
From HollowWiki


October 2023

Town News

“I’d Rather Burn.” - Mayor Valrae Baines Breaks Her Silence

Cenril finds itself at a crossroads once more. In a historic turn of events, Mayor Valrae Baines, who was kidnapped for several months and believed lost, has returned to her city. The joy and relief that swept through the streets upon her reappearance were palpable, and the republic watched with bated breath as she made her first official statement since her ordeal. Standing before a crowd of citizens, Mayor Valrae Baines addressed the city with the gravity of a leader who had faced unimaginable trials. Her voice, though calm, carried the weight of her experiences.

"I have seen the darkness that sought to shroud our beloved city," she began, her gaze sweeping across the gathered crowd. "And while I cannot speak of all that transpired during my absence, I can say this: the shadows have names, and they dwell close to our borders."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in, her expression resolute. "But let us not be consumed by anger or rash actions. We are Cenril, a city of strength and unity."

When questioned about King Macon of Larket's demands, which have not yet been made clear but likely include surrender, Mayor Baines delivered a response that left no room for compromise. With a fire in her eyes that sparked memories of her tragic past with the Kingdom, she stated simply, "I'd rather burn." It was a declaration that reverberated through the city, a testament to her unwavering commitment to the people she leads.

Mayor Valrae Baines' return has rekindled the city's hope and resolve. Whether diplomacy can prevail or if the flames of war will consume all remains uncertain, but one thing is clear—Cenril will face its future with a leader who refuses to bow to Larket’s tyranny.

The Larket Question: Shadows of Worship

By Senior Correspondent Amelia Sinclair

In the tapestry of Lithrydel, there exists a Kingdom that has long stirred both curiosity and concern among its neighbors. Larket, a realm overshadowed by first its zealous witch hunts, and now its relatively new yet persistent and nearly fanatic devotion to Vakmatharas, has become a subject of fascination and trepidation alike.

While it is not our intention to cast judgment upon the practices of another region, recent events have once again brought to light the enigma that is Larket and dogmatic worship. Larket's unique brand of new faith, centered around the God of Death, has often been described as cult-like by those outside its walls. The fervent devotion, the rituals, and the shadowy ceremonies that often include human sacrifice -- all have led to questions about the true nature of their faith. It is essential to clarify that belief itself is not inherently sinister, but it is the extremities to which it can be taken that give rise to concerns.

In the spirit of fairness, it is crucial to remember that judgment should not be passed without a complete understanding. However, as long as Larket's practices continue to stir controversy and disrupt the harmony of the realm, questions will persist. And in the midst of these tumultuous times, one cannot help but wonder if Larket's shadows of worship will continue to cast a pall over Lithrydel. It is impossible to ignore the whispers that suggest Larket orchestrated Mayor Valrae Baines' kidnapping, a shadowy scheme designed to ignite a war and send more souls to the God of Death. While such speculation should be approached with caution, it is important to remain vigilant.

August 2023

Town News

Cenril and Larket Engulfed in War

In a dire turn of events, the simmering tensions between Cenril and Larket have erupted into a full-blown war, marking a historic and ominous moment for the realm of Lithrydel. The catalyst for this conflict was the audacious attempted rescue operation led by Captain Jaxson Ravencroft of the Cenril Guard, aimed at liberating the captive Mayor Valrae Baines from Larket's clutches.

The delicate balance between the two cities shattered as the city bells tolled and official declarations of war resounded. Cenril's rationale for the intervention rested on the principles of unity and loyalty to their missing leader. However, Larket's response was swift and unforgiving, casting the rescue operation as a blatant act of aggression and an infringement upon their sovereignty.

As the war drums beat and the realm watches with bated breath, Cenril and Larket embark on a perilous journey that will shape the course of history. The realm is left to grapple with the consequences of this sudden escalation.

Acting Mayor, Hector Cyprian, issued the following statement:

Fellow citizens of Cenril and concerned denizens of Lithrydel,

In the face of recent events that have unfolded with astonishing speed, I stand before you as the acting Mayor of Cenril, ready to address the urgent matters that have come to define this critical moment in our city's history. The bold actions taken by Captain Jaxson Ravencroft and the Cenril Guard to liberate our beloved Mayor Valrae Baines from the clutches of Larket were not only necessary but exemplify the unwavering commitment of our city to the principles of unity and justice.

Larket, a Kingdom that has long been regarded by many as a scourge upon our realm, has harbored a history riddled with conflict, bigotry, and turmoil. It is with deep conviction that we affirm our stance in the face of Larket's accusations, which seek to overshadow their own transgressions. Our intention was not to provoke war, but to stand against the tyranny that has marred the integrity of their rule.

The path before us is uncertain, and we understand the weight of our responsibility as we find ourselves on the precipice of conflict. Cenril shall not falter; we stand united, resolute in the face of adversity. Our city has weathered storms, both metaphorical and literal, and emerged stronger each time. Let it be known that we are prepared to face whatever challenges lie ahead and to do so with the spirit that defines our diverse and resilient community.

In unity and resolve,

Acting Mayor Hector Cyprian

July 2023

Town News


In a shocking turn of events, Mayor Valrae Baines of Cenril has gone missing under mysterious circumstances. The disappearance has sent shockwaves through the city, leaving citizens in a state of uncertainty and concern.

