RP:A Blind Elf Walks into a Bar

From HollowWiki

Frostmaw Tavern

Satoshi reclines in her usual chair situated a number of paces from the fire, facing the door and the rest of the tavern. Fingers tap an idle tattoo on the chair's armrest while the kit silently observes her surroundings, taking a quiet pleasure in the antics of the patrons: vigorous retellings of the first match of Gualon's tournament, challenges of who can hold the most mead, and swappings of advice for various craft work in the forest. It's the usual evening. Simple, casual, real. And it's Lady Frostmaw's favorite part of the day.

Sasha appeared out of the flames of the fireplace, stepping out onto the floor and looking around. So this was the tavern. She wondered why she had never found it when she had first been looking for Ignatius. As she remembered it, she spent most of her time confused and blinded, unable to be barefoot thanks to the ice and snow. She noticed a woman nearby, and sniffed the air. It was the woman who had told her to come to Frostmaw. "I am here," she said. The brave sounding voice from within the arena was now subdued, a soft and kind voice replacing it.

Satoshi's whiskers twitch once, responding to the flucuation of magic in the air that heralds Sasha's arrival from amidst the flames. Eyes flick toward the central firepit and the elf that stands before them, the amber specks within the kit's gaze smoldering as they reflect the light. "So you are," Satoshi replies in equally soft tones, a hint of music detectable within their notes and no effort made to raise her voice, the sound carrying with almost arcane ease across the gap between them. The noise of the tavern dwindles as a number of Frost Giants turn to look at the girl who's stepped from the flames, but once they realize she's speaking with Satoshi, most turn back to their prior business. Stranges sorts are always appearing to talk to the magus. "Welcome, then, to Frostmaw, the City of War. What do you seek~?"

Sasha crossed her arms, and studied the other woman. "I seek to learn to defend myself when my magic is unavailable. I can't always rely on fire." She admitted. "And I seek a home." She blushed softly, realizing she hadn't figured out how to build an igloo or whatever yet.

Kuiai slumped through the door, looking tired and wore out from his long journy to Frostmaw. He got the directions, but he wasn't told he would have to do a lot of climbing and pushing and pulling just to get here. Even for a minotaur it is tiring. He goes straight to the bar, nods his head, and asks for something strong and warming.

Satoshi settles into her chair, a hand lifted to gesture toward another nearby in invitation for Sasha to sit. With that out of the way, the foxkin's hand is then used as a resting place for her chin while she peers evenly at the girl. "As I said earlier, Frostmaw will have you. We welcome any with a stout heart and eagerness to learn. Our lands aren't the easiest to survive in, but that es what makes us strong. Is there," a pause is made so that she can nod her thanks at her glass of wine being refilled by a passing barmaid, "a certain weapon or type of skill you wish to learn? For swords, there is the knight-captain Ignatius who readily takes on students, the paladin Redovian, or the elusive Ayras, or even my husband Kasyr, when he can be made to stay here for more than a day. Smaller blades, archery, and the like can be taught by our rangers, Roytoc and Ivellios, or the squire Ovouri. Victor is skilled with sword and shield, as well, and so is the bard Jextar. Axes and other oddities, seek my brother Kirien. Hand to hand, Dami is your girl. And if it's further training in magic and how to fight when it's disabled... the wizard Svilfon is an excellent teacher. Or myself. We both carry ranks as Magister Templi in the Mage Guild. Not to mention you can test yourself daily by practicing in the arena against various fighters and beasts." Clearly, Sasha has a number of choices right off the bat.

Sasha smiled, clearly pleased by the woman's offers. "Would I be too bold in requesting both training in the sword and the axe?" She raised a humored brow, when suddenly it hit her. "Say... I've only heard of one...." She didn't continue, and then looked around. "You. you're... Lady Frostmaw, aren't you?" She asked, eyes widening with admiration, having heard a thing or to about her in the past.

Satoshi smiles into her drink at both of the questions. After a pause to take a sip of the blood wine, she answers each in turn. "You would not be too bold to request that. In fact, I'd say you're born for Frostmaw if you made such a request. We survive by learning, after all, and great ambition breeds great learners." A claw idly traces the edge of her glass, producing a delicate ringing that flits on the very edges of hearing. "And yes, I'm the Lady of Frostmaw, Satoshi Azakhaer. I'd offer you a bow in greeting, but this chair is terribly comfortable~."

Kuiai as just gotten his Warming Ale and he gives the barkeep a few coins, and turns around just about the time Satoshi introduces herself. He steps over to the table with both ladies, and he bows to Satoshi, "Evening Lady Satoshi." He bows deep and respectively to her, then he turns to Sasha and bows to her as well, "Evening Miss Sasha. I don't want to bother ya'll so I will just move on." He starts for a table near the door, thankful for his heavy armor and his thick fur like hair.

Sasha , suddenly distracted by Kuiai, waved her arms wildly, trying to get him to come back, she seemed lightly intimidated now that she knew that this was Satoshi. "Then I'm glad asked." She managed a smile, and looked to Kuiai. "I too, would bow, but I am so stiff from that tournament, I'm not sure I'd ever be able to straighten up again." She blushed.

Satoshi dips her head in greeting to Kuiai even as she's chuckling at the blind elf's flailing. Lifting her glass again, the kit downs the contents and rises to her feet with a soft groan. Oh how she hates to leave that lovely armchair. "If you'll excuse me, I've a meeting I'm supposed to be attending, et I fear I'll lose a rare chance if I'm late." Again Satoshi nods to the minotaur before glancing back at Sasha, adding, "And welcome to Frostmaw. If you require a place to sleep, room and board in the tavern are on me until we can find you something more suitable to your desires. Adieu~."

Kuiai stops and turns as the Lady of Frostmaw announces she had to leave. He bows to her again, then he joins Sasha, with a smile. "What tournament is this? You are not talking about the Gualon tournament are you? I was there for a bit, but I wanted to be in it so bad, but things kept me from doing so." His tail curled around his hips and in his lap, where it warmed up, after he took some sips of the Ale. "What brings you all the way up here, my dear?"

Sasha nodded a grateful goodbye to Lady Frostmaw, and then turned her attention back to Kuiai. "I got the tar beaten out of me at that tournament in Gualon. I knew I wouldn't win, but, I had to take the chance to prove myself. I want to learn to defend myself, more than anything." Her eyes gleamed.