RP:A Change of Scenery

From HollowWiki

Summary: Emelyan encounters a changed Odhranos in the wilds of Frostmaw and the mage recounts how his journey concluded.

Ice Cave

Odhranos hunched inside the cave, thick furs swaddling his lean form as he warmed his hands by a roaring arcane fire, it's flames winking a silvery grey. The cave's normal inhabitants appeared to have departed, though the evidence of their occupation remained, dirty scraps of fur and battered helmets littering the packed ice floor. The mage pulled the robes closer around him and grimaced, though he would admit, the cold was far preferable to his previous occupation.

Emelyan came sometimes to practice brawling with giants, using his size enhancing potions. The physics were different when you were ten feet tall, after all. But today, the giants weren't in residence. Instead, it was the terramancer Odhranos hunkered down in the cave for warmth. Emelyan blinked. "Ah, I suppose you finally found your way free of that spirit. I hope the pocket dimension was helpful." It was the only thing besides letters he'd actually delivered via Sam. He'd take a seat by the mage, not quite needing the fire himself, but liking the good company.

Odhranos raised his eyes from the flames and smiled broadly at the approaching pyrokinetic. "Ah! Just who I was looking for! You're not an easy person to track down." The mage grinned as he reached into one pocket and retrieved the small circular disk that served as a portal key to the pocket dimension, handing it across to Emelyan. "It was exceptionally helpful, were it not for it's respite, I might not be here to speak to you now. I owe you for that." The mage crouched and scratched behind Sam's ears, greeting the canine warmly.

Emelyan took the pocket dimension, and pocketed it. "I'm glad it was able to help. I had meant to get one of these anyway... a good investment for someone who needs a private lab on the go." He had a bit of work to do setting it up, but it'd make a fine alchemy lab eventually. Sam barked happily, tail wagging a mile a minute, then crawled into Odhranos' lap and rolled over, exposing his belly. What a demanding pup. "How did it go, with the dragon spirit? I bet it's a very interesting story."

Odhranos smiled and happily obliged the pup, scratching his tummy as he began his story. "It was about a week after Sam delivered the pocket dimension. I ventured deeper into the desert than I had dared to before. I discovered ruins of ancient civilisations and landscapes of endless sand that would dwarf the Sage. As our journey continued on and on, I began to speak more and more to the spirit accompanying me. I learned more about his history and it.... changed my view of some things." the mage frowned slightly.

Emelyan looked oddly at Odhranos. "I can relate to such an experience. I've always been a poor judge of character, and have had many humbling experiences with figures I thought had nothing to teach me. Please, continue."

Odhranos nodded and continued. "S'erok described a whole other side of the Mage's Guild to me. A darker more cruel side. I had always known it to be just and pure, hunting knowledge for the betterment of individuals and society. But, the mages who experimented on him, tearing his soul into pieces and stitching them back together, binding him in a cage of gold while his body withered away... they were seeking knowledge at the expense of life, which is something I cannot condone." The mage frowned and reached across to his pack, reaching inside and drawing out the golden cage that lay within. "We reached our destination. Splayed out on a bed of dusty sand, a giant skeleton. The body that once belonged to the dragons soul. And even I knew, souls can't return to bodies that don't exist. At least not properly." The mage sighed and drummed his free hand on the cage. "He was trapped. Had no other options." The mage glanced up at Emelyan. "Have you ever felt a soul breaking down in despair? It is a harrowing experience."

Emelyan listened in silence. "I know well what he suffered. I've suffered the ire of jealous and petty Gods, in other worlds. I've suffered in ways I will not put to words." He shook his head. "I am guilty of many evils, but I also do not condone such manipulations, such torture, no matter the goal. Call it empathy, on my part. So. He had no other options. What did you do?"

Odhranos listened to Emelyan's words, nodding solemnly. In the gold cage, the heart of sand swirled lazily, as if it had lost it's energy since Odhranos' last encounter with the pyrokinetic. "In that instance, I felt the soul's barriers break down. All of the hatred and anger I had felt was a result of decades of torture and neglect, drowned in a sea of loneliness. The dragon had lost not only it's body, but it's life and loved ones. And I felt empathy, such empathy that I was driven to tears, in that dry plain. So, we made a deal, for in that moment, both our souls were laid bare to each other. I would leave that desert, of my own free will, and return, the dragon's soul would gain a new home..." the mage glanced up and if Emelyan noticed, he would see a golden sheen winking across the iris of the mage's left eye. "I bear the soul of a dragon within me and in return he will lend me his strength

Emelyan nodded. "I'm glad you feel capable of undertaking such a burden. Were it I, such a thing would not be possible." His mind was too powerful, too difficult to handle. He'd be driven insane in short order, trying to share his body with another soul. That is, if his body didn't tear itself apart, and send them both to the afterlife. "And what strength it likely is! I'm sure there is much wisdom the dragon has to share with you. I've known few souls blessed with the wisdom of those who have lived so long."