Mayor Baines was last seen leaving Cenril’s estate without her guard detail. The preliminary investigation conducted by the Guard placed the last known sightings of the Mayor near the border between Sage and Larket. Authorities and the Cenrili Guard have launched a thorough investigation into Mayor Baines' disappearance, working tirelessly to uncover any leads or clues that may shed light on her whereabouts. The city is united in their efforts to locate their esteemed leader and ensure her safe return.

As news of the mayor's disappearance spreads, citizens have expressed their deep concern and offered their prayers and support to Mayor Baines' family and loved ones. The city remains hopeful for her safe return, rallying together in this time of uncertainty.

Acting Mayor Hector Cyprian, Captain of the Cenrili Guard, has temporarily assumed the responsibilities of leading the city during this challenging period. He issued a statement, urging citizens to remain calm and vigilant while assuring them that every effort is being made to locate Mayor Baines.

The Cenrili Guard has increased security measures throughout the city, and authorities are urging anyone with information regarding Mayor Baines' whereabouts to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation.

As the search for Mayor Valrae Baines continues, the people of Cenril are left to grapple with the uncertainty and hope for her swift and safe return. The city stands united in their support for their missing leader, hoping for a resolution to this puzzling disappearance.

Scathing Critique of Larket's Worship: The Devout's Guild Renounces Larket's Practices

In an unprecedented move, High Priestess of Death, Eveline Malcora of the revered Devout's Guild, has taken a firm stand against the religious practices observed in the neighboring Kingdom of Larket. In a scathing article, she addresses her concerns, denouncing Larket's worship as "twisted" and "cult-like," officially disavowing any affiliation between the Devout's Guild and Larket's beliefs.

The High Priestess, renowned for her wisdom and unwavering dedication to Vakmatharas, does not mince her words in this remarkable critique. In her statement, she raises serious doubts about the spiritual practices upheld in Larket, suggesting they deviate dangerously from the core tenets of true worship.

"Upon observing Larket's religious customs and rituals, it is evident that they have strayed far from the path of divine enlightenment," High Priestess Malcora writes. "Their veneration seems cloaked in secrecy, and their ceremonies bear a disturbing resemblance to cult-like practices rather than genuine reverence for the divine. That they claimed a prophet of their young prince at the Summit for World Leaders is nothing short of blasphemy."

Such a public and direct denunciation by the Devout's Guild is unprecedented, as the guild has historically upheld a diplomatic approach to religious differences. However, the High Priestess's unwavering dedication to the values of Vakmatharas has compelled her to speak out against what she perceives as a grave distortion of faith.

The article has sparked heated debates and widespread discussions among religious scholars, clergy, and citizens alike. Many have come forward in support of High Priestess Malcora's courageous stance, praising her for her unwavering commitment to the principles of divine worship.

As the political landscape of Lithrydel undergoes this tumultuous shift, the Devout's Guild remains resolute in its devotion to the sanctity of worship and the pursuit of divine truth. High Priestess Malcora's statement stands as a testament to the enduring quest for spiritual purity and enlightenment, even in times of divisive beliefs.

Divided Loyalties: Vailkrin's Alignment with Larket Raises Concerns Amidst Mayor Valrae's Disappearance

By Senior Correspondent Amelia Sinclair

The recent alignment of Vailkrin with Larket has raised eyebrows and stirred controversy throughout the realm, and the situation has been further complicated by the mysterious disappearance of Mayor Valrae Baines. As concerns mount about the mayor's safety and the potential involvement of Larket in her vanishing, Vailkrin's decision to forge an alliance with the neighboring kingdom becomes even more troubling.

For years, the relationship between Vailkrin and Cenril had been tenuous, characterized by lingering animosities and political tensions. Mayor Valrae's show of support for King Azakhaer might have been an attempt to foster better relations between Vailkrin and Cenril, but her unexplained absence leaves many questioning the city's true loyalties.

As the realm grapples with the implications of Vailkrin's alliance with Larket, the fact that Mayor Valrae Baines is still missing adds an additional layer of concern. The mysterious circumstances surrounding her disappearance have raised questions about the potential involvement of Larket, given the kingdom's tumultuous history and its past involvement in conflicts that have destabilized the realm.

The city's alignment with a kingdom that may be implicated in the disappearance of a prominent figure like Mayor Valrae is disconcerting, and it raises serious doubts about the true motivations behind Vailkrin's newfound allegiance. The move has strained Vailkrin's relations with other kingdoms leading to a further deterioration of diplomatic ties and a sense of distrust between neighboring cities.

Some citizens of Vailkrin have expressed their support for the alignment, believing it could lead to newfound opportunities and benefits for the city. However, others remain skeptical, questioning whether Vailkrin's interests are truly being served or if the city is becoming entangled in the web of Larket's political machinations.

As the realm awaits news about Mayor Valrae Baines and the truth behind her disappearance, it is crucial for both Vailkrin and Larket to maintain transparency and open communication. Only through honest and genuine dialogue can the concerns and suspicions be addressed, and the realm move toward a more unified and stable future. The safety and wellbeing of Mayor Valrae Baines must remain a top priority as the realm navigates these uncertain times.

May 2023

Town News

Cenril Celebrates the End of the God of Undeath's Reign of Terror

In a recent celebration that has filled the streets of Cenril, the end of the God of Undeath's reign of terror has been marked by the community. Following the events that saw the downfall of the Death God, the people of Cenril have come together to celebrate their newfound freedom and safety.

