Duel:Guistepades-Morrandir v Kasyr-Satoshi

From HollowWiki
Location: Vailkrin Plaza
Duelists:  Kasyr,  Satoshi,  Morrandir,  Guistepades
Judges:  Thea,  Noemi, (Unstated)
Stakes: 1k to each winner
Time Limit: 10 minutes

Splag slinks into sight from the south, sticking to the shadows, but still visible to those quick of eye and sharpened attention. The dirty white ratman moves along on all fours and takes up station under an unoccupied bench, his beady red eyes watching the action in the main plaza.

Morrandir grins across the moonlit palaza at the duo of Satoshi and Kasyr. Behind him the hulking form of the Minotaur Guistepades breathes heavily down his neck. "We will make you suffer this night." is all the words Morrandir says before he turns his baleful red gaze upon the feline form of Satoshi. The mage lifts his staff high into the air before him as he takes several quick steps forwards. A moment later he angles his staff downwards at the ground and propels it like a javelin to embed itself some feet before him. The ground just in front of that then proceeds to explode, hundreds of chunks of rock hurtling towards the feline, each one outlined by a brilliant hued blue flame. Should any of these strike they would combine the physical force of a rock with the explosive force of magic that would burn like fire and lightning.

Satoshi is halfway through telling Kasyr some joke or other as she tugs him into the plaza--having led him there from the tavern not long before, when she halts suddenly. Petite she may be, but the cat greets the hostile words with a playful grin as a gloved hand--once releasing the tiefling's own, instinctively slip into that ragged satchel at her side while azure eyes remain locked on Morrandir, wary as they take in his movements. Six vials are pulled free of the bag as the drow throws the staff forward, and in response the feline mage drops the glass containers at her feet. Not a slip-up from nerves, but as her traditional first line of defense; as the glass shatters on the stone walkway she murmurs a single arcane word, the waters once trapped inside heeding the call and leaping upwards in a rush and cackle as the liquid solidifies into a thick sheet of ice. The barrier is intended to absorb the barrage of rocks, ice melting and cracking with their force, before the wall shatters in a burst of icy shards--redirected by a hasty word in an outward sweep away from cat and tiefling and toward the other two. The spell isn't entirely successful, however, Satoshi miscalculating the break's timing too early and earning herself a meeting with the last of Morrandir's attack, sending her small form tumbling backwards in an indignant and pained cry at the horrific touch of fire and electricity on her frigid skin, to skid to a stop beside a bench a fair distance away.

Satoshi dropped 6 Ever-Chilled Water.

Splag hisses and scoots backwards as Satoshi's slim form skids to a stop right in front of the bench he was skulking under. Frantically, he turns and scampers away to a different spot, choosing to hide behind a nearby table this time.

Guistepades takes a couple earthshaking steps forward, black stone clattering under cloven hooves. Nine feet four inches the massive minotaur towers over the other three, red eyes glinting against the dark moonlit night. Arms the size of tree trunks reach behind Guistepades, each one pulling forth a weapon from straps securing them to his back. In his left a large war-hammer, of ogre make. In his right a large battle-axe that seemed to erupt in arcane power at his very touch. Both of these massive weapons would weigh down a normal combatant, requiring both hands to weild effectively. Yet the minotaurs rippling musculature system allowed the man-beast to whip both weapons about easily as a short sword and with a fair ammount of accuracy. He did not care about sides, or winning. He just wanted to feel his enemy's bones crack and shatter. Smell their blood on the air. Several small shards of ice and pieces of rock batter against his thick hide as the woman's ice shield blows apart. Small gashes alight his flesh, yet for the most part they just bounce from the thick, durable skin. With little other warning he charges, covering the plaza in three long strides and bringing the war-hammer down toward the vampire's head. He sets up immediately for the next attack, spinning around backward and turning 360 degrees to bring his war-axe swinging toward kasyr's shoulder from the tiefling's right side.

