Glacial Elementum Arcanum

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Glacial Elementum Arcanum - (Weapon-Magic/Music)
Creator: Satoshi
Last Known Owner: Satoshi

A thick tome bound in slabs of silver heavily decorated with runes, sigils, and scrollwork. The pages, although of great age, are an unearthly pristine white, their edges gilded in silver to match the covers and the ink a midnight blue in coloration, with a strange glowing quality. To those able to read the archaic language the book is scribed in, they'll find it carries a variety of theories, histories, and even secrets of Ice Elementals, including references to those rare beings dubbed Elemental-Touched or Genasi.


This book has resided in the Black Library for an unknown amount of time, and was only recently discovered by Satoshi during a trip to the location with the intent of obtaining a volume or two as an anniversary/birthday gift from Kasyr. Satoshi was inexplicably drawn to this tome, and has since not let it out of her sight, often becoming absorbed in its pages for hours on end as she for once takes a vested interest in her past and the possibilities the book implies about it. Since completing reading and studying the tome, Satoshi has placed it in the Master's Library for safe-keeping.

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