While the realm celebrates the godling’s end, the news of the tragedy that befell Trist’oth is met with great sadness. As refugees of the Underdark scatter throughout Lithrydel, Cenril will be working on legal protections for all drow who wish to shelter in the seaside republic until they are able to return to their homes. In light of the newest roll out of housing legislation and refugee aid, the Mayor has issued the following statements:

“My fellow citizens of Cenril,

I am pleased to confirm that the God of Undeath has fallen. The threat that has plagued our realm for so long has been vanquished, and we can now look to a brighter future free from fear and oppression. Let us take this moment to come together and celebrate this victory, but also to remember those who have lost their lives to this terrible deity. May their sacrifice never be forgotten, and may we continue to work towards a peaceful and just society for all.

As your Mayor, it is my duty to not only lead this great city forward, but also to stand in solidarity with those in need. I have seen the tragedy of Trist'oth firsthand, the pain and the suffering that has befallen the Underdark is not something to minimize. Our hearts go out to the people of Trist'oth who have lost loved ones and their homes in the wake of the God of Undeath's reign of terror.

Let me be clear: Despite what other publications have claimed, the drow are not hostile invaders. They are refugees and victims of a recent tragedy. They should be treated with dignity and respect.

We, as the people of Cenril, have a duty to stand by our neighbors in their time of need. It is with open arms that we welcome the refugees from Trist'oth into our city. We know that the journey to recovery will be long and arduous, but we remain hopeful for the future of Trist'oth. Let us join together as a community to show our compassion and support to those in need. Let us work together to rebuild what has been lost and to create a brighter future for all.”

Cenril Begins Rebuilding Army After Recent Disasters

Following the recent tragedies that have befallen Lithrydel, the Cenrili Guard has announced plans to begin recruiting for both the standing army and the navy. The decision comes after the realm was attacked by the God of Undeath's undead legion, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

"Recent events have shown us the importance of having a strong and capable military force," said Hector Cyprian of the Cenrili Guard. "We cannot afford to be caught off guard again. We must be ready to defend our city and our realm against any threats that may arise."

The Guard has assured citizens that recruitment will be open to all who meet the necessary requirements, regardless of race or background. Training will be provided for those without prior military experience.

"We are calling on all able-bodied citizens to consider joining our ranks," continued Captain Cyprian . "Together, we can rebuild our once great army and ensure the safety and security of our people for years to come."

The recruitment drive is set to begin in the coming weeks, with details on how to apply to be released soon.

(OOCLY, please contact Cenril’s deputy, Jaxson for more details!)

The Dark Lands Under New Rule

After years of being plagued by internal struggles and the presence of dangerous factions, the Dark Lands of Vailkrin finally seem to have found a glimmer of hope with the return of King Kasyr Azakhaer.

While tensions between Cenril and Vailkrin have been at an all-time high, nearly tipping toward war after the failed assassination attempt on Mayor Baines by Countess Quintessa Blackwell, King Azakhaer’s rise to power has given many hope for a possible easing of tensions and a potential alliance between the two cities.

Despite these positive developments, many still harbor reservations about King Azakhaer and his intentions. Nevertheless, for now at least, it seems that the people of Vailkrin are willing to put their faith in this enigmatic figure and hope for a brighter future for their city.

While Kasyr Azakhaer’s rise to Cenril fame was marked with a large bounty placed upon his head, it was later revealed that his accused crimes of mass murder were actually yet another tragedy orchestrated by Alithyk Caluss.

After weeks of investigation by the Cenril guard, it has been confirmed that Kasyr Azakhaer was not responsible for the mass murder he had been accused of. The true culprit behind the heinous act was none other than Alithyk Caluss, who had disguised himself as Azakhaer in order to cause chaos and deflect attention from his own actions.

Mayor Valrae Baines personally delivered the news to Azakhaer's estate and apologized for the wrongful accusation, stating that the city of Cenril was deeply apologetic for any harm caused to his reputation and livelihood. To make up for the mistake, the city presented Azakhaer with a gift of commendation, recognizing his contributions to the community and his bravery in the face of adversity.

The bounty on Azakhaer's head has been lifted, and the Cenril guard has issued a statement urging citizens to disregard any rumors or misinformation regarding his alleged involvement in the mass murder. When pressed for comments, Mayor Baines had this to say:

“King Azakhaer is a close and dear friend. News of his return to rule of the Dark Lands is positive and can only mean that we are that much closer to rebuilding our relations with Vailkrin.”

April 2023

Town News

Devout’s Guild to Call Cenril Home

Mayor Valrae Baines has relocated the Devout's Guild to Cenril. The move is a part of her larger efforts to make Cenril a more welcoming and inclusive city for all.

Mayor Baines expressed her enthusiasm for the Devout's Guild's arrival, saying "We are honored and grateful to welcome the Devout's Guild to Cenril. This move not only brings us closer to our roots as a holy city, but it also demonstrates our commitment to creating a city that is welcoming to all." The Divine Sanctum has opened its doors to all who are in need, regardless of race, gender, or social status. She went on to say, “The temple has long been a symbol of peace and prosperity, and now it will serve as a place of refuge and healing for those who seek it.”

The relocation of the Devout's Guild to Cenril is expected to have a positive impact on the local economy. The influx of pilgrims and worshipers is expected to increase tourism and create job opportunities for the city's residents. The decision to relocate to Cenril was not made lightly. The Devout's Guild evaluated many different locations before settling on Cenril. The city's commitment to social justice and its growing economy were among the factors that made it the top choice.

