Golden Kelp

From HollowWiki
This page describes an non-custom item available within Hollow. To see more items, go to Category:Items.

Golden Kelp - Usable Item
Sold at: The Oracle of Alithrya
Cost: 15 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp

Golden kelp is a rare and magical oceanic herb which allows air-breathing creatures to breathe water instead for a limited time. Its effects can last from one hour to a full day, depending on how much has been ingested, and includes the ability to comprehend and communicate in water-speech.

A long-held secret among the seaborn races, the places where it may be naturally found are few and far between. Nevertheless, it has made its way to the stores of certain black-market merchants.

CAUTION: Golden kelp should only be ingested while in, or in proximity to, a large body of water as it rapidly causes the body to lose the ability to breathe air.