Gladiatorial Bouts

From HollowWiki

Description: The Imperial Gladitorial Bouts are a challenge to find the strongest warriors throughout the entire lands of Hollow. They are presented by the Empire of Archmosia and funded by the Emperor Vuryal.

How to Enter

Gladiators wishing to enter into the fighting arena can send a message to the Emperor.

Rules of the Bout

Anything goes. Time limit per post is 10-15 minutes, 3 rounds, standard duel rules. No auto-hits allowed, but if both gladiators agree, minor holds will be. A final auto-hit will be allowed by the victor to remove the body part from the loser.


The victor will receive 25,000 gold pieces and recognized as a fierce warrior worthy to be feared.
The loser will receive 10,000 gold pieces. However, an additional stake is that the loser will lose a body part or die at the end of the bout. The body part will be decided upon by a random 1-10 number, the number correlating to the part to be lost.


All bouts will take place at the Imperial Arena in Rynvale, east of the former governor's mansion.


Bouts will take place generally once a week, time and day decided upon between Vuryal and the gladiators. It will then be announced to the general population.

Previous Bouts

Inaugural Bout (Sep 25, 2009): (Double the stakes)

Gladiators: Cayl vs. Ayras Drathir.
Victor: Cayl
Body Part Lost: Right Hand
Transcript of Duel

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