Odhranos smiled and placed the cage down on the cave floor, being careful not to displace Sam from his perch. Stretching his hand out and splaying his fingers wide, the mage twisted his hand in a clockwise motion. From the cage, spirals of sand arced out and swirled around Odhranos' hand, before solidifying into a gauntlet of smooth sandstone, while other tendrils coalesced into a huge flange-bladed stone sword that extended to the roof of the cave before exploding into sand once again. The mage grinned. "When he still lived, S'erok Lamaar was a sand dragon, a natural master of terramancy. As such, his knowledge and mastery of the element has passed on to me."

Emelyan quirked a brow. "His knowledge and mastery, directly? That's an even more impressive boost than my own tales of learning." He'd been a prodigy in his arts, but he'd never been able to simply absorb another's knowledge and capabilities directly. That was quite the feat. "Now that you are possessed of the knowledge and wisdom of an ancient sand dragon who was master of the art you sought to learn, what do you intend to do with such knowledge and power? I'd reckon Larket could use the help of such an accomplished Terramancer in rebuilding efforts. You could probably do the work of thousands in a fraction of the time.

Odhranos' eyes flashed and the golden hue strengthened as the mage's canines seemed to grow more prominent. His voice deepened noticeably and took on a more gravelled tone. "You seem to think I have been absorbed entirely, Flamesmith. The mage bears my knowledge because we inhabit the same mind. So you could say I also bear his knowledge." The voice chuckled then lightened as Odhranos' personality came to the fore. "As you can tell, he's less so much of the silent observer. Nonetheless, we are growing more accustomed to this cohabitation as time goes on." The mage then pondered over the pyrokinetic's suggestion. "I see your point, Larket could do with our assistance. However, I don't believe I would be welcome... there are those in Larket who I don't imagine would welcome my return." The mage then raised his eyes and grinned more firmly. "I have been considering enlisting in Frostmaw's Guard. I have fought for the Silver in her war for the throne, and I feel i could do good by continuing to fight for her."

Emelyan nodded his head. "Your reasons and your motivations are your own. I shudder to think of what havoc you could wreak should you two have a falling out." He didn't seem all too surprised by the display, however. "I do wish you both the best." Emelyan rose. "Should you have no prior reputation in Xalious, I wouldn't mind seeing about getting you a place in the mage's tower, there. I still scribe and translate for them, from time to time. That is, if Frostmaw doesn't pan out. Of course, push come to shove, if you are without a home, I can always lend you the pocket dimension." Emelyan smiled. It was likely to be not only his home, but his bachelor pad as well. A home on the go, so convenient.

Odhranos laughed, and his laugh was overlayed with another in a lower tone, creating a very strange effect. "A delighful thought! I like you, Flamesmith." S'erok growled as the mage rose to his feet. "Hmmm, my opinions of the Guild need some thought, after this recent revelation. But I will let you know if I am in the area to be sure!"

Emelyan smiled. "I do understand being careful about any associations of magi after what you've been through. But if you don't go to them, after this most recent accomplishment, I fear they're likely to come for you. Loose ends, opportunity, take your pick of motivations. If you stand tall and act fearless in your power, well. I find that mages respond to little other than posturing." He shrugged. "Living in a tower full of magi is often the best defense you could ask for against them. They're also always afraid of stepping on one anothers toes. Never who knows what esoteric secrets, and all that."

Odhranos grinned cheekily. "Very true, there's nothing that gets up those fusty academic's noses more than a rogue, better to keep them within sight and reach of a good thump" Odh placed Sam down on the ground and bowed deeply towards Emelyan. "I had best hurry, the city gates will open soon and I have an audience to schedule. Until we meet again, sir!" The mage smiled and ruffled Sam's ears one more time before collecting his belongings and striding out of the cave into the dim morning light beyond.