Kasyr falls prey to Morandirs assault as well, his proximity to Satoshi forcing him to brace himself against the attack. The difference between himself and his feline companion however, is the tiefling had an armoured trenchcoat- the likes of which was composed of leather, mithril mesh, and preklek plating to stave off the projectiles. Thus, the tiefling has naught more than bruises and a few odd burns along his arm- the likes of which are not enough to distract him from the Minotaurs advance. Body swiftly dipping down, the tieflings body heaves to the side- narrowly sidestepping the attempt at flattening him. From there, the vampiric tiefling simply rushes in towards the minotaur, right arm promptly thrusting forward with every ounce of strength the hybrid possessed in an attempt to brutally drive his hand through Guistepades side- to use the creatures own centripital force to aid in the sudden and violent destruction of one of it's kidneys. Whether or not the attack works as planned, the tieflings advance also serves as a minor form of protection- ensuring that only Guistepades axe-bearing arm would plow into the tieflings shoulder. Whilst painful, and bearing enough force to send the tiefling rolling back, it wouldn't be anything the tiefling couldn't recover from.

Morrandir barely registers Kasyr's reactions to his attack and subsequent assault of the minotaur. His eyes were more focused on the wave of ice shards coming towards him, as unlike the massive bulky minotaur who sustained little damage he himself would potentially suffer much harm. As quick as was possible he takes the few extra steps forwards to yank his staff from the ground with an oddly high-pitched grunt, whereby he immediately swings the end up into the path of the icey assualt. The staff trails a fizzling cloud of purple energy with it as it rises and this energy lashes out at the ice shards, melting or deflecting a great number of them. Alas the youth is not quick enough to deflect all of them and a number of shards, mostly small ones, sneak past the defence and slice his body with numerous small cuts. One large one is successful in causing a deep gash on his recently healed shoulder which leaks deep red blood and the mage staggers for a moment, glad that the ice magus is momentarily pushed to an unthreatening location. Before Satoshi would be able to take advantage of this moment though, he plants his feet and levels his staff. Rings of light flicker through the air as the magic charges and he takes aim. A moment later the end of the staff literally explodes. Dozens of tendrils of blue-white magic lance out from the broken staff head with their intent to wrap around Satoshi and carve her flesh from her bones with the intense power held within. Again, the magic would burn like fire and lighting upon contact.

Satoshi is already up and moving as the drow levels his weapon at her again, as she ran with the speed graced to those of feline descent a hand once more digs through her satchel in search of a specific item. Baring fangs in a feral grin, the little mage tugs free from the bag an unusual item for one of her occupation, a katana of pure ice, sheathed in a shimmering metal of clearly dwarven craft. The enchanted blade calls out in a bell's voice as it is drawn, the cat still rushing toward Morrandir as she now swings the katana in a haphazard and untrained fashion. The frosted weapon sings out with every connection with the arcane tendrils, fire and ice hissing on contact. The untrained mage manages to fend off most of the attack, hisses and cries of pain signal of when her attempts weren't as successful--wisps of smoke coming from singed parts of her thick jacket. A few more steps and a few more frantic swings bring her on level with the minotaur, and in a flash and a pivot on booted heels her direction changes. The metal sheath is hurled at Morrandir, true force put behind it with the cat's momentum in her turn for Guistepades. A harsh lunge upwards aims her and katana for the broad shoulders of the minotaur, where she can harass the fellow with keen blade if he can't dislodge the small cat quickly.

