Enchanted Elemental Twin Dirks

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Enchanted Elemental-Twin-Dirks - (Weapon-Melee)
Creator: Enchanted by Thea for Keter
Last Known Owner: Mesdoram

This set of matched daggers, cast of the purest Mithril, was forged deep within the bowels of the Underdark. Through an elaborate ritual of esoteric formulae, the dual blades where ensorcelled by the Druidess, Queen Thea of Enchantment, with the multitude of nature's power. In the adept hands of one who understands nature's power, these blades are capable of a motley arsenal of startling offensives.


Keter obtained a pair of matched daggers from the finest smiths in Trist'oth, impeccable in quality for the intended purpose they were to serve. Due to his insatiable desire to control the elements, the ranger petitioned Queen Thea to enchant these blades with a pure essence of elemental power, the druidess was reluctant at first, but due to his assistance in aiding the Enchanted Kingdom, granted him the rather large favor. She warned him upon giving up the ensorcelled items that she would be ever watchful over their use, and misuse would result in their untimely obsolescence. This item was retrieved from Keter's corpse by Dergious but eventually found thier way back to Thea due to congruicne with her natural energies. Upon accepting the Drow Mesdoram into the Syndicate and House D'Artes, he was gifted the blades by Patron Tiphareth upon request to Queen Thea.

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