Duel:Guistepades v Kasyr v Satoshi

From HollowWiki
Location: Hanging Corpse Tavern, Vailkrin
Duelists: Guistepades, Kasyr, Satoshi
Judges: Terra, Arien, Kazuma
Stakes: 10k from each defeated to the winner (Kasyr and Guistepades set additional stakes for themselves: Capture of the other if defeated).
Timelimit: 10 minutes/post

(~RP posts leading up to the duel available upon request~)

Satoshi is content to hang back for the duration of the conversation, because really the only input she can offer is hardly appropriate to the atmosphere. Discussions of minotaur burgers are best saved for another time. For now, the mage busies herself with a bit of absent rummaging in the satchel at her side while keeping a fair portion of her attention on the other two. Shouldn't someone have done something by now...? Heaving a sigh she tugs her satin-gloved hand back from the bag with a small vial in grasp, tossing the item into the air once as a final glance is passed over minotaur and tiefling. "... Ladies first, I suppose..." comes as her only warning before the glass vial is caught once more, only to be hurled over Kasyr's head and at Guistepades' blunt snout. The potion contained within, surely set free once the fragile vessel connects with a solid surface, is a nasty concoction capable of inducing a variety of changes. What change it provoked is to be seen soon enough. Not that the feline lingers long enough to see for certain, as she shifts the katana off her shoulder and she twists sharply in the same movement, sword-wielding arm swinging out with the motion. The hybrid's back is the blade's target as it sings out in a haphazard swing from the cat, weapon and feline alike curious to see how deeply its enchanted edge could bite into the concealed Preklek armor and mithril of his coat.

Satoshi dropped 1 polymorph potion.

Guistepades catches the woman's words and just barely notices her hand move from the corner of his vision, which causes him to look over the scene once more. His calm air is immediately turned to panic however as he notices the small bottle now flying straight for his face. The Minotaur barely even has time to duck before the bottle sails overhead and cracks against the very tip of one of his horns. Glass shatters and cascades outward as the liquid itself continues to fly past and several small drops of the liquid land on the back of his armor. Wherever the liquid makes contact instantly starts to bubble and change drasticly from it's normal form into a writhing ever changing mass that cannot decide on what to be. The tip of his horn changes as well, and leaves him with a wholly odd appearance. A cry of anger at his new affliction is loosed, though the minotaur is not dumb enough to reach up and grasp it for fear of spreading the potion around. Instead he goes on the offensive, his massive left hand reaching out and in one fluid motion it rips a chair from the ground and sends it hurtling toward the pair, quickly followed by another chair flung from his right. As the second chair leaves his grasp the minotaur is already moving, slamming quickly through the bar and upending tables in his furious charge. His war-hammer is now drawn out in earnest and the weighty weapon is wielded frighteningly in a single hand. His bicep tenses under the strain of lifting the heavy metal hammer, yet Guistepades strength is far great enough to set the hammer head thundering on it's way toward the pair on an upward trajectory from the right. A cracked hip or several broken ribs the hopefully incurred damage to kasyr from such a blow. Metal spikes glint wickedly from his knuckles, where the steel protrudes from his chaotic gauntlets and a moment later his left and unoccupied fist flies freely for satoshi, hoping to take her unwares and drive the spiky implement deep into her gut.

Kasyr , though he briefly falls prey to the distracting flight of the potion bottle, is attentive enough to notice the shift of emotions in the cryomancer that serves as the prelude to her offensive. Glancing towards the feline, the hybrids nearly caught off guard by the zeal in which she takes to the offensive, and yet- his gloved left hand compulsively lashes out towards the blade, palm clapping against the flat of the katana. This impact serves to set it's path askew- what might have been a deep gouge instead becoming a shallow slash upon his back. Furthermore, it grants the hybrid a form of leverage, no hesitance taken in sliding towards the feline, gloved palm grating down her blade as he approches her- right hand moving to collide with her stomach. Unforunately, it's about that point that the first of Guistepades chairs collides with the hybrid. In that moment, the tiefling stumbles forward- his careful grasp upon Satoshi's blade becoming awkward, swords edge making it's way through mithril mesh with the same amount of ease that the hybrids focus is disrupted. Instead of a pulled punch, the mage has to contend with a curled fist carrying enough force to lift her off the ground. And the tiefling? Whirling upon his heels, he's just in time to catch the second chair flung at him, fingers clenching onto the chair with a forceful crunch. Armed as such, the hybrid rushes the last bit of distance between himself and the minotaur, ducking in towards the minotaurs body so that the worst offense the tiefling would have to suffer from Guistepades offensive would be the unpleasent application of the hammers haft to his shoulder. Something which admittedly still carries enough force to send the hybrid spinning... And yet, when armed with a chair and in close range- having a chair propelled by additional momentum haphazardly directed towards the head of the minotaur might still prove effective.