Guistepades feels the vampire make contact with sickening force, if the blow had landed even several inches higher it might have done real damage. Yet the Minotaur's extra height prevented the far shorter and smaller vampiric tiefling from actually hitting his side. Instead the blow lands on his right hip, causing the large beast to stagger violently to the side and struggle to regain his footing. Though his Axe had missed it's mark, his arm had still smashed into kasyr with enough force to knock him reeling, hopefully directly into the path of Morrandir's magical attack, but he would not hold his breath for it. Guistepades had only just regained his footing on the cold black stone tiles as his eyes caught the feline jump for him with full out speed. In desperation the minotaur tensed, the muscles in his right arm nearly bursting through his skin as they wrenched his large elemental war Axe upward to swat the feline from her trajectory. As she would near, katana raised and set to strike. The Minotaur's magical wards would activate with a shock wave and a loud clap of energy as the bubble of counter magic would push outwards. The ward against water would ripple outward, running over the woman's ice blade and melting it instantly, leaving nothing of the sword behind. His Axe was now nearing the fulcrum of it's swing, hopefully smashing into her in only the next couple seconds. The enchantments placed upon the weapon would then activate as well, a burning burgeoning arc of flame surging outward to meet her, seconds before the Axe would hopefully make contact and rip her from the air.

Kasyr is thankfully a fair bit heavier than he ought to be, the weighted nature of his coat preventing his flight from placing him in the direct path of Morrandirs attack upon the feline. Thus, the tiefling is granted the moment he needs to shove off from the ground, swiftly treading across blackened cobblestones to approach the drow spell weaver. And with a suddeness befitting speed both demonic and vampiric in nature, the tiefling would sweep downwards, heedless of the proximity of those tendrils proximity, if only so he could thrust his left arm out to catch the mage by his throat. Not a moment would then be wasted, the tiefling to immediately spin upon his heels- attempting to wrench Morrandir off his feet and disrupt his focus and, more importantly, to try and knock him off balance so that he could be easily slammed into the ground. Whether he maintained his footing or not, it wouldn't stop the hybrid from rushing as swiftly as he could towards one of the myriad streetlights,every bit of energy spiritual and physical the tiefling could muster to be exerted in one savage shove- to see if the drow mage could be pushed through the metal post.

Morrandir is mildly frustrated by the ice-magus' effective defence of his attack, a hiss escaping his mouth as the last of the tendril fizzles back out of existence. The thrown sheath of her sword is blocked almost easily, the yuoth throwing one hand up which is illuminated by a flash of violet light, sending the the sheath soaring across the plaza where it lands with a clatter some distance away. Unfortunately Morrandir is then unable to react to the tiefling's assault as quickly as he would have liked. The vampiric demon does not catch his throat but still gets an unbreakable grip on his shirt front. The Drow spell-weaver is yanked off his feet, his staff falling from his hand, and slammed into the ground with great effectiveness. only his ever-present wards stop Kasyr from doing massive damage to the Drow's relatively frail frame. The half-vampire's attempt to shove him through a pole, however, is doomed to fail. Regaining enough focus to draw in his power, the mage simply vanishes from kasyr's grip, folding into darkness and leaving Kasyr's fist to hit the pole all on its own, no doubt to great effect. The mage reappears by his staff, holding his head for the briefest instant before both mage and staff launch horizontally across the ground. With staff in hand the Drow mage propells himself in a tight spiralling motion towards Kasyr. A dome of brilliant blue-white energy is before him and a trail of sparking tendrils of power is beside and after him, his passage tearing gouges in the stone beneath. He struggles to maintain focus with the blood loss from his shoulder and the energy use of the spell but it is only a moment later in which he comes into his direct run at Kasyr. Should the tiefling be struck full on he would be exposed to every ounce of explosive energy the mage had at his disposal. Should the half-vampire escape a direct hit he would be assaulted by tidal forces of energy in the passing which would burn like fire and attempt to tear his body asunder.

