RP:A Chance Meeting

From HollowWiki

Part of the Home Sweet Home Arc

Location: Road to Milous

Synopsis: Gilwen, returning from Vailkrin, crosses paths with Krice by chance. The plan to infiltrate Trist'oth is discussed, and Krice confirms he plans to assist the team in extraction.

Road to Milous

As you continue onward between Kelay and Cenril, the once beautiful road to Milous has fallen into disrepair. Formerly white fences which line the road have falling apart, some still blackened and burned from an unknown battle, others laying shattered and broken upon the ground. Where once proud trees stood, nothing but frail saplings grow, struggling to push up into the sunlight amidst the heavy traffic which flows through here. In the center of the road, there is a wide patch of uneven dirt, where someone haphazardly filled in a large crater. With the city of Cenril in such chaos, very few resources have been spent in fixing this once popular merchants' path; they being the ones who did what they could to fix it, if only to ensure the bravest of them can risk Cenril's gang-filled streets to get access to the lucrative markets of Rynvale. From here you can travel north or south into the edges of Sage Forest, west to Kelay, or east toward Cenril.

Krice moved along Kelay from the west, sticking to the middle of the village without any clear intent to enter the surrounding forest. Dressed in his usual black attire with sleeves rolled down to his wrists and a katana strapped to his back, the man appeared for the most part to be his usual self. He ventured through the trees flanking Kelay-proper's eastern end and slowed to a halt upon nearing the gorge, turning his senses to his surroundings. Was he searching for something, or someone? 

The rhythm of hooves and the occasional nicker announced the approach of riders from the northeast, likely returning from the portal into Vailkrin. Gilwen, a sentry, and her close friend and confidant, Aetherial, rode across the plains toward the direction of the dying forest. The pace of the gallop wasn't one that belied a necessity to return home immediately, so when Gilwen spotted the familiar figure and silver head of Krice, she easily transitioned her mount into a walk with little effort on the equine's behalf. A nod toward her companions saw them continuing on their journey without her, and thereafter, she turned her mount, and attention, onto the warrior. "Are you looking for something?" She called, still a few yards from the man. She herself was dressed in black leathers, cured and hardened into lightweight armor, and her mass of red hair was plaited tightly against her head in two, thick strands- even braided back, her hair ended just past her waist. Despite being dressed in armor, the only weapon she had on her person was a simple dagger that was visibly sheathed in her right boot, but a pattern of green vines crept up her left arm from her hand to her shoulder, shifting occasionally as if itself were a sentient being. "We managed into install a team in the cave where the tunnel is for Trist'oth without any casualties. We've also managed to obtain information that would insure we could navigate the tunnels." Well, somewhat in any case.

Krice tilted his head to angle one ear toward the sound of approaching horse hooves. He saw the group before they saw him, and as most of the riders carried on, he turned his focus to the woman who lingered in their wake. Gilwen. In response to her initial question, he nodded and said, " I was looking for you." Thereafter, the elvish woman provided him with information before he needed to ask for it and he nodded again, acknowledging her success thus far. He spoke of his own efforts relating to the coming invasion of Trist'oth. " I was unable to locate the informant who would've refreshed my memory about the tunnels in the Underdark. Sorry about that." He paused briefly before asking, " Is there no access to Trist'oth outside of Vailkrin?" His gaze drifted briefly to the face of Gilwen's horse, expression softening only slightly enough for the animal to notice - and to hopefully be assured that he was trustworthy. 

Gilwen's horse, a silver, dappled mare, pawed the ground and shook her head in a clear indication that she was ready to be off for home once more. A quiet, but firm chiding in the elfish tongue that came so natural to Gilwen settled the animal for few seconds, but she quickly began her impatient dance soon after. With a 'tsk' and a roll of her eyes, the elf dismounted and swatted the freckled rump of her horse, which spurred it into a full out gallop for its paddock. "We've decided on entering through the embassy through Craughmoyle. It'll be the easiest way in, we believe. But it's likely we won't be able to escape the same way, so I wanted to make sure we knew how to get out, just in case."

Krice took a casual step back as Gilwen's horse showed her impatience; he didn't want to have to wrestle with the animal if she lost her composure. With the elf dismounting to let the equine run off freely, the warrior returned his attention to her and their conversation was allowed to continue without interruption. He nodded thoughtfully at mention of the Underdark Party using the Craughmoyle entrance. That had been discussed previously, and now confirmed. " When are you heading down there? Any ideas yet?" He squinted thoughtfully. " How big is the party?"

Gilwen's attention didn't linger on her mount as it sped off for home, instead the elf focused solely on Krice. "We're hoping to move in the next day or so. I'm waiting confirmation on a few things. Currently there's four of us." Eirik, Pilar, Aetherial, and herself. "Are you sure you don't care to join us?"

Krice stared pensively at Gilwen. Her answer was acknowledged with the subtle lowering of his lashes, followed by his own answer to her concluding query. " Maybe I can help peripherally," he mused, finally looking elsewhere to consider their surroundings. " Assuming you find the artifact and make it out... The Drow will likely give chase."

Gilwen simply nodded. She had a contingency plan in place just for that. "I will also have a team installed in Craughmoyle in the chance, should the group get separated and someone decides to go back the way we came, they'll have help once out. You're welcome to join either team." She'd send him an official missive with the Order's seal to prove his allegiance when the time drew nearer. "Was there another reason you were searching for me? Or have we managed to cover everything?" Her words were spoken kindly enough, but it was clear she was ready to be off for home.

Krice nodded again, this time with a little less hesitation. " No other reason," he murmured. " I wish I could join the team traveling to the Underdark. It'll be the most dangerous, but trust that my reasons are legitimate. I'll wait with the team in Craughmoyle, prepared to support you on your return." The warrior bowed his head thereafter, eyes closing behind the wave of silver hair that fell forward as a result. " Safe travels."

Gilwen gave a small, simple smile meant to portray her gratitude for his help. "Well then, Krice, I'll be in touch." She turned then, heading off for home.