The Divine Sanctum is now open for worship and sanctuary services. All are welcome to visit and experience the peace and tranquility that the cathedral has to offer.

Titans of Winter a Glowing Success

Cenril's economy is booming thanks to the recent collaboration with neighboring Kelay. The Titans of Winter tournament, hosted jointly in effort to help in the effort to rebuild Frostmaw, has brought a wave of prosperity to the city.

The tournament was a spectacle to behold, with warriors from all over the continent gathering to compete in feats of strength, agility, and combat prowess. Spectators flocked to Cenril’s Arena for the first leg of the tournament from far and wide, filling the city's inns and restaurants to capacity. Local businesses were thrilled by the surge of visitors, which translated into a surge of profits.

In addition to the tournament, the partnership with Kelay has fostered new trade routes and agreements, opening up opportunities for Cenrili businesses to expand their markets. The influx of resources and gold into the city has given entrepreneurs and investors new incentive to start new ventures.

Cenril’s Lightened Trade and Travel Restrictions Remain

In a continued effort to protect Cenril and its citizens, safety requirements for entering both at the gate and the port remain but have been altered.

We’ve provided a list of banned items for noncitizens entering Cenril:

  • Two or more personal weapons (This includes staff, staves, daggers, knives, swords, etc.)
  • Runes of any kind
  • Fireworks

Sea Patterns and Weather

Record highs in trade between the channel between Cenril and Rynvale continues to boom. Expect congestion on popular trading routes. As always, the Almanac will continue to offer the map of areas deemed fit for sailing.

[What follows is page after page after page of painstakingly detailed maps of the sea, highlighting wind patterns, sea current patterns, fish behavior, swell sizes and speed, and so on. It’s the work of a group of retired fishermen whose golden age hobby of cartography has evolved to an art form. These maps are incredibly useful not only for fishermen, but for anyone with any interest in the sea whatsoever.]

Sea News

Seaborn activity is on the rise with the emergence of warm spring weather. Sailors and merchants are urged to use caution in the channel between the ports of Cenril and Rynvale.


December 2022

Town News

Quintessa Blackwell -- Located and Awaiting Trial

In a happy turn of events, the would be assassin of Cenril’s Mayor, Valrae Baines, has been located and moved to an unconfirmed location to stand trial for her alleged crimes.

While the details of her whereabouts and trail are being kept from the public, the Almanac was able to confirm a few key details, namely that she will be placed in front of a jury of her peers, regional leaders, and guild leaders to answer for a long list of reported crimes against the whole of Lithrydel. Her involvement with the corrupted God of Undeath will be under heavy scrutiny in the following months.

When contacted for a comment on the situation, Mayor Baines had this to say:

“Countess Quintessa Blackwell has been apprehended and is awaiting several trials. While I am not at liberty to discuss her current location, I can tell you she is safe and poses no threat to Cenril and her good people.”

She also went on to comment further, on both Quintessa and the relations between Cenril and Vailkrin:

“There are people who have reason to believe the Countess was under considerable duress and that she was not in full control of her actions. While I will not comment on this until the matter is settled within a lawful trial, I will say that Quintessa was considered a dear friend to myself and to Cenril before her attack. It was Blackwell funding that aided in the research that led to the cure of the Pauper’s Plague. I urge us all to keep that in mind as we go forward in the following months in regards to Quintessa and our neighbor, Vailkrin.”

New Flag Unveiled

In further news, Cenril’s flag and livery received a much needed update. Thanks to the work of Mayor Baines, her team, and well known local hero Khatja 'Khitti' Elysse Herzegler, a new flag now flies over the seaside republic.

Nestled in the halo of Cenril’s oceans, a white dove flies toward new beginnings. The motif of Vaalane and her guiding light sit proud over the symbols of Cenril to offer protection and wisdom as we move forward to a new age of peace and prosperity.

Cenril’s Trade and Travel Restrictions Lighten

In a continued effort to protect Cenril and its citizens, safety requirements for entering both at the gate and the port remain but have been altered.

We’ve provided a list of banned items for noncitizens entering Cenril:

  • Two or more personal weapons (This includes staff, staves, daggers, knives, swords, etc.)
  • Runes of any kind
  • Fireworks

October 2022

‘Strength and Hope’ - Cenril’s Estate Rebuilt

In the seaside republic, a solemn milestone was marked. Only months ago, a raging plague displaced hundreds in the South and West Districts and killed dozens of people. A fresher wound still was the attack that left Cenril’s once proud Mayoral Mansion in ruins.

"It was a matter of minutes, you had to act and you just had to go," said Adeliade Steward, a Cenrili Estate kitchen worker.

Adelaide wore the same clothes she did the day her world turned upside down. When a wind-whipped firestorm forced more people to evacuate, leaving guards, handmaidens and other republic staff’s home in ruins. This particular brand of tragedy was something all too many Cenrilian’s were familiar with.

Plague and fire survivors gathered to remember what was lost and how far the community has moved forward since the tragedies as Mayor Baines cut the ribbon. Baines opened her home anew to returning staff and new faces alike to celebrate the rebuilding of a precious landmark. She addressed the crowd with the following statement:

“The Estate of Cenril has long stood proud over this republic. It stood as a symbol of strength, a symbol of hope. We’ve shown today that symbol can be kept alive only with hard work and a willingness to rebuild no matter what we’ve lost. We are a proud and tenacious people built on the foundation of that same unrelenting strength that came before us. Today, not only do we reclaim that power but we reclaim our home and our community.”

