Planes of Existence

From HollowWiki

There are seven basic planes. The following is a list of those planes in order from lowest to highest.

Mortal Plane

This is where the general populous resides and lives their lives. It is a plane of limited power, however magic and mystical beasts roam freely here with no restrictions on their behaviours. It is often a dangerous place fraught with wars and petty squabbles. Most of its inhabitants are oblivious to their lower stature, and the existence of the higher planes. And as such live out their lives with little desire to experience anything other than what they get on a day to day basis.


Plane of Shadows

This dark and deadly dimension has many names: Vale of Shadows, Shadowfell, The Shadow Plane. But, most know it as that place between Praemia and Perdere where lost souls go to wander for eternity, Purgatory. No gods, angels, or demons dwell here, however, as this plane of existence is far unlike Praemia and Perdere. This one is like Lithrydel, the Yin to its Yang, or in some cases, its evil twin. It mirrors the landscape of Lithrydel, but it is still quite different in its own way. Nearly all within are mortal, save for a few of the elder races that mimic the lifespans of elves and dragons.

The shadow plane has its own geography that mirrors Hollow's map, as well as its own bestiary. Please follow the link above to read more.

Higher Plane

This plane is where beings that break the rules of the higher planes end up. The power granted to the beings on this plane is limited in nature, and while they can interfere in the affairs of the mortal plane, they can only manifest themselves on that plane for short periods of time in places where great faith in them is placed. This more often than not tends to be in temples and other places of worship that the beings in the mortal plane have created to worship these beings as gods. The beings in this plane get their power from their followers. The more followers they have, the more powerful they become. They desire only to return to the higher planes once more and intend to do this through power and not knowledge. The lesser gods reside in this realm.

Lesser Gods of the Higher Plane


These planes were created by the Ascendi as a way to motivate, manipulate, or punish those from the Mortal Plane. Souls do not go to these planes after death, and the only way to reach either of these is through the intervention of a Higher Being of some sort.


Seen as the just rewards for a life well spent, this is a higher plane of existence. While there is folklore surrounding its creation, there is no universally accepted truth for how this plane came to exist.

Common myth surrounding this plane’s creation was that the Gods looked favorably among mortals who either served them well, or served their fellow man in a manner that gained attention, and so they created a realm free of the pitfalls and suffering that is found in the mortal plane. Thought to be filled with comfort and endless rest, this plane is rumored to be the absolute best of everything that the mortal plane has to offer. It’s said that souls who are deemed worthy of this plane are granted days and nights of their wildest fantasies being fulfilled. There is no pain and no suffering, only the gift of peace and ultimate knowledge.

Time is suspended here and does not move in accordance to the mortal plane. Souls that are fortunate enough to enter here will have no memory of it. If they are ever released, they will return much lighter and far more at peace than when they entered.


Perdere is a lower plane of existence. Like Praemia, there is folklore surrounding its creation, there is no universally accepted truth for how this plane came to exist.

Also known as the Well of Torment, some say this place of endless suffering was designed by the Divine Three, to punish beings who were especially wicked or had been foolish enough to disrespect the Gods. Others believe that Perdere came before all other realms and that the Gods themselves were belched from its darkest recesses.

Though not much is known about this malevolent place, there is no question that it is endless suffering. Some say that it changes forms to curate an especially designed torment for each soul. There is also a belief that it is a place of never ending agony, the souls damned to spend an eternity there forced to repeat the final moments of their lives or repeat the same tasks without end.

Time is also suspended here and does not move in accordance to the mortal plane. Souls that are unfortunate enough to enter here will have no memory of it. If they are ever released, they will return much darker and far more tourmented than when they entered.

Plane of Dreams

The Plane of Dreams, sometimes dubbed the Astral Plane by particularly pedantic scholars, is a vast nebulous expanse fueled by the collective unconsciousness. The very fabric of this realm is composed of the creative energies, and anguished anxieties of mortal dreamers- with its denizens forged from half-remembered figments, or the unfortunate few who've found their consciousness stranded within this fantastical place.

A very real possibility, given that attempts to chart any sort of meaningful course is complicated by the realms shifting nature- as small pockets of unreality form with each new dreamer, lasting only as long as their slumber. And yet, despite the Dreamscapes nascent identity, and the portions of it which remain in flux, certain landmarks have begun to emerge providing would-be travelers with a means of orienting themselves. Though, whether these landmarks are as permanent as they seem, or merely run-offs from a particularly vivid dream- and thus doomed to return to the aether, is a matter of some debate.

Ascended Plane

This is where beings of ultimate enlightenment from the mortal plane end up. They become non-corporeal in nature and their power, like their knowledge is almost limitless. That being said, these beings can be killed and are forced not to interfere with the affairs of the lower planes. Beings that break the rules of this plane are sent back to the mortal realm and are stripped of their knowledge and powers.

Plane of Ultimate Knowledge

The few beings on this plane have found out the final answers to the universe. They know everything, and as a result have nothing more to aim for. The beings here lie dormant until there is something new for them to learn, or for the time they will take the final steps and ascend to the highest planes where they can use their ultimate knowledge.

Plane of Eternity

A plane of existence all its own, the entities that reside within have no want for anything save the passage of time, and its correctness. Striving only for the perfection attained with it, even the highest gods must ask admittance here. The mystical beings that lord over the fabric of time may leave, but are to never interfere with the affairs of gods and mortals, lest either ever find a way to change thier beloved perfection.

Plane of Destiny

This is one of the highest planes. It's a mystical realm filled with nothing that could be classed or recognised as corporeal. This realm is where magic resides and was where the first wars of the gods took place. The realm is dying now, the last great war of the gods that took place here injured the very fabric of the realm, and the scar remains to this day. Due to this great scar, the mana this realm supplies to the other realms has become a limited resource. The mystical creatures that reside inside, made from this mystical substance are eaten by the realm itself as it supplies the mystical energy other realms call on when they use magic. This realms only destiny is to cease to exist.

Higher Gods Plane

This is the highest plane of existence and is inhabited by the higher gods alone. The higher gods watch over the lower planes and make sure that each planes rules are followed. If they are not followed, the higher gods remove the offending being from that plane. Other than this one thing, the higher gods do not interfere with the development of the lower planes. It is uncertain what the higher gods do with their eternal existence, but they look upon the lower planes with the same view that a small child would look upon an ant farm.