Fight:Gorzhageigk v Quinmyutiotu, a Short Match of Long Names

From HollowWiki

Frostmaw Colosseum

Quinmyutiotu noticeably paled before the dragon that stood before her. Instead of fleeing, however, the dryad's body reacted in a similar fashion that a turtle might when placed before a massive predator. Her body began to convulse. Violently. Dirty flesh began to ripple with miniscule bumps, each one tearing apart to allow a multitude of sharp thorns that covered her entire body to break through. Bare toes curled, digging into the frigid ground in order to take root. The mute's thorny lips moved in a silent mantra as more plant life grew from her. Strong vines sprouted from her feet and legs, anchoring her in place and hoisting her tiny body off of the ground in a gradual descent until she reached eye level with Gorzhageigk. Quin remained steady momentarily with her eyes trained on one of his before the thrashing began. With as much force as the thorn-covered dryad could muster, the vines holding her midair began to violently toss Quin around, attempting to slam into the dragon's eye. Should she be able to damage it - render it useless, hopefully- , she might have the upper hand. The vines tangled in her hair sprang to life as well. Thick vines unfurled, writhing menacingly while they worked to grab and entangle the dragon's horns in effort to hold his head still.

Gorzhageigk roars angrily and quickly shuts his eyelid. He rears his head and pulls away from the assaulting dryad as the tendrils atop her head reach up to ensnare the many horns lining his brow and jawline. Thin wings unfurl along the length of his serpentine form supported by two spinal arms on both sides, each tipped with a single dangerously sharp claw. The dragon keeps his head held high, his massive strength barely keeping the soft flesh of his nose and eyelids away from his attacker. One wing beat lifts the brown beast from the arena floor and a second provides the space needed to swing his razor-lined tail beneath him to cut clean through the flora supporting Quinmyutiotu. A third beat of wings sends the pair yet higher through the sky where the dragon begins thrashing about in an attempt to shake his assailant. Speedy lifts and daring dive bombs both threaten to break the bonds holding tight to the brown's sharp horns and send the Dryad slamming into the hard arena floor below.

Quinmyutiotu gritted her teeth in order to prevent herself from shouting in pain as the dragon's tail cuts through the vines supporting her. Green fluid erupts from the cut vines, spraying spectators below. With the vines growing from her legs and toes dead, they fall from her limbs as newer ones sluggishly begin to sprout from her flesh in order to prevent her from collapsing into a nasty heap on the ground. They don't grow nearly quick enough, however, as the dryad is caught completely off guard when she feels a sharp tug from her scalp. Her legs kick wildly midair while she tries to gather her bearings. The vines growing from her head tighten their grip on the dragon's horns while she swings, her thorn-covered body writhing midair like an awkward acrobat's might. With the violent movements of the dragon added to the mix of her self-induced thrashing, and Quin could very easily look like a lifeless ragdoll. Her vines begin to lose their grip, a few of the thinner ones snapping from the tension and tearing away from her scalp. While the stronger ones are still just tight enough to allow for the dryad to swing, Quin throws herself at the dragon a second time. The vines coiled tight around his horns release their grip, this time flinging outward to coil around another pair of horns on his brow. This time, she aimed her thorn-covered body toward his other eye to damage it.

Gorzhageigk is none too happy about his current situation, a fact made apparent by the rumbling cries of protest echoing through the snowy mountains. Quin's small form slams into the beast's right eye, provoking another angry roar before that lid slams shut and the other opens, the enormous brown orb behind it shrinking as the dragon focuses on the creature so near to his face. Gorzhageigk rockets higher off the ground, depending on centrifugal force alone to prevent further assaults, then his flight pattern crests and slows. Wings tuck against the beast's side. The descent is slow, at first. Gorzhageigk points his nose towards the ground, and the dryad clinging to him along with it. Soon, they're headed for the arena floor at a speed exceeding even that with which they rose. As they near the ground, the brown dragon braces himself and splays his wings, catching air and twisting the pair around. With great force, Gorzhageigk plants his face squarely in the side of the arena's sloped seating, determined wing beats dragging him along a ten foot section as he attempts to scrap the infection of a creature from his face. His wings billow again and he launches away from the stands, slamming into the arena's central pillar and landing on all four legs with a roar.

Quinmyutiotu can't help making a triumphant grin when her aim rang true, but it didn't remain on her face for very long. Their height in the air was out of her comfort zone; especially with her only attachment to the dragon was vines. Changing tactics, the vines hanging on tightly to the dragon's horns loosen their grip as the two begin to descend. With the adrenaline built up in her wiling her violently trembling hands, Quin scrambled along Gorz's face with the vines preventing her from falling off. Once the dryad has reached his nose, she plunges herself into his right nostril. The remaining thorns growing from her body are used as a means of pinning herself to the inside of the brown dragon's nose while she braces for impact, but the dryad isn't entirely quick enough, unfortunately. The sickening sound of bones being pulverized can just barely be heard beneath the dragon's roar. One of her legs didn't make it inside. Her body twitched with the agonizing pain of her shattered leg, but she leaned against the inside of the dragon's nostril, digging the thorns in deeper. Better her leg being crushed than her entire body.

Gorzhageigk snorts. His eyes scan the massacred field before him in search of his foe. A sharp pain in his nostril causes him to snort again and shake his head. He must have broken skin when he... Oh. Oh! He snorts again, harder this time, and feels the dryad shake beneath the force of his breath like a giant... Booger. He turns around and grabs hold of the monolithic spire ascending from the center of the arena. Quickly scaling the stone slab, his serpentine form twisting around it for support, he points his nose towards the sky. There will be no chance for escape should she still be nested within the beast's nostril. With a final deafening roar, Gorzhageigk inhales and then... Dense sheets of blistering desert sand flare from his nostrils, effectively sandblasting anything within. Gorzhageigk opens his mouth and finishes the blast with a second shower of sand. Upon finishing, he looks around once more, scanning the arena floor for any sign of his opponent from his vantage point perched atop the central spire.

Quinmyutiotu , after trying to push the terrible pain of her crushed leg out of her mind, begins wrenching her body from the inside of Gorz's nose. As his head begins to tilt skyward, her body begins to sink downward into the nostril, hinting to the dryad that she's loose. With what energy there is left within her, Quin makes a sluggish climb up and out of the dragon's nostril. In a moment of stupidity she forgets about her broken leg and attempts to stand upright so she can jump off of the dragon and into the comfortable looking pile of dead vines below, but an agonizing wave of pain washes over her the moment she attempts to put weight on the broken leg. Instead of a graceful dive, there is an unpleasant and very much graceless roll off of Gorz's nose. A soft thud can be heard when her body meets the mass of vines before them and Quin are showered with sand.