She declined to comment on relations between Vailkrin or Countess Quintessa Blackwell, still at large for her suspected involvement in the failed political assasination.

Cenril’s Trade and Travel Restrictions Remain

In a continued effort to protect Cenril and its citizens, heightened safety requirements for entering both at the gate and the port remain.

We’ve provided a list of banned items for noncitizens entering Cenril:

  • Alcohol that exceeds what can be considered a personal amount (If not properly marked for resell eg. Barrels, crated bottles etc.)
  • Rations that exceed what can be considered a personal amount (If not properly marked for resell eg. Barrels, crated bottles etc.)
  • Fireworks
  • Two or more personal weapons (This includes staff, staves, daggers, knives, swords, etc.)
  • Corkscrews (with blade)
  • Cremated remains
  • Bones of any kind
  • Runes of any kind

July 2022

Town News Assault On Cenril -- Mayor Attacked!!

The attack on Cenril’s Mayor, Valrae Baines, played out in the cover of night and left the once proud jewel of the city a smoldering mess, but the Guard committee investigating the attack believes a more chilling story has yet to be told -- about Vailkrin and the people whose actions put Cenrili democracy at risk.

With personal accounts and gruesome aftermath left behind, it’s become clear that this assasination attempt came from the Dark Lands. Sources are reporting that it was Quintessa Blackwell, Countess of the Dark Forest, that orchestrated the near murder of Mayor Valrae Baines.

While it’s not known how the Mayor plans to respond, there has been public outcry demanding accountability for Vailkrin. This is a sentiment that seems to reach across the divide that separates the North and South sides of the port republic. The result of the coming weeks of public hearings may change hearts and minds in a politically polarized Cenril.

Cenril’s Gates Close

For the first time in decades, Cenril’s gates closed. They’ve since been reopened, however travel into the city has been slowed near halt as the Cenrili Guard have now heightened safety requirements for entering both at the gate and the port.

We’ve provided a list of banned items for noncitizens entering Cenril:

  • Alcohol that exceeds what can be considered a personal amount (If not properly marked for resell eg. Barrels, crated bottles etc.)
  • Rations that exceed what can be considered a personal amount (If not properly marked for resell eg. Barrels, crated bottles etc.)
  • Fireworks
  • Two or more personal weapons (This includes staff, staves, daggers, knives, swords, etc.)
  • Corkscrews (with blade)
  • Cremated remains
  • Bones of any kind
  • Runes of any kind

April 2022

The cursed wind that has plagued Cenril has been lifted! Reports of the Sullen Siren going down in flames for a second, and seemingly final time has been confirmed by the Almanac.

Reports from a disgruntled Captian suggest that the mage’s guild played a role in this fortunate turn of events, along with the Ravencroft heir, renowned local bakery owner Khatja 'Khitti' Elysse Herzegler, and possibly even Valrae Baines. If confirmed, this new development could certainly further sway the voters towards Baines in the upcoming election. We’ve been unable to confirm these rumors.

Mayor Uma has declined to offer any comment

January 2022

Infected cases are finally falling in the South and West ends of Cenril, welcome news after skyrocketing case counts driven by the highly infectious and unknown ghoul virus.

“The case numbers are coming down, which I consider an optimistic trend,” A.J. Tauci, director of the Council for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a Mayoral briefing.

But the falling numbers doesn’t mean Cenrilians are out of the woods.

That’s because, as cases fall, a huge number of people could still be infected: As many people who got sick as cases soared to their peak will transmit the infection if the barrier that independent activists worked towards fails.

“It’s a great sign that the slope is going down and will stay down, however case rates remain very high,” he said. “And family members have yet to return home.”

The director remains optimistic though. “The Mayor is pulling all of her efforts and resources into finding a cure, despite the rumors that she’s been ignoring this ongoing tragedy. I can assure you, this office remains at the service of Cenril and all of its citizens.”

November 2020

November 1

  • Breaking News from Cenril:

Hallow's Eve tragedy! The mysterious illness that had been sweeping through Cenril's southern slums for the past few months has led to a terrible revelation. Thousands of South Cenril residents that had been infected with the disease have turned into what locals are calling zombies. The infection is spread through bite. The infected have all-black eyes and pronounced purple veins on pale skin.

A party on Hallow's Eve aboard The Sullen Siren ended in yet more tragedy as Kasyr Azakhaer set the ship ablaze, killing dozens of infected and hundreds of innocent civilians in the fire. Cenrili authorities have placed Mr. Azakhaer at the top of the Most Wanted list for murder of hundreds of residents. There is a 20,000 gold bounty for any information that leads to his arrest, and a 100,000 gold bounty for anyone who brings him in dead or alive.

Many South Cenril locals are calling for aid in curing the illness, and demand that the infected be quarantined and kept safe until a cure is found, so that victims may be restored to their families. It is unclear if a cure exists or could be created in time before the disease spreads. Hardliners are determined to eradicate the disease by killing the infected, arguing that the infected are already lost.

