RP:A Civil Trade Agreement

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rynvale New Dawn Arc

LOCATION: Larket, Red Ogre Inn

You are surprised to say the least when you enter this room. From the outside, the Inn looked friendly, but a bit run down and certainly nothing like this. A marble counter is at the opposite end of the room, behind it a middle aged, cheerful looking man stands. He has a guest book, bound in red leather in front of him, and a peacock quill in his hand. A giant stands next to the counter, most likely to carry your bags and to dispose of any troublemakers. Lavish red carpets furnish the marble floor, and gleaming white pillars support the roof. Lining every wall are long luxurious couches with expensive looking polished metal armrests. Scattered all around the inn are small circular tables with marble tabletops around which are well-crafted wooden chairs. These tables have been placed at a decent distance from others allowing a comfortable sense of privacy for those sitting and conversing at them. Some of the chairs are empty but many are filled with patrons of the inn and a few locals who have popped in for a drink or meal. A few potted plants are placed around to add a bit more color. To the east, through two large mahogany doors, is the paved road.

Lucia was quite familiar with Larket... in-so-much as she had known the place as a child. Having not been back since she was ten, however, meant that quite a good deal had changed. Finding the inn, therefore, proved a bit more troublesome than anticipated... and when finally the right door was pulled open, stepped through, and left to close behind her... a strong sense of accomplishment accompanied it. She was not in a rush, really... just... well... she needed to get her mind off of the pending murder investigation. It... tore at her. Just... thinking... flooded her with painful images. They... had been nice boys... all of them. Seeing them so brutally mutilated was... traumatic. Without a word, the Knight Commander settled herself into a vacant chair. Her notebook became top priority... silent preparation for the meeting she may or may not be granted this evening.

The Governor was the shadowed silhouette in one of the many booths that lined the perimeter of the dining floor, slender finger tracing the rim of the goblet of brandy she had been nursing though the evening. She had fond memories of this place, The queen was to be complemented for securing the establishment of such refined service within her borders. A slight frown furrowed pale brow as thoughts fell upon the dilapidated mess that was the Broken Barrel. It served its purpose she supposed, as taproom to sailors, whores and brigands. The wince was almost unnoticeable. But Port Rynvale was surely more than the sum of its shady parts. It was past time that provision was made for its more ..legitimate occupants. Emerald gaze turned towards the door. She had never seen him in person, but she figured..one Black would be as identifiable as another, they all carried that certain, something. She would be wary, there had not been a Black hatched that could -truly- be trusted. Such was the nature of the beasts.

Tristram ducked into the tavern after holding the door open for Terra. There was a moment's delay once the door had shut behind him for the time it took to scan the pubgoers in search of Arien. She was spotted easily enough - mostly from a pointed indication from the blonde that accompanied him and a relay of information gathered from his network of street kids turned psuedo spies. The orphanage had been completed just a few hours earlier, and Tristram felt the city safe and stable enough to leave it, as if the very presence of the renovated shelter would somehow ward away bad omens and ill intent. He approached Arien's booth slowly, but with a confident gait - a swagger so to speak, one she might use to identify him. A curt bow was offered as he crested the end of her table and reached for her hand. "Lady Arien, I presume?" If she gave it to him, he would kiss the back of it and release it. "Tristram Darkeheart." He gestured toward the elf that accompanied him. "You have met Terra already, no?"

Arien would notice the male’s arrival, more for the recognition of the female who entered before, and obviously with him, than or his own presence to begin with. Curious and slightly puzzled shadow would flicker through the governor’s eyes, before any expression beyond a bland and neutral greeting was wiped from the elf’s face. Were it possible to raise a brow internally for the overt confidence of the humanoid dragon, such would definitely have occurred. As it were, the female would permit the gracing of knuckles with little reaction spared for the act, her gaze already shifting to meet that of the vampire. “Indeed..Terra and I are , familiar with each other..” She would dip her head in greeting. “ Good evening Terra, I must admit I had not expected to find you involved in the affairs of Gualon..” Returning focus to the male, slender arm would be extended in invitation to them both to take a seat. “I thank you for taking the time to meet with me Drakeheart, as I do believe we can be of some considerable aid one to the other. Our cities are both in need of resources, that the other might have.”

Lucia remained silent in her scrawling of notes... her table neither out of the way nor blatantly obvious. Her attentiveness was not hidden, nor her curiosity overstated. Instead she sort of... belonged in the space. If any particular facet of her situation were to arouse suspicion... it might well be that there was absolutely nothing overtly suspicious about her. That being said... she doubted anyone would notice or recognize her. Not as she was, anyways... armored plates exchanged for a fanciful golden dress and her hair let down to flow about her shoulders freely. Meanwhile, notes would be taken... meticulous, moment-by-moment notes.

