Duel:Grae v Zade

From HollowWiki
Cenril Town Square

The town square is a pleasing mixture of cobblestones, natural turf and quaint wooden benches placed strategically under the shadow of often blooming willow trees. Flowering plants of exotic variations and bushes trimmed strategically offer both privacy and relaxing views. Westward lies the famed Whalers' Bar, often frequented by the more gregarious and lively residents, while a man sits patiently beside a board to the east. Memorial Avenue continues as before, north and south.

Duelists: Grae, Zade
Judges: Mahri, Neema, Portea
Stakes: Zade's eye or Grae's loyalty/employment

Grae had abandoned all stealth at this point in the process, pushing his way through the crowds within the city's square as he moved his way towards his mark. Any in his way were just obstructions that were to be moved away at his discretion, his cloak's hood pulled up so that none of them might imediately recognize his features at a later date. His target was horsebound and so as Grae came to be within jumping range of Zade, he dropped himself onto all fours and coiled back. Eyes, though shielded by the red lenses of his goggles, were poised upon his victim as he lunged forth with the intention of tackling Zade off of his mount. Left arm was swung up mid-jump so that his forearm would be placed in front of his face to be used as a buffer between their two bodies. And even as Grae did this, his other hand was balled up into a tight fist to release the triangular blade that otherwise resided in the wrist of his gauntlet. It would be thrusted in an uppercutting motion, a stab whose mark was to be into a kidney or perhaps the stomach...

Zade never sees the feline coming. It had been ages since anyone had the nerve to challenge him so his defenses were down and his men relaxing elsewhere. Nevertheless, as the crime lord tumbles from his horse, he has time enough to reach for the serrated dagger hidden in a vambrace on his right arm. As the two duelists hit the ground, Zade grabs Grae’s right wrist. Of course, the weapon in that hand lands true in all the confusion though, luckily enough for Zade, does little more than pierce the leather covering his upper body. Zade twists his body, dragging Grae beneath him by the wrist, in order to direct his fall in a beneficial manner. Now atop Grae and using his legs to pin him beneath, Rigsby “the Dealer” Zade lifts the serrated dagger, now held tightly in both hands, above his head and plunges it downwards, towards his assassin’s heart.

Grae did not so much as flinch as they collided within the air. He could feel his dagger penetrate something but since it did not possess the feel of flesh rending apart Grae disregarded this attach altogether and abandoned it for his next act. As they rolled about on the ground, Grae would draw his knees up to his chest so as to premptively prevent being thoroughly pinned by his target. Next it was time to take note of the dagger making its way towards his heart but rather than push Zade up and away with his knees just yet, Grae would grasp for the wrist of the hand that aimed to deliver such a killing blow. It was only then that Grae would allow his strength to explode out through his legs, pushing upwards with his intent to send Zade up and over him. During this time, Grae would not have released the wrist should his grab have been successful but rather twist his hand so that Zade's arm would be forced to rotate improperly as he was removed from atop the feline assassin. Grae did not speak through all of this, daring not to even so much as make a grunt that might make his voice recognizable upon a later date...

Zade cries out, landing on his back with a solid ‘thump’. There be not many who could so thoroughly displace the Dealer in battle; his arm dislocated and weapon lost in the struggle, Zade must think fast and attempt to ignore the pain should he wish to get out of this alive. One: his favored weapon is out of reach. Two: his enemy has the upper hand as, surely, he’s already begun to mount a third offensive. Three: He may lose. He won’t lose. Rigsby Zade -can’t- lose. He spins across the ground, coming to a stop in a kneeling position, his right arm tucked defensively against his chest, a few feet away. His other arm shoots for the diver’s knife sheathed at his ankle while the man begins mumbling words of an arcane nature. Fast as lightning, he flicks his wrist, sending the weapon flying towards his opponent. Hoping to have effectively occupied the assassin’s attention, the spell blade pushes off, dashing to his opponent with yet another weapon in hand. This one, a whalebone shiv caught aflame, has obviously been enhanced with magicks. As he nears his opponent, he pulls the makeshift knife down and slashes upwards towards his face, hoping to drag it’s sharp edge across the feline’s chest, chin, lips, and eye.

Grae knew well now that he was drawing near that moment of truth, where victory would have to be decided. He had exposed himself for much longer than he would have preferred and had not yet delivered that killing blow. His ears shifted ever so slightly to focus upon the whispered words that flowed from Zade's lips, words he registered as magical though Grae did not intimately know magic well enough to decipher Zade's intentions with these words. By this moment, Grae had shifted onto all fours and was eagerly dashing towards the dagger that had been tossed to meet him. But he was not watching this dagger as it had already been taken note of. Instead, Grae was staring down his opponent even as he shifted his weight to the left to send him sliding out of the dagger's path-carrying little for whomever else was so unfortunate so to meet the metal. Again his weight would be shifted to the right so that Grae could realign himself with Zade just as they were about to meet but rather than allow another collision between the two, Grae quit suddenly kicked his feet out from underneath him to send himself sliding forward on his back. Fists now balled again to allow the release of both of his concealed daggers as arms flailed out to allow this dagger proper proximity to meet with Zade's inner thighs.

Zade has neither the agility to match a feline’s nor the time to come up with a proper defense. As Grae slides beneath him, Zade simply does what comes naturally; he leaps out of the way. One leg the feline misses, the other catches the dagger’s edge and, being completely unprotected, receives a nasty and deep gash which sends him sprawling to the ground. Of course, Zade is never one to give up and, though unconventional, his attack is both creative and simple. As he falls to the ground, Zade drops the whalebone shiv, still on fire, right on the feline‘s head. Of course, this flame, being magical in nature, laps hungrily at all flammable material including fur, cloaks, and, should the dagger not be done away with soon, supple feline flesh. This, Zade hopes, is not so much a way of winning a fight as it is an opportunity to live and fight another day.

Grae was just about to roll over and bring himself to a standing position once again when the shiv was taken note of. The suddenness of this attack prevented Grae from being able to block in any way or grasp for the wrist. So instead, Grae rolled away from his opponent with the assumption that the smell of blood that assailed his senses was born from either one of both legs and as such, Zade was not quite in a condition to be lunging himself towards the rolling feline to finish his attack. And as Grae came to have placed himself a good several feet from his mark, He shifted to his knees then to the balls of his feet-hands planted on the ground in front of him in preparation of another charge.

Winner: Grae, split vote.

Grae began moving forward upon all fours towards to wounded man, his tongue running acrossed his lips in a beastial bloodlusting hunger. but his hunger would have to wait until a later date for in this case, Grae was not getting paid for the kill but rather to send a message. Having already stayed in the open longer than he would have prefered, Grae stood up into a bipedal stance and now swiftly made his way over to Zade where he would grab a handful of the man's hair with his left hand and yank Zade's head back to expose his neck. He'd drag the claws of his other hand gently across his target's neck to feign clawing it out before promtly gabbing two fingers into the left eyesocket via the tearduct. Without mercy or further hinderance, he'd pry the eye free and yank it from the muscle that had desprately but futiley attempted to keep Zade's eye attached to his skull. Turning away from the man, Grae spoke in a low growling voice-masking his tone by speaking through his throat rather than from his abdomin. "My employers say, let this be message to you. I am assuming they are wanting you to clean up your act." Grae then gave a slight nod as he began walking away. "Elsewise, I might just be back for the other one." And with that, Grae took his leave with the man's left eye in tote.