boots that had seen too many nights of dirty work. Looping the reins around a low hanging branch, the thief would pick his way forward into the brush, a frown knitting the brow on his tanned face as memory fought to place the lilting tones. Ah, the girl from the shop. Moving to her side, gold flecked gaze took in the tangled mess that was her garment in the brambles and thorns of the over growth and a soft grunt would ensue. “ Gonna need to cut that loose lass, if you don’t mind, or we’ll be here all night-not inclined to that.” He flashed her a teasing grin. “ Better things to do with my night hours..” Broad hand fell to his hip, and fingers would wrap around the hilt of the serrated edged weapon that was never far from his side. “ Hold still then..” Dagger was lifted to shred through material, only to hover in space before commencement of the act as the thief noticed the bird behind her leg for the first time. “ An’ what the devil is that?..” Bemused question would precede the lowering of the blade to the material at her back.

Keturah remained still, arms crossed over her stomach. Even nature had gone out of its way to cause her problems, she noted grimly. Inked digits twitched, drumming softly against the flesh of her arm before she twisted at her waist to eye the offending foliage. At Finn's arrival to her side a moment later, the petite brunette, offered a dip of her head in resignation. "I don't mind." She returned his smile, if only slightly. His next comment prompted a quiet 'ha', and the lycaness was quick to shake her head. "Tying up shop owners?" She asked softly, though the joke might be lost on him. After all, during their last meeting, she had not quite spoken her thoughts on the Runner's store aloud. Clearing her throat, Keturah offered an apologetic glance, and decided then it was better to not tease a potential rescuer; especially if a knife was going to be so close to her back. Gaze was quick to turn downwards with his question, and fell, narrowing upon the misshapen lump that was her current companion. "I.. have no idea. A bird.. Something. He's strange, isn't he?" Her shoulder rolled upward in a shrug, the only movement she gave whilst she waited to be freed from the briars. The penguin chirped, tilting his head as attention was drawn toward him, only to flap his useless wings and squawk impatiently a moment later.

Finn pulled the serrated blade of his dagger through the voluminous material that covered the female and he bit back a smile. He remembered now, musing about just how much she chose to cover up when she had first visited his store. It had originally raised suspicions, so similarly had she been garbed in her desert guise, to the pirate’s partner in crime. Soon enough she was free from her snare, moonlight catching and reflected upon the metallic surface of some kind of armor worn beneath the cloth. Not so very clueless then. Blade was slipped back into sheath with mindless expertise, and the runner extended his hand to help her with initial step out of the brush pile into which she had stepped. It was in the midst of this act of generosity that the female’s quiet and unexpected rejoinder caused auburn brow to arch and hazel gaze to narrow on her face with increased wary focus. “Bout the only thing that gets tied up in my shop would be bundles of silk lass..and we’re not open most nights, twas an unusual night you caught the doors open.” He would ignore her observations now, about the bird, instincts fully tingling. What -was- an armored female doing positioned in the perfect location to discover him emerging from a nights worth of activity, and one who seemed to have suspicions of his true business at that? Welcoming hand suddenly dropped, and the warmth in lazy tones cooled a degree or two. “ Well I’m figurin’ tis not safe for either you or, the bird, to be about in these parts, and this late either way. Somewhere I can take you? It’ll be easier on horseback.” If the woman didn’t know where she was going, or have the sense to take the quickest and safest means there, he’d have cause for his suspicions to be increased.

Keturah was still patient, even when her clothes had been cut through. Gratefully, she took her hand in his, pulling herself free of that terrible thorn bush. Equally free of her, the briars snapped back into proper place, dutifully startling the penguin with its sudden noise. The druidess, taking some amusement from the brief seen, clucked her tongue against the back of her teeth as she smoothed down the remains of her clothing. His words brought her attention back to him, and she bit against her lip."It was a jest.. The way you were dressed.. I thought," lifting her free hand to stop herself, the druidess shook her head. "Nevermind. I liked the silks." The last comment was added hastily, perhaps in fear that she had offended him. Whatever it was, the lycaness slipped her hand from his, and lifted it to touch against the back of her neck. "I'm tired," she admitted, voice growing soft. "I only just wanted to go running.. but the bird followed. I can't really even do that, no? Run, and watch after-" here she paused, nudging the creature with a bloodied toe. It only served to send Haerion into a fit of irritated chittering. "Watch after the little one. Suppose I could go to the Inn, but that must be out of your way. I can walk." Knuckles wrapped idly against her torso, so that the armor hiding beneath might be more obvious. "Three things scarier than walking alone in Rynvale at night, yes?"

