RP:A Dark Phoenix Rising

From HollowWiki

Date:Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 (5/4/2011)

Location:Town in the Trees

Purpose:The Hollow Debut of "The Dark Phoenix"

Synopsis:Debut RP of "The Dark Phoenix"

Participants:Crimsona, Veriun, Ranok, Qilaan, and a Few NPCs that were just normal citizens and people in hollow.

Crimsona | From the darkest area of the Sky, seemingly hailing from another planet, A Red Meteorite with dark flames is making its way down to hollow, there have been promos airing about a big coming, something new coming to hollow. The Big Red Meteorite can be seen coming down towards a middle of the trees somewhere, unknown from where it came from or where its going too, it is apparently headed towards hollow, Some of the people that are gathered in Town in the Trees look on in disbelief as they look upward, one pundant looked up to the coming red Meteorite and asked anther pundant "What is that?, A red Meteorite has never been seen in hollow, we have gotten strange signs the last few weeks." the person stated indeed, alot of people are in shock and Awe at what apparently is coming towards their way in hollow and decided to move out of its way wondering who or what could be inside this huge flaming Red Meteorite, they were speechless as it is coming down.

Crimsona | The Big Red Meteorite with dark flames was speeding its way down. People were telling people "Evacuate that spot and Brace for Impact!" one person stated. Another Person stated "Could whatever this thing is change the history of hollow?" she asked. Some kids were headed out to the center to play but adults got them out of the way and stated "Not a safe place to play right now Children, this thing is huge indeed." One Person stated. Then this big red Meteorite finally came down to land as it was burning with Dark Flames and it made a huge crashing sound as it finally landed in hollow, the people covered their Ears bracing for impact as the huge red meteorite had landed here in hollow.

Crimsona shouted, "*A huge Crashing Sound is heard as a big red meteorite has landed in hollow, the crash could be heard miles away loud and clear*"

Crimsona | The Big Red Meteorite Landed in hollow, alot of people look on in shock and maybe a few in horror indeed. Thy could hear the planet tremble a few. They were asking questions to one another, one person asked another "What do you think could be inside that huge red meteorite?" they asked. Then they saw Dark Flames burst up and surround the huge red meteorite, then they saw a huge Black Phoenix Shadow above it for a few seconds. They were in even more shock and awe, one person was scared and pointed "Wa..Was..that..a..a..shadow of a....dark colored phoenix I just saw?" he asked as he was on his rear shocked and horrified, there was alot of oos and ahs indeed, but they were smart enough to stay out of the way is the ground and the big red meteorite Shakes immensily like a giant egg getting ready to crack big time indeed.

Ranok emerges from the forest, which was now slightly on fire. Not a safe place to be. He seems utterly unflappable by the meteor strike, but then again, not much seems to strike the man at all as unusual. He's covered in all sorts of lovely grims and stinks like the forge. In his hands is an incredibly crude looking device. It appears to be a tube mounted on a handle with a stock. It carries a single inscription written in some strange language. The letters are etched on directly on the metal and are just as crudely done as the rest. As the metor stirs, or what's in it do, he does the sensible thing and remains out of sight. He mutters to himself, "Dat vasn' a meteor impact. He'd be dead if it vas. Dis vole forest vould be on fire und gone. Vat de hell iz dat tink?"

Veriun stood as a tall defiant, perhaps even unbothered figure in front of the large meteor. Ignoring the cries and warnings of the townsfolk. Ignoring the shakes, remaining balanced with apparent ease. At least that's what it looked like. He raised his gaze upon along the large cracking stone and it's flames, portraying a weakly curious expression. Lifting a hand and raising the brim of his hat to get a better view of the otherworldly object. Overall he almost had the appearance of a man who'd seen it all before and was mostly here out of curiosity or lack of better things to do. True or not.

Crimsona is inside the giant red meteorite as it was shaking, she begins to wake up. You can see lava and fire start to flow from the big red Meteorite as it is beginning to open like an egg or a pod. The Ground still shakes as the lava continues to flow out of the red meteorite, and it was not just regular lava, this lava was dark crimson as a matter of fact. She is fully awake and the big red Meteorite Responds as it is finally opening, what can be seen is dark lava flowing from it as well as a lady who looks like she is burning and has flames all over her body and it is flaming inside the meteorite as well as it fully opens to reveal fire, lava and in the middle and now standing, a beautiful young woman that looks like she is on fire all over her body. The People were even more speechless and shocked at what they are witnessing on this historic morning here in hollow.

Ranok rests the contraption in his hands, and it really could only be called a contraption, against one shoulder. He's observing, though he doesn't like the look of that lava. He decides it would be best to not lose the village to hungry flames that are even now licking at the ground. He barks to the nearest villager like he means it, "Vat are hyu schtundink dere for? Fire! Fire! Get a bucket brigade gun! Fire!" He relies on the age old method of acting like he was in charge, so people would hop to without questioning. His tone's tempered by years spent both giving and receiving orders, so he's at least convincing. If nothing else, though, the very real threat of a fire would get the villages to stop gawking. The homes are made of wood, and one bad fire could destroy the whole town. Whether or not they hop to is yet to be seen.

Crimsona still standing inside the big red meteorite and still on fire sees a huge lave path unfold right before her. The Villagers got out of the way of that lava path before they were burnt to a crisp. Crimsona start walking slowly on the lava path a few seconds at a time. The Villagers were in even more shock and awe, one villager was dumfounded and said "That thing can walk on lava unharmed?", another said "Astounding!", and another asked "What is she?, who is she?, and where does she come from?" they asked. The Fire on Crimsona started to die down a little revealing a beautiful woman with glowy flaming crimson eyes, fiery long crimson hair and crimson wings with nothing, she slowly looked a little to the other villagers as her crimson flaming orbs blinked, not a word was spoken out of her leaving even more mystery. The People were still in shock and awe indeed as they stood there in disbelief as they saw what they just saw come out of that big red meteorite indeed. Crimsona got towards the end of a path, then she started flaming again at the end of the lava path, and all of a sudden to a huge shock to to the people, she transformed into a gigantic dark crimson colored Phoenix with flames all around its feathers. The people were in super shock and awe, some were even amazed and some even fainted at what they just saw, one man asked "Did that woman just change into..a..a..pho...phoenix?" he asked shaken indeed. The Fires eventually faded from this gigantic dark crimson phoenix, then she looked a round and blinked a few without a sound, then she just got off the ground, wings sprouted and began to fly off to who knows where, leaving the people with mixed emotions of shock and awe as the saw it fly off. So Apparently "The Dark Phoenix" has come to hollow officially.

Ranok growls in anger. He grabs the nearest villager with a large hand and shakes him enough that his teeth rattle, "PAY ATTENTION! You homes are in danger! SCHtop lookink at de gott forsaken bird und schtart a bucket brigade! NOW!" He roars with lungs adjusted to shouting over the force of a forge in full blast. The man releases the poor soul who he had shaken with a shove towards the nearest water source. He marches through the flickering flows. He's careful to stay away from them. The heat doesn't bother him overmuch. Being close to a forge required a hot tolerance. Even he couldn't touch the lava flows, cooled or not, but he starts shouting at the rest of the villagers to stir them from their stupor and motivate them to save their village. He walks among them like a god or a man possessed, with the heat making him shimmer and the smoke obscuring his complete figure. For all they know he's some apparition from the meteorite.

OOC NOTE:Ranok and Qilann were also present but only oocly and to Watch (Although Ranok posted a little) and Veriun was in school although he did post a little too.