Satoshi is eternally grateful for the fact that so many items her in possession are enchanted with her ice magic, from the algid bracer on her arm, to the glistening soles of her boots, the mage has placed a massive collection of charms upon herself--something that proves useful when Giustepades' ward against water activates, the minotaur's protection serving to protect cat as well. The shockwave that dispells her katana seizes upon these other items as well, stopping the feline mid-leap and hurling her backwards--cleanly out of the fiery sweep of that massive axe. Twisting herself around, Satoshi turns the magical throw to her advantage to land neatly--if a bit heavily, in a crouch amidst a collection of cafe tables. The nighttime patrons of the establishment have long since abandoned the outdoors for safe refuge inside during the fight, leaving a fine array of drinks upon the tables. The mage's fanged grin widens at this before she begins a soft chanting. The juices, coffee, water, blood, and milk the cups gain a pale blue aura as they rise from their containers, shifting, stretching, and reforming into nothing more than a fine arsenal of tiny replicas of the katana lost seconds before to the ward. For once, that blade's persistant tendency to interfere with the mage's spells as it saw fit comes to her advantage. A gloved hand lifts to point at the minotaur as the cat's chant ends on a final, commanding word. Instantly the arrangement of miniature weapons leap forward, whistling through the air as a barrage of keen frozen edges seek to embed themselves in Giustepades' thick flesh. Certainly, many would be lost to the ward, but with so many hurled at him a few stood a fair chance of striking true.

Guistepades had wasted no time at all, leaving his war Axe embedded in the black stone tiles where it had struck and charging forward brutally with all the speed he could muster. Massive calf and thigh muscles pumped in tandem, propelling the Minotaur with a single minded viciousness that was mirrored in his raging red eyes. He grasped his war-hammer firmly, both hands tightening around it's ogre made handle till his knuckles turned white and his fingernails drew drops of blood from their opposing palms. He did not stop, nor did he hesitate. Even as the mage drew up all the surrounding water from every glass on every table and solidified the aquious balls into at least a dozen sharp swords of ice. With a shrill hiss like speeding death the projectiles hurtled forward, and with a grunt of effort Guistepades hoisted his warhammer upward, positioning the head to protect his own from the ice shards as he continued to charge. Another loud clap issued forth as the ward burst outward, the shock wave rippling past the projectiles and ripping them apart at the seams, melting, crushing, knocking them away. Yet there were so many, and having no magical ability himself Guistepades was forced to rely on a ward that would be self powered. Requiring recharging after extended periods of use, and such a numerous amount of projectiles to be deflected drained the simple spell quickly of all power. Leaving several of them still hurtling on a colision course. Two landed with a sickening thud in his chest, one smashing on his hammer's head which was still held aloft. A roar of pain erupts from Guistepades, yet the charging minotaur is comparable to freight train in the ferocity with which he continues to charge, and his momentum is such that he could not stop even if he desired. With a hard push against the ground he leapt through the air, aiming his hammer in a downwards blow, hoping to crack the magus's spine from a hard right smash.

Kasyr does indeed hit the streetlight to great effect, his gloved hand actually shearing through the thick iron pole with very little resistance. It is that crack of knuckle and scream of steel which serves as inspiration to his next action, hands moving to swiftly grasp at the light as it tipped over- fingers crunching into the metal to get a proper hold upon it. And then he moves forward, all his strength put into dragging it forward and up- his body twisting to further aid in swinging the pole like some massive bat- to swat Morrandir off course. Whether or not it struck, it would force the mage off course- and more than that, by simply allowing the pole to drift downwards- the tieflings continued forward motions allows him the means to essentially pole vault over the wave of energy that was meant for him. Even if it does not fully clear him from the wake of Morrandirs arcane destruction, the tieflings landing within its outskirts is far less destructive than what was meant. Energies burn and tease at his flesh- but not so much that it would stop the tiefling from still moving. And move he does- doing his utmost to rush that final bit of distance between himself and Guistepades, endeavouring to intercept the minotaurs charge. His truest intention rests in placing himself in the very path of the beasts charge, by which point the tiefling would simply thurst the light post towards the creature- and pray that a combination of his strength and its' momentum would prove to be its downfall.

Winners: Kasyr & Satoshi