Ice-Fringed Waterweave Scarf

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Ice-Fringed Waterweave Scarf - (Armour-Neck)
Creator: Unknown
Last Known Owner: Satoshi

Water bewitched to adopt the form of a scarf, always flowing in its magically-induced confinement. Where tassled ends usually adorn a scarf a multitude of tiny icicles decorate this one. It once functioned as a sword-belt for Ko'tar but has recently been returned to its proper place as a scarf around Satoshi's neck, where it mingles with her arctic mistweave cloak. At present, it serves as home to a tiny fish Satoshi caught with Hildegarde.


Obtained after Satoshi challenged Grae to steal or con it from a passing sailor. It has since been used as a weapon, to house the odd marine life, and even provide a drink to the desperately thirsty. It's a multi-functional accessory, to say the least.

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