Gold Dragon

From HollowWiki

Gold Dragon

Gold Dragon
Respawn: 55 mins
Level: 10 Attack: 270
HP: 6400 MP: 0 SP: 829

Rynvale Island

Max Drop: 452 gold, 100 silver, 1000 copper
Graceful and ancient, Gold Dragons are among the eldest of their kind and are said to have been the first dragons to walk the lands of Hollow. It must be distinguished that Gold Dragons encountered as enemies roaming the wilds have become beasts, driven mad by years of hardship. They hunt and kill at a whim and barely have any skills of communication. Beastly dragons cannot be trusted or reasoned with; trying to talk to them is the same as talking to any other unintelligent creature. Gold dragons hunt their prey and strike by calling upon holy and light-based magical powers with the ease they had from the time when they were still lucid.

Written by Kanna