Authorities in other cities are seeking to prevent the spread of the disease within their borders. Larket has already closed its borders, just hours after the disease broke out in the city


September 2018

August 2018

August 27

  • Mayor Uma Abelin hosts Cenril’s first annual Peace Gala. The news reports it's success without mentioning Henry Cramer’s unwelcomed appearance. The masked man interrupted the night with a speech that was filled with witch phobia and hatred, reminiscent of the majority of Larket's views. He publishes a religious, witch phobic book that is a popular buy despite receiving scathing reviews. A new paper is hitting the shelves that promises to be honest, but what could they have to be transparent about when the Fisherman's Almanac is reporting nothing is wrong?


December 2017

  • December 20th
    • A monstrous battle takes place in the Grand Cenrili Arena! A giant tank was erected center stage and filled to the brim with water as The Uyeer King and The Alithryian Ambassador brought their show stopping theatrics and battle prowess to Cenril. After a well fought battle, Kreekitaka was declared the champion. Fans of both parties then filtered out into the streets after ingesting a strange Uyeer drink served during the event and proceeded to cause a few minor brawls of their own seized by the spirit of the day.

November 2017

  • November 4th
    • In Cenril politics, Sterling Townsend concedes to Fitz Johnson in the Mayoral Election that took place aboard the SS Turnt. After a rousing speech, Fitz is murdered by a hooded figure calling himself Kahran. He claims responsibility for the destruction of Catal (homeland of Frostmaw's Steward) and promises the same for Lithrydel; a merciless cleansing by fire. Uma, wife of the late Fitz, banded together with fellow witches to banish Kahran and surround Cenril with a protective magical barrier. The SS Turnt and thousands of citizen lives were lost in the conflict.


July 2016


April 2015

February 2015


November 2014

  • November 7
    • A series of very dangerous and strange events has lead to the discovery of a corruption far worse than what had been expected, rooted deep inside of the Church of Cenril. The Cenrilian Guard has been busying itself investigating allies of the Church and performing arrests on any deemed dangerous to the safety of the Cenrilian people, and any found to be directly involved with the newly found cultist activities.

June 2014

May 2014

  • May 21
    • The caretaker and owner of a funeral home on Beloy Street was found badly beaten, but alive, in his business early this morning. Cenril Watch patrols discovered his front door open and entered to investigate, to find the elderly man unconscious, arranged in a coffin, face battered and slashed. On the floor nearby was the body of a young Avian woman, as yet unidentified. Her death appears to have been from stab wounds to the chest. The caretaker states that he did not see the faces of his two assailants, although one appeared to be a black haired Feline male and the other a small masked female, possibly lycan or feline. He is unsure what the burglars were after, for no property has been reported missing, but suspects they were after the Avian for unknown reasons. Earlier in the night, a patrol had stopped by the store, having noticed the back door left open, but left when they discovered a stray cat as the likely culprit. The Guards are now on the look out for the pair, wanted for murder and assault.

April 2014

March 2014

February 2014

February 10

    • General Brommson has announced that the last of the cultists present in Cenril have either fled or been apprehended. The court trials will begin shortly, and according to Brommson, a festival celebrating the revival of Cenril will be held, as well as the offer of work to any and all who need it, as Cenril must now be rebuilt.

January 2014

  • January 7
    • Cenril has been in a state of constant war between supporters of the Church and the general Cenrilian populace. Many lives have been lost, and the streets are bare save for the debris of homes and stores burned down by the fighting. The war seems to be coming to a close, however, and General Brommson suggests that the war will be coming to a close soon.

  • January ?
    • A strange new wave of people moving in seems to have crashed into Cenril, bringing with them the promise of new beginnings, and the danger of new evils. The Church continues to show secretive behavior, the gangs continue to act. In a more recent turn of events; a group of lycans, and mutated snakes have been seen, and pushed out of Cenril by a certain blacksmith and her friends. The Guard seems stronger than ever, now with a supplement of allied forces walking about. It seems maybe Cenril is getting just a little bit safer.


March 2013

  • March
    • Over previous months, the residents of Cenril have noticed a growing tension between the various factions vying for dominance in the anarchy-riddled city. Brawls between groups of thugs have become more common, and the rumour mill is flooded with whispers that various groups of criminal and semi-legitimate interests have been spending a lot of coin hiring whatever muscle they can find. It seems that every day more hardfaced brawlers turn up in an alleyway dripping red from newly gained 'dockside smiles' or numerous weapon wounds. Regular citizens are showing the caution and stoic acceptance typical of Cenril's sturdy breed. Sell-swords, brawlers, and bravos are finding Cenril a perfect place to earn some coin. Rumours whisper too of an external group adding fuel to the fire.


October 2012

  • October 16

An ongoing investigation taking place in Rynvale has led their authorities to question Cenril locals. The victim of a murder investigation was reported by sailors to have been seen traveling from Cenril to Rynvale the day of the murder. The woman was an 18 year old human with dark hair, dark skin, and pale blue eyes. She was approximately 5'7" and weighed approximately 135lbs. She has been identified as a lycan and may have turned someone on October 14th, the day before her body was found. If any locals have any information about the woman's identity, please contact Cenril's authorities and/or those of Rynvale.

August 2012

  • August 5
    • The gorge that leads to the bridge between Kelay and Cenril has seen an alarming amount of hideous creatures flying around it, attacking various travellers seemingly at random. How some of these creatures can fly almost defies explanation, as they appear to be made up of various body parts put together at random. The city of Cenril itself has seen minor damage from them, but it appears just a matter of time before the creatures attack it in force.

