Gualon Orphanage

From HollowWiki

The Gualon Orphanage is a local shelter for displaced adolescents and teenagers in Gualon. The Orphanage was originally created to meet the housing needs of the children orphaned by the warring factions during the city's earlier history, before a charter was made to perpetuate inclusionary measures among all citizens of Gualon.

Many of those orphans have now grown up to become thriving members of society. Some own businesses in Gualon while others have branched out to other cities and lands.


Off Arena Avenue, in Gualon.


The Orphanage has been destroyed twice in its history by invading forces. Despite the apparent innocence of its inhabitants, it is often targeted during attacks as a way to control the population, or, at the very least, distract from the main assault.

During its most recent rebuilding, Tristram had the orphanage magically warded against many different kinds of attacks. Many of the orphans were involved in the orphanage's reconstruction, and thus the building now houses many secret passages, hidden staircases, and numerous exits. It's almost as though it has another purpose than its intended one.


Volunteers come in to offer tutelage to Gualon's orphans. Trade classes are offered that range from construction to teaching to sewing to soldiering. Night classes are also available to the teenage orphans who have found jobs that keep them busy during the day. Orphans are also frequently seen coming to and from the Governor's estate, which houses a large library at their disposal.

The Orphans

Gualon's orphans are not the helpless variety so frequently found in other cities. They are savvy, capable children, from the youngest to the oldest. They've seen invasions enough to last them a lifetime, and now, when a threat comes to their city, they band together to defend Gualon. They are eager to make money, driven by the example of a dragon's work ethic, and they know the value of work. They also know the value of questionable work; Gualon's orphans are experienced pick pockets, practically an entire brigade of artful dodgers in the making. If you're not careful, you'll find your pockets empty upon your departure from the city.