Tristram slid into a seat opposite the high elf and caught the attention of a passing bar maid. He ordered two drinks and devoted the rest of his attention to the woman sitting before him. "Congratulations are in order, Governor." He put emphasis on the title, because she had earned it after such an arduous campaign. "I believe we might find our resources mutually beneficial to each other." He thought of his gardens first, selfishly perhaps, but it was where his mind naturally turned. "Your timber is strong, and I hear you have unusual flowers in abundance."

A smile blossomed on the elf’s face upon mention of the flowers of Rynvale, The spring rains had brought the rare flora to bloom and the island was drowning in scent almost powerful enough to erase the metallic taint of spilled blood. “The flowers are blooming, yes. They are the post powerful reminder yet of what we had lost the simple pleasure to enjoy when living under tyranny’s thumb,” she murmured. “But it is most peculiar that such a thing would come to mind when one must think of rebuilding a broken city.” Mention of the price paid was enough to cause the smile to fade from elven features even as Terra slipped into place at the booth. “ I cannot accept congratulations, for something I wish had been unnecessary. Many were the number of high born who fell for their choice to serve the emperor.” She shook such thoughts from mind, returning to the matter at hand. “ And no, I do not mind in the least Terra..” she would respond to the vampire. Eyes found those of the male again. “It may seem an odd request, but I am in need of pitch and motar..lots of it..or of any other thing that might best be used to hold great swathes of stone together. The swamps came to mind..perhaps, inaccurately? You might be better informed than I on the likelihood of such a thing being sourced there.”

Tristram 's eyes slid Lucia's direction, and she passed a brief scrutiny. She seemed harmless enough. The note-taking worried him some. It's what his own servants might have done were they on one of his information gathering missions. The politician kept a hand on Terra's knee and slid a glass of wine her way when the barmaid brought it. His own fingers closed around a tumbler of scotch which he did not drink from - not yet. "You should accept congratulations on behalf of the people who now look to you as their liberator. For those who live, you should be proud, Arien." He had been in nearly the same shoes once upon a time, when the Empire was new and just branching out - making Gualon a target when he had been away, and he had foolishly left his citizens unable to defend themselves against another politician with brute force on his side. The saurian had paid for that dearly. There were still traces of the defunct Empire lingering in corners and alleyways of his city. Trist seemed to realize she was continuing, and forced himself to focus on the present. "Not odd, certainly not. I do not have much stone to offer, but the swamps should work as a base for your pitch. It is the rainy season so the consistency will not be viable in its current condition." Lips spread into an easy grin. "But I hear you have plenty of sand over there. That should even it out, if you do it right. I can have some of my men test it out, if you'd like." Only then did he take a swallow from his glass - and only one. "I have thought of one more thing. We have a watchtower that has been burnt to the ground at least on three separate occasions now, even before my guardianship began. I am looking for stone now. Something that cannot burn, but something which can be molded into what our city requires. I have heard you have a supply of limestone, perhaps?"

Terra would not need a drink at the moment so Lucia would not lose any gold this evening. Since the conversation at the table she joined had little to do with her she simply observed the knight and her papers with general curiousity. From Kelay tavern to this one? Was she here on business? It would have been easier to pose these as questions vocally but the mental assumptions kept her entertained while she watched the facial expressions of the pair, mostly the male who had escorted her out this way. The wine was a blessed relief to which she smiled in order to express gratitude and took that first sip as they exchanged needs and wants. Eventually she would find his hand and give a slight squeeze of encouragement but the empath is still quiet for the moment. It's not that unusual when it came to this side of business.

Arien nodded, leaning back in her own seat within the booth, her goblet lifted to allow the now warmed brandy to slip past her lips. She knew well her limits, and was familiar with the beverage she consumed almost like medicine at the end of every day. “I am certain the right consistency can be evolved with enough trial and error. I can have enough barrels of sand delivered that such testing might be done. And I will send men with them, who might learn from your own how the ingredients might best be combined,” she said quietly. Her back to the lady Knight, Arien would be unaware of that which was more easily notable to the politician, her attention for the moment, in any event, snared by the unconsciously intimate touch gifted the blonde female at his side. It would take the rejoinder from the male to draw the governor back to attending the matter at hand. “Stone, we can provide in plenty. The plateaus north of the city are solid rock, rugged cliff faces that reach hundreds feet skyward, stone is quarried as needed, though it would certainly need to be shipped to your port. Such a thing might take some naval resources however, and we are currently rebuilding our fleet. Have you access to shipping of your own to make such a journey?” Even as she spoke, the elf’s thoughts turned towards those whose ships had -not- been harmed in the assault. But would Rynvale’s rogues and seafaring villains be willing to undertake such a task, without considerable payment?