July 2012

  • July 28
    • The cities of Larket, Cenril, and Kelay were attacked today by unusual alliance between fermin and avian terrorists. People massed to defend some areas. Ships between Rynvale and Cenril were lost, catching the the Rynvale docks ablaze.. The vampiric mage known as Tovenaar has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

May 2012

  • May 14
    • Hadrian, found to be leading the raids as of late in Cenril, was captured after a failed attempt to raid the coffers of Cenril's Curch. A Giant serving as Hadrian's accomplice brought considerable damage to Cenril's Cathedral of the Divine Three. The Giant escaped after being chased out of the city by Cenril's Guardsmen.
  • May 11
    • Bodies were found at the bottom of the Eastern Bridge Ravine, among those dead were the Merchant Guickmoor, and bodyguard Vesimiir. Worried talk among Caravaners ripple through all of Cenril at this outrage. Not a single valuable was left behind in the wake of the Raiders responsible.

April 2012

  • April 2
    • A Large, Red Dragon and a smaller, black Draconian were spotted flying South of the Cenril-Kelay bridge. They appeared to be heading Upwards for a little bit, before disappearing into the clouds under Armantium. Why anyone would want to go to the ruined city is beyond any idea of a common person, however, rumors of fabled treasure hidden in Armantium are slowly making their way around Cenril.

February 2012

  • February 25
    • A draconian monk was called to a mysterious set of rubble at the depths of a chasm in Cenril. A dark presence has left the abandoned ruins...

January 2012

  • January 18
    • Two paladins sent by the "Church of Cenril" fended off a small band of necromaners and mercenaries off of the coast of the city in the rubble of the castle that use to be there. Reports indicate that this is just an action in what is being called a rebuilding of Cenril through enforcement of law.
  • January 05
    • A bronze dragon has been witnessed by many, exploding out of the waters of Cenril and shooting lightning in all directions from his mouth. It is yet unknown if he is truly a hazard or not, but citizens are advised to be wary of this creature.


November 2011

  • November 08
    • A red dragon flew the skies of Cenril this day before descending into the Grand Arena to lay a challenge. A local butcher proved to be more than just a shopkeep when he summoned shadowy sorceries to fend off the dragon.

October 2011

  • October 20
    • Citizens were awakened by a shrill scream in a section of Cenril not too far from the cathedral. Locals who were quick to their windows say the source of the scream was a priest whose hands were shackled in crimson light. Some with a decent vantage point say they saw a figure wreathed in shadow knocking the priest out and dragging him away. A large scorched area could be found on the cobblestones where the priest had stood when curious residents investigated the following morning.
  • October 9
    • The stench of rotting flesh in the northern parts of Cenril has been very evident over the last two or so weeks, though the smell was shrugged off as unimportant for many were used to it. Though finally someone took it upon themselves to at least dispose of the stench but what they found truly surprised them. Deep in the woods was a effigy of sorts, made of rotting and decaying bodies, most with deep lacerations and missing limbs, some bodies had their entire ribcage ripped out. The effigy was fashion in a five-pointed star, in the middle of the star contained one body, strung up and missing all organs, head, and legs. On the corpses chest there seemed to be a swirling design to the cuts, as if something had wrapped itself around the chest with great pressure, it is still a mystery as to what has caused this, bindings had been a good guess but a acrid black substance that was mysterious to everyone seemed to be covering the corpses and was especially evident in the wounds. The scene was a gruesome one and was quickly disposed of by someone or another, for the smell was just getting stronger over the days, the monster that had caused this is still unknown, and it is unknown as to whether it will return on not. These wounds are similar to those that were experienced some two years ago around this time, and most believe the beast to be a demon of sorts, and all who was around then, they surely hope it hasn't returned.

September 2011

  • September 26
    • Rumors of a ghost haunting central Cenril surround the mysterious appearance of a floating, unconscious woman traveling down the street at an unhurried pace. Descriptions of said woman/ghost include: Copper colored hair, dark leather clothing and a rather chubby chinchilla trailing after.
  • September 24
    • Reports of a coven of vampires being present in the Cathedral of the Divine Three as well as extensive damage being done to various pillars and pew's has drawn some concern from various citizens. Of the vampire's group, all were attributed to being seen more commonly in Frostmaw.
  • September 14
    • The corpse of a cathedral acolyte, its carcass prepared like that of a butchered pig, is found on the steps of the Cenril cathedral. Exsanguinated with no sign of fang marks, eviscerated, and cut into eleven pieces, its head is found with a note shoved in its mouth: "Make Witness: The sins of the city have come for its clergy"
  • September 9
    • A notice is placed around the city: By decree of his holiness, the Archbishop of Cenril, William Compton IV : The illegal, and sinful, actions of the invading pirates, as well as the ever growing corruption that is sweeping the lands, has forced the church's hands. On this day, in absence of any real form of governmental rule, the church declares itself the soverign ruling body of the port city.
  • Septemper 8
    • This evening, the Whalers Bar was trashed when a local businessman and a butcher had a violent disagreement over what appeared to be paperwork. The barkeep has commented that the next time he sees one of them, "...they'd better pay for the damn repairs, or they ain't gettin' served".
  • September 7
    • There has been an acid rainstorm over Cenril's Open Market. Rumors are that this was caused by a wraith dragon. Do not come in contact with any wet acid! If you see this dragon, be wary, for she can spew more acid forth from her mouth. Several plants have been killed by this acid, and the streets have marks from it. The acid is highly dangerous. Stay safe!

