Opus Ferri et Arcana

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Opus Ferri et Arcana - (Armor-Hands)
Creator: Ranok
Last Known Owner: Ranok

A heavy bound volume, wrapped in leather banded with what seems to be stainless steel around its edges. Instead of parchment or paper for its pages, there are thin sheaves of metal with the writing impressed upon them made of an unidentifiable alloy. Where the book should be massively heavy and unwieldy, it is instead curiously light by its covers. Smells always like new leather and the fair whiff of copper recently handled.


The volume details the life work of the Rune Smith Ranok, carefully compiled and curated with advanced ideas, concepts, and theories behind the application of physical runology. These range from the merely mundane, such as concepts in the use of heating in a home or cooking, to the fantastical and destructive, such as in possible weapons or engines of destruction that could wreck havoc. Also within are sketches and prototypes for a number of machines, devices, or contraptions to assist in the application of the runeology.

An extensive section is also dedicated to the construction and make of artificial limbs, concepts and theories behind the replacement of organs such as eyes or the heart, and the full details of the bonding of runes to bone taken from the work journals of another rune specialist, a gift acquired from Kasyr. The process of which doing can be wholly destructive of the modified body when taken to extremes, though adapted and modified for a more successful and responsive bonding of artificial limbs to a body.

Given its nature of the compilation of the works of a master, the information contained therein is considered dangerous. For this reason, it is written entirely in cypher, the key to which hidden elsewhere to ward off the unworthy or potential thieves.

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