Satoshi, despite her striking out without restraint at the tiefling, is hardly expecting a retaliation from him. As such, her unprotected form is left to endure the altered punch, the force far more than enough to send her up and backwards without even breath enough for a sound of surprise or pain. Although, the heavy table serving as the cushion to her return to earth is provided a groan of displeasure as the feline disengages herself from the sturdy furniture, the time it takes to settle back to her feet allowing her a moment of fleeting gratitude. Being thrown back by Kasyr is an odd sort of fortune, removing her from the line of the minotaur's swinging spiked fist. Now with a bit more caution, the feline reapproaches the two engaged with each other, her form lowered into a half-crouch while a hand once more riffles through that satchel in search of more vials, the other hand still holding tight to the frost blade. Upon reaching the armchair that earlier served as her seat with the tiefling, the mage peers over the arm and simply whistles softly, the sound of glass on wood signalling the removal of a number of vials from the bag to be rolled across the floor. Once they reach the feet of minotaur and hybrid, the mage's whistle heightens in volume to trigger a shattering of the containers and release of the waters inside. The Corpse may have barriers against offensive or harmful spells, but it hardly has reason to trigger with water merely freezing on the floor in a sheet of ice. An indoor skate pond with a minor twist, the outer edges or jagged spears standing upward, waiting to meet and impale those with a loss of footing on slick ground.

Satoshi dropped 5 Ever-Chilled Waters.

Guistepades ducks his head down as the tiefling rushes in with the chair and he takes the blow full on. Splinters of wood fly outward in all directions as the chair disintegrates over his helmet and a minor throbbing in his head is the worst damage that the minotaur sustains from the encounter. His fist instantly surges outward to strike at Kasyr again, yet the man is already spinning away at a great speed from the hammer shaft which had collided just a bit higher than originally intended. Instantly outraged at the flight of Kasyr the minotaur grabs onto the closest remaining trace of him, the billowing trench-coat the flitters out behind in his wake. His fingers wrap tightly around the material, and he wraps his arm around once as well before a tight jerk backward is given. Yet it was at that moment the Minotaur became aware of satoshi's mischief, and he lost footing on the frozen ground. The beast began to fall, and it was not in a graceful manner. His tug on the trenchcoat is now modified by his fall, and instead of pulling straight back the tiefling would be flung in a wide arc, before the coat would be let go, leaving him to be impaled upon the icy daggers now springing up along all sides. Too bad he hadn't been thinking about them until now, for it was then that guistepades came smashing down on top of one, and it forced itself through a gap in his armor to leave a deep stab wound in his side.

Kasyr is rather blessed, given the particular nature of this instance. The first godsend comes in the form of Guistepades grab briefly anchoring the tiefling in place, the hybrids momentum coming to an abrupt halt save for a few last faltering steps. The second comes in a brief stroke of common sense, the tiefling merely drawing his arms upwards and backwards- Guistepades tug upon his trenchcoat serving to remove the hybrids weighty bit of armour. A bit forcefully, it must be admitted- enough that the hybrid is sent stumbling about on the newly slickened floor... And yet the hybrid is still possessed of a certain degree of grace. Enough that he's able to recover his footing and glide over to one of the various spikes of ice. And there's barely a pause before he shoves off the very same spike he used to brace himself- sending himself gliding over the ice with a surprising degree of celerity- if only so that he could lunge towards the minotaur once impact was all but assured. Forward and downward, the hybrids body rushes, arms pulled back behind his head as a maddening shriek fills the air- darkness pouring out from the tieflings arms into the shape of a rapidly forming broadsword. And it's with with a brutal violence that the weapon is slammed downwards, the surreally blunt weapon slammed down with full intent of unevenly severing the minotaur in two...or at least forcing him into crashing through the wooden floor. And he'd still have the hybrids feet to contend with- given that Kasyr intends to use him as a landing board. This fair bit of viciousness is but a moment however, one which is to be punctuated by the tiefling simply lofting up one hand towards the mage, before it's simply jerked towards himself. Although the action itself would be unseen, the tiefling was simply taking full advantage of a specific gift of his- grasping onto the manifestation of a creatures emotions, and creating a sort of physical bind between them and their originator. Empathic tethers, the likes of which the hybrid would use to tug Satoshi forward and slam her into a nearby table.