Lucia turned her one good eye upon Tristram, assessed him, and found him worthy of note as well. Keywords for a future sketch went in alongside those regarding Terra... and then she was back to recording commentary. She was content to sit out for all this while... and likely would have remained so entirely were it not for the metion of a watchtower. It was as good a time as any to speak up, her voice potent enough to carry the distance from her seat to opposite ears. "I... apologize for my intrusion... but, I do wonder if you know the differences between constructing a stone watchtower in a swamp... and constructing what I am presuming was a wooden one. Limestone might be suitable for a firmer landscape... but the sheer mass of stone you would need to place in order to keep the whole construction site from sinking... would be atrocious. Rather than rebuilding the same tower... I would advise you construct an entirely new structure. One more suitable to the region... and less-likely to be destroyed in a state of open conflict. A barracks... with an attached Tower Keep... would have a much wider base. Built on a granite foundation... the entire structure would be far more durable... and less likely to sink into the mud without warning. I have... some experience with sinking towers is all."

Tristram leaned into the table to focus on the newly-seated governor's suggestions. His lips twitched in amusement at one of them, and he scratched at the back of his head, eventually interrupted, "Do forgive me, lady, but Gualon is not exactly ... that is to say ... we're a bit landlocked." His bark of laughter wasn't mocking or condescending, but good-natured and decidedly amused. "Unless you have ships that float not only on water ... But we can figure out the details later, I'm sure." He had just finished when Lucia's voice rang from her corner of the tavern, and his attention was captured by her yet again. This time she held it, as well as considerable focus. "That sounds," he frowned, stopped, and continued, "... that sounds quite well-thought out. I appreciate your input. Perhaps you might be free in the upcoming days to scout the area with me? Of course you would be paid for any service to Gualon you are able to render."

Terra had finished off the glass of wine by this point and was content to sit there, unwilling to order another because she had already yawned twice this evening. It was after that second time that she'd shoot a meaningful glance Tristram's way that indicated she was ready to leave if his business could be concluded promptly. Even if he was not able to depart with her she already began the process of bowing out of the conversation with a cheery smile directed for Arien and then Lucia in acknowledgement of her input. "It's been a long day and I'm really tired. If you'll excuse me?"

Arien frowned slightly upon hearing the information provided, glance turning finally to take in the knight over her shoulder. “Ahh, Lucia, I was unaware of your presence. And I am afraid I too shall have to take my leave fairly immediately upon conclusion of this business. Perhaps, another day we shall have that drink?” Emerald gaze was apologetic. Turning back to face Tristram, some measure of wariness would be seen to cross her face. “Ahh..I see, land bound, but perhaps not without resources at sea? For my mind deceives me not that there was news but lately posted upon the boards, about the raiding of a merchant vessel of Gualon within Rynvalian waters,” she murmured. What cause would he have for hiding such resources? “ But yes, we can finalize the arrangements another time. There are those whom I might be able to persuade to aid us in this regard..for the right price of course.”

Lucia was about to answer when a rather exhausted looking courier approached, landed a letter in her lap, and politely excused himself to a nearby seat. Only after reading the letter did the Knight Commander rise to her feet and bow politely. "Master Drakeheart, I believe it was... I would be pleased to offer my assistance... in whatever capacity I may." Realizing, only then, that she had not introduced herself... a polite salute was given. "Knight Commander Lucia Dameteise... by the way. I head up the Order of the Violet Rose, in Kelay." Her sights turned to Arien, a polite bow offered. "As to you, Lady Arien... it seems we will have to speak another evening. I have just gotten word from one of my observers... another mutilated corpse was just discovered in Sage. I must be off to investigate."

Arien would nod a gracious goodnight to the vampire "Terra.."

Arien said to Lucia, "Then I wish you godspeed Lucia, until we meet again."

Tristram said to Lucia, "And I the same. If you need anything ..."

Tristram said to Arien, "A pleasure. I'll be in contact."

Tristram said to Terra, "Shall we?"

Arien said to Tristram, "I shall look forward to it."

Lucia said to Tristram, "I shall send word, then. Thank you, sire."

Lucia said to you, "You as well, Ma'am. Till next we meet."

Lucia said to Terra, "Don't forget... you promised me a drink. I certainly won't."

Terra responded in kind to Arien with a half smile and quick wave. "We'll be in contact, I'm sure." Lucia was included in that too as Terra nodded towards the other female and promised, "I'll get you that drink soon. Perhaps when you visit in Gualon?" Soon after she'd take Tristram's arm and simply nod. "Yes please."

Arien would rise herself then, and with a series of half sketched bows, ease her way from the booth and make her way to the exit, disappearing within moments into the night beyond.