Finn grunted softly, his clearly skeptical look perhaps hidden still by the swirl of fog that continued to drift around and between their bodies. What -had- she thought on seeing him decked out for a run? He supposed it spoke to her powers of observation that she had noted he was in his working gear. Had he not thought to himself what a peculiar sight he might look from the shop window? Perhaps he would offer her some of the silks she so enjoyed-on the house, to ensure that what she’d thought would remain just that, a thought. “ The Inn aye? Then you’d be headed in the wrong direction darlin’ The Barrel would be that-a-way.” Auburn tressed head would nudge in southerly direction, while hazel gaze patently spoke that she was headed north. As she had made no attempt to do anything as foolhardy as arresting him, or any other such legally inclined mischief however, he would afford the female the benefit of the doubt. “ But it’s just your luck that I’m headin’that way, be glad to get you back dockside. Keen ears had noted the desolate undertones of her distracted mutterings, but the runner hardened his heart to any empathy he might be tempted to feel. Wasn’t his business to wonder what she was running from, or why it pained her so. With his luck, twas all a sob story pointed at dragging him into just such intimacies. He’d survived this long by avoiding most connections of the sort. “ Not afraid of horses are you? Rekkur’s used to havin’ more than one astride, if you’re willin’ to come up. I won’t have any more talk of you walkin’ back.”

Keturah 's eyes had by then dulled back to their usual moss green, and flickered downward. It was likely that she had not taken note of the skepticism lining his face, or if she had, it was all the more reason for the downcast gaze. "I thought I was going in the correct direction." Came her quick comment, looking toward the other's face. She pressed her fingers against her lips, eyes widening with some acute surprise. "I managed to get lost?" Her hand lifted further, palm smacking gently against her forehead. So she had been inattentive, it was not so uncommon. The thought that she had been lost in the fog shrouded woods with nothing but a charismatic, if fat little bird for company hardly sat well with her; especially since she had been trying so hard to keep focused. A scrawny shoulder rose and fell in a shrug, faint laugh escaping her throat. "Arey~. I apologize then for the sudden burden. I would do my best to not be a bigger bother then, no?" Running her tongue over her top lip, the lycaness bent to scoop up the penguin in her arms. Perhaps thinking better of protesting, the bird only stared blankly up at her, clicking his beak softly. Keturah's gaze flickered toward the form of the horse, once the auburn-haired man had mentioned it. "I like riding.~" She perked up, if only a bit, even flashing a smile the runner's way. "Rekkur.. is his name?" He was shorter than Mithiera, she noted, with a bit of confidence. She might not even need help climbing the Black. Her eyes turned back to the male, and with her chin atop the bird's head, the druidess gave a half bow. "Ah.. Mm. It was.. Finn? Your name? Chal.. Thank you."

Finn’s eyes narrowed slightly at the sound of her voice uttering his name, until he remembered that he himself had given it to her in the store, an olive branch for her wayward kinsman and his overly proficient Elvin underling revealing her own unintentionally. What had Jumper called her?.. “ Aye..Finn.. Keturah..” Her name rolled off his tongue as if he were tasting it; really, an entirely delightful and unusual name. “And you’re welcome darlin’ no trouble as I’m headin’ that way.” A pace or two would bring him to the black stallion and the runner would croon soft words into the ear of the beast, settling a creature not entirely comfortable in the fog that kept it partially blinded. Turning to the female with a nod, he would invite her to his side, and with an ease that bespoke the lightness of her petite frame, he would wrap broad palms around slender waist and hoist her up into the saddle of the beast, penguin and all, regardless of any protest that she might make. Roguish grin would flash again. “ Sorry darlin’ just easier to ask forgiveness later than to do the whole song an’ dance, aye?” Another fluid motion, and Keturah would discover the runner settled into the saddle at her back, his heat radiating out to enfold her against the chill of night. “ Relax and hold on to the pommel..if you can with that dammed bird in your hands..” would be his muttered advice. “ We’ll have you out of the woods in a tick.” Powerful knees would press into Rekkur’s ribs, and the horse would begin his forward journey again, grateful to be headed out of the fog and to the more familiar confines of the seaside town again.

Keturah tilted her head for the remembrance of her own name, then nodded. She followed him toward the horse, one hand pulling away from the bird so as to hover just a hair's breadth away from the beast's flank. Resisting the urge to pat the Black, the druidess merely kept the idea that she might startle the already jittery horse further. Thusly, her hand wrapped around Haerion again, earning her arms a beating with the sudden adjustment he made with his slick wings. 'Shh' 'shh'. Though she would startle herself when she had so suddenly found herself hoisted onto the horse's back. Her head cranked toward the runner, brow raised with an almost incredulous look, but in the end, she smiled back pleasantly. As when she had waited for freedom from the briars, the druidess patiently waited for the male to join her atop the horse, one hand already stroking the shoulder of the beast. Teeth scraped against her bottom lip once Finn was behind her, and casting a final glance over her shoulder, the druidess gave a nod. Per the other's instructions, one hand wrapped about the bird, keeping him in the crook of her arm so that her free hand might grip the pommel. Obligingly, the penguin gave a few squawking protests before growing silent once more. Aware of her own weariness, Keturah closed her eyes, more grateful than she could show for the ride back into town. Softly, before she herself fell quiet, the druidess smiled. "Thank you again, Finn."

Behind her, the runner would remain silent, save for the soft sound of encouragement given the steed, and steady hands at the reins would guide the unlikely threesome to the edge of forested lands, and down the rolling hillside, into the sprawling expanse of the southern sores again.