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This Page has been marked as a Inactive Character.

This character is currently inactive. This does not mean they no longer exist ICly, it usually means their player is unavailable to play OOCly, or is using another alt.
Name: Ashely 'Ashe' Valdaglerion [Refuses to give out last name]
Age: 35 (appears to be about twenty years of age)
Height: 5’7
Weight: Thin. Refuses to say a number.
Hair Color: A deep burgundy. Choppy. Uneven.
Eye Color: The iciest shade of cerulean.
Skin Color: A creamy milky tone. Pale as the moon.
Class: Self proclaimed Warrior. Has the sword training.
Specialty: Considers manipulation his specialty. Uses it only for his own gain.
Clan: None.
Alignment: Neutral. He only thinks for himself.
Home: Rynvale. 

Appearance: Ashe stands at 5'7 (if he hears 'Ashe' and 'short' in the same sentence, he will lose his temper). He barely fits the description for 'warrior'. His body is slender; he looks as if he can not barely hold up a large blade (which he would never use, for they look brute-ish in his opinion). However, he is sharp-eyed and agile. His muscles are toned like those of a gymnast; sinewy and flexible. Burgundy, uneven locks frame his fine, angular face. His elven ears are slender and angular. On his person he always carries his family crest ring though he will lie that it is a stolen treasure.

Bio: As a child, Ashely was known amongst his fellow noble elves as a 'rebel', 'devil child', 'disgrace to all elven kind', and 'little demon'. Those were but a few of his nicknames resulting from his mischievous doings such as setting the family library on fire (which, to his dismay, the records survived), harassing his father's collection of exotic animals, and insulting many a family guest without thinking before he spoke. Needless to say, he was destructive and rebellious to the bone.

He grew a strong dislike for the rules and structure of the high elf society, becoming easily bored with the politics and hierarchy. The high elf was to be the successor of the Valdaglerion estate and would be handed the title of his father, which was of lesser noble quality. His childhood consisted of etiquette classes, arithmetic, history, magic, swordplay, and socializing with other children of his ranking and occasionally those above him.

As soon as he turned twenty, Ashely fled from his family and his noble life nearly overnight. His yearning to see the world and experience whatever he pleased finally led him up to this sudden decision. At the moment he freed himself from the family ruling, he shed his former past, choosing to don the new name 'Ashe' and carrying no more last name. It was then he started his new-found life of greed and selfishness.

He focused only on his swordplay and abandoned whatever magical training he had received prior to leaving. Even to this day he avoids fellow high elves for the sole reason that they recognize his face and report his whereabouts to his family, who are forever searching for their only heir.

He has considered the path of a mercenary only to find that working for others was beneath him. He currently fends only for himself.

Ashe will lie about his background but when he makes a promise unrelating to his past, he will never break it. He rarely makes a promise.

[More to come about his childhood eventually.]