August 2011

  • August 17
    • In the first good news Cenril has had in months, the priest Lared begins restoration of the desecrated shrine to Olric the Just.

July 2011

  • July 27
    • Troubles continue in southern Cenril as a warehouse is torched by Saboteurs. Street rumours point the finger at Craven's Crew.
  • July 21
    • A powerful summoning of dark magics is witnessed in the eastern part of Arril Street, followed by a building being partially demolished and set alight.
  • July 13
    • People have been disappearing without a trace in southern Cenril over the past few days. Stories had spread far enough that many Cenrilli residents were now avoiding the southern streets. Some claimed that it was demons, some slavers, others had gone so far as to speculate that a group of evil magicians were teleporting around and sacrificing people for some dark ritual. All anyone knew for certain was that something evil had taken root in Cenril within the last few days, and that no one who saw whatever the thing was escaped to tell of it.
  • July 9
    • Visitors to Cenril were endangered this day when what may have been an assassination attempt by a female Orc occurs on the Cenril-Kelay Bridge. Witnesses report the attack occurred without warning or challenge. Baldwin, a witness and regular in the Whalers Inn, later commented over a cheap ale "Someone must have paid good gold to have that thing unleashed on their target."
  • July 6
    • The rumour-mills churn as word start to ripple through the streets of Cenril of some kind of shadowy feud developing. A handful of people reported several assassins fighting in the shadows of a park near the Cenril Library the previous night. Those who investigated would find dried blood, and perhaps a snapped-off crossbow bolt in the upper branch of one of the trees in that park.

June 2011

  • June 27
    • A stream of curses in an unknown language is heard from a rooftop near the Cenril Inn, followed by a high-pitched death-scream. Local witnesses report a cloaked figure with white hair lying on the rooftop before being collected by two other cloaked men - presumably accomplices to a failed assassination attempt. No other details are forthcoming.
  • June 21
    • Reports confirm eight men slaughtered in the Funeral Parlour in Cenril. The funeral director confirms the conflict was between rival gangs 'Craven's Crew' and 'Sawtooth's Solution'. Craven's crew had lost eight of their own men the night before, and had been making funeral arrangements when Sawtooth's men attacked them in the parlour. The funeral director further claims that Craven's Crew was aided by an assassin named 'Nemo'.

January 2011

  • January 31
  • January 22
    • The war on the streets of Cenril reached new heights today. The docks at the harbor were the scene of what appeared to have been a meeting of ciminal power players gone horribly wrong. Several bodies were discovered littered in an abandoned warehouse, one of which has been identified as the former merchant, Geoff Burnham, currently rumored to be one of the leaders of the criminal element in the city. His death upsets the balance of power in the region, and it is expected that violence will increase in the power vacum generated by his murder.As always, caution is advised as you move through the city.
  • January 11
    • An explosion of violence in the streets of Northern Cenril disturbed what little peace the war torn city enjoys. Tensions between rival bands of thugs, herebefore running under the suface, seem to have been redirected to open conflict. The city is considered extremly dangerous and citizens of the lands are advised to avoid travelling through and stays there unless absolutely neccessary.


December 2010

September 2010

July 2010

  • July 20

June 2010

  • June 18
    • Earlier today several large booms of thunder were heard over by the bridge connecting Cenril to Kelay. A swell of mana was noted in all of the more magically prone, and soon after an absolutely thunderous explosion could be heard all the way to the mines of Xalious as several crates of explosive were detonated, it is presumed, by Triyul, and several Preklek guard after a failed assasination attempt on a famed Senator of the Republic. The explosion, while having not destroyed the bridge, has made traffic nearly impossible - especially those trading goods between the small village and the city-state via horse-drawn carriage.
  • June 13
    • Let it be known that Lithrydel's Guard, under the leadership of Aranhil, has declared that their clan shall lead the clean up and reconstruction of the city of Cenril. Plans are nearly complete to help clear the city of the many bodies that blanket the streets.
  • June 12
    • The anticipated assault on the city of Cenril has taken place. A portal was opened, and an estimated 8000 Preklek soldiers invaded the city proper. The allied forces of The Fold, The Order of The Violet Rose, The Eyrie and Lithrydel’s guard, along with Cenrilian militia fought valiantly, sustaining heavy losses on their way to eventual victory.
  • June 8
  • June 04
    • A series of odd occurrences were reported across Cenril. 2 city guards were attacked, fishermen reported unusually low tides, and a series of runic engravings have been found. A feline was seen with a large metal sphere near all the incidents.


March 2010

  • Mar 22
    • Governor Demont Roussai was seen along Congressional Way today for the first time in many months. Apparently, the Governor was not pleased with those in the Capitol Building; two notable political figures were brutally murdered upon his arrival. After a brief statement by Senator Rigsby Zade, the two disappeared into the Governor's office for several hours.
  • Mar 19
  • Mar 9
    • Another body was found today, lying face down in a pool of his own blood. The victim, a promising young mage under the instruction of the magister templi, Knelltic, named Tyress, will be buried Thursday evening. Knelltic will be attending the funeral, as will many close friends and family. More information will be released upon further investigation...

January 2010

  • Jan 17
    • A Cenril guard has been reported missing, last seen on his patrol of the bridge. Witnesses report hearing sounds similar to snarling animals and a troll coming from below the bridge. Investigations are underway.
  • Jan 10
    • The Arena was repaired and the forces of chaos retreated from the city.