Satoshi is rather proud of the outcome of her simple trick, most especially the harm it inflicted upon Guistepades and the lack thereof with Kasyr. During the time the tiefling is focused on further damaging the minotaur, the diminutive mage busies herself with further strings of whispered words, coaxing the ice gracing the floors into a new form. The icicle piercing Guistepades' side is the first to respond, the magicked element eager to seep crippling algid temperatures steadily through the heavy body, using blood rushing from the brawl's exerions to speed the spread chill along at a dangerous pace. Her intentions for the rest of the remaining ice is lost, however, along with her concentration at her completely involuntary and violent move to yet another table. The crack of a few ribs is easy enough to hear over the cracking of the ice as the spell is lost, returning it to water. With a sound caught between hiss and groan, the feline slumps to the ground, tumbling beneath the table as a she forces a few magic-laced words past clenched fangs. The katana in hand reacts instantly, quivering in her grip before she releases it, allowing it to dart forward like an arrow, with the tiefling's torso as its bullseye. Feline's got to get her revenge, after all.

(Guistepades idled out. Forfeited.)

Kasyr is unable to savor those visceral moments which were all but certain to follow his reckless assault. Instead, he's forced to defend himself from Satoshis' last ditch assault, shoving one foot off against his embedded blade in an effort to hurl himself away from the oncoming projectile. Managing to avoid being outright skewer, the hybrid instead suffers his side being carved open by the blade, one hand coming to nurse the wicked gash the propelled blade managed to wreak, "Son of a..Daughter....rice..farming..urgh.."

Winner: Satoshi

(The following includes the capture of Guistepades, as agreed.)

Kasyr can't help but remark from his place on the ground- not so far from the impaled minotaur, "Es it too much to ask for some tending to?..Or are tu still miffed over that punch...? Also..You better not let this one go..."

Satoshi, from her place under the table, shoots the tiefling a look crossed between amusement and anger, although the latter is fading quickly enough. "You've only got a scratch, et I'm not durable like you... You can have tending to after me? And after whatever games you have in store for the chilly bull over there..."

Kasyr allows a faint sigh to escape his lips, before he'd abruptly lurch to a sitting position- and then drag himself up into a stand. Not a moment later, a large shift in pressure would be felt in his immediate vicinity- a subtle precursor to the dancing flames of soul fire which would leap out from his being. Tapping into the full reserves of spiritual strength available to him, the hybrids regeneration worked far quicker than it normally did- allowing himself to repair the damage done to him. ...More than that, it granted him a speed and strength he was all too eager to flaunt, his first action being to simply flicker to a standing position atop the skewered Guistepades- one foot 'pon the ground, and the other resting neatly beside the embedded Gospel. And of course, one hand just has to be resting upon the pommel.

Kasyr said to Satoshi, "...He's really mine, Cherie?"

Satoshi said to Kasyr, "...Unless you think I can somehow throw this table here at him in a violent enough manner to be dangerous. ...I really don't think I could manage that, at the best of times... So, yes. He's all yours~. Soon as you're done posing like a hunter, of course..."

Kasyr , whether or not Guistepades was conscious, couldn't help but fall into one last bit of overly exciteable monologuing, "Who the hell do you think I am?! I told you, I'm Kasyr Azakhaer, The man who stood up to a fallen god, and serves as the blade of goddess. When people talk of the brash fearless man who leads the city of Vailkrin, They're talking...about.." And its then that the tieflings grip upon the pommel shifts, fingers curling about the hilt as one foot rises then falls. And really, whilst the motion seems careless- the force behind it is something else entirely. Surnatural strength resonates within the blow, crushing into the minotaurs gut, threatening to cause internal damage as the beast man is sent crashing through the wooden floor of the tavern, and into the Cellar of the corpse. "Me~! And with this blade, I will pierce the heavens, if that's what it takes to stop Solaris- So Stay the hell out of my way!" And it's with those words that the hybrid drops down into the cellar after Guistepade- to land atop the now-perforated-and-soundly-beaten minotaur. The intention, of course, is to jam the poor fellow into a cage in the basement. After, of course, stripping him of his weapons and items- it never hurt to be too careful. Which, would leave him to deal with his particular means of imprisonment- especially durable cages meant to contain fighters for back when the Corpse served as host to an underground fighting ring.