Duel:Ekimrelyt v Roldan

From HollowWiki

Duelists: Roldan, Ekimrelyt

Judges: Jacklin, Parsithius, Rilla

Location: The Arena in Larket


  • If Ekimrelyt wins, Roldan will resign as Sheriff and leave the Black Lotus alone
  • If Roldan wins, Ekimelyt will leave the Black Lotus forever, on pain of death

Winner: Roldan

Although the notice of the fight was short, Larket's citizens still fill the arena, the noise of the crowd swelling to a dull roar as their Sheriff steps onto the floor. The red knight stands tall, replendent in his scale-and-chain. Beams of sunlight break through the sparse clouds above, flashing from the highly-polished armor. His shield, a circular expanse of dragonbone, is painted red and glossed to a sheen that matches his armor. The dragon faced visor is closed, the horns sweeping up from the helm completing the knight's ferocious image. In his right hand he carries a naked blade. Just over three feet long and double-edged, the steel's edge gleams, sharp and deadly. As Ekimrelyt comes into view, a single word issues from the shadows inside the helm; "Begin." At once, bright flames spring from the blade, dimmed somewhat by the sunlight, but impressive all the same. Without any further preamble, the Sheriff launches himself forward. The strength and speed of the man can be plainly seen for, although hindered by the weight of his heavy armor, Roldan closes the distance swiftly, his charge taking him toward the centaur's left side, keeping the red shield in between the two of them. Upon reaching Ekimrelyt's shoulder, the flaming sword slips out, lightning-fast, to thrust at the muscles on the horse-like body, intending to disable the limb. Just as quickly, though, the weapon is pulled back as the knight spins to his right, bringing the sword around in a vicious, back-handed slash. His momentum has carried him further along his enemy's body, so that the blade now sings through the air toward the horse-midsection, dipping low to hack at the lower part of the ribs and soft underbelly, a blow capable of shattering bone and spilling entrails. Regardless of the success, Roldan continues on, taking up a defensive position behind his foe.

Ekimrelyt Stands tall, shoulders back, awaiting his opponet in the center of the arena. The excitement and anticipation getting to him finally breaks loose as the tiny Human finaly makes hastes towards The Master Centaur. His front foot is lifted and stomped back into the ground hard as if to stomp a fly. The guise is to ready himself in a defensive manner. Hammer Ready in hand, crossing his body, Ekim swings the hammer in an arc, much like that of a female softball player, on the same side that the human attacks. This is itself would be nearly impossible to block or jump out of the way of seeing as his momentum continues to carry him back towars the Centaurs haunches. The Master Centaur recieves quite the gash to his left equestrian shoulder. The Smell of burning hair flesh and blood can me smelled throughout the arena. As Roldan is attempting his attack on the soft underbelly of The Master Centaur, Ekims hind quarters move instinctively to the right, also moving the stomack away from the human. Weather or not Ekim connected with his Hammer he does not know. Now one hundred and eighty degrees turned around, Ekim charges at his opponet War Hammer High above his head. As He gets close the Hammer is dropped in attempt to crush the tiny human to be nothing more than the dirt beneath Ekims hooves.

Roldan's charge is thrown off as the centaur's first strike slams into his shield, sending him stumbling along much more quickly than he had planned. The time it takes him to recover from this allows the enemy to close in again. Looking up to see the hammer begin to fall, the Sheriff instinctively jerks to one side. Not quickly enough, however, for the blow catches on one of the helmet's horns, crumpling the decorative metal and wrenching Roldan's neck painfully. Head held stiffly straight, the knight is again sent stumbling. He is swift to recover, however, and he steps forward with slightly more caution than before, his shield held ready before him. Flames still leap high from his sword, letting loose a roar as he whirls it around once, a display the gathered crowds seem to appreciate. Amidst the ensuing cheer, the knight hurls himself forward again, this time moving directly for his enemy. Reaching the centaur, the human abruptly drops to a crouch, thrusting his sword upward so that the flames lick up toward Ekimrelyt's face. The sword does not bite, however, for Roldan has a different plan in mind. The hard rim of his weighty shield is shoved forward, ramming toward the thick horse-knees in a brutal attempt to cripple the unlucky foe. Battle-instincts snap, and Roldan rolls away, coming up in a crouch again out of the reach of his enemy's hooves.

Ekimrelyt :: In reaction to the Swords flames tickling his face Ekimrelyt, rears up on his hind legs, which not only serves the purpose of getting his face away from the hot blade, but also his legs are not there to connect with via the shield. "Silly Human" Flashing high above Roldan are the cast iron, size 1 horsehoes. The front legs are kicked out one at a time repeatedly, though the left leg a bit lamely due to the gaping wound to his shoulder. Though THe leg is still lame, it's not something that you want to get in the way of. Coming down hard and lashing his feet outwards towards the Human, Ekimrelyt reaches out with his hands picks the human up, not causing any damage though, and tosses him strait upwards. "Dodge this!" Ekim takes two quick strides forward so that Roldan is falling approximately four to five feet behind him. Rearing his back legs out the Centaur take careful aim and intends on double barreling the human in the chest with Both Hind hooves. THis would crush anyones chest, with or without armour, seeing as the centaur weighs atleast ten times the human, his legs are incredibly strong.

Roldan avoids the first kicks easily, having rolled out of the way. All the same, he is not prepared to be tossed about like a rag doll. Nor is he, for in addition to his own considerable weight, his armor also adds to the total, so that he is not tossed quite as high as the centaur expected. Thus, he is already on the ground, shield pulled quickly before his prone body as Ekimrelyt's legs shoot out. The shield takes most of the damage, the iron-like bone cracking down the center, while the arm behind is popped from its socket. Roldan is wearied and wounded, but his temper, as fiery as his sword, drives him onward. Boots grind on the gritty floor as the human surges forward, bellowing a wordless roar of rage. Despite this apparent loss of control, his movements are ordered and precise as he again thuds his way over to Ekimrelyt. Again the sword flashes, leaving a trail of flame - but it soars by the centaur's face, sailing to clatter on the ground some distance away. The shield too is dropped from nerveless fingers as, with a mighty heave, the knight places his good hand on Ekimrelyt's back and leaps, meaning to land squarely on the broad back, while his powerful right arm attempts to wrap around his foe's neck and squeeze, easily capable of closing off the airflow or even of crushing the neck.

Ekimrelyt merely just shakes his head as Roldan jumps up onto his back. Is Roldan really that unnoticing? Does he not realise He just jumped onto the back of a horse with one arm already screwed up. He cant balance himself while bucking seeing as you need two arms to ride something that bucks. One to balance and one to hold on. Does he really think that his grip around The Master Centaurs throat would hold him them? No he couldnt have. "Dumb....ass...." Ekim points his human body down towards the ground, the same way a normal horse would stick his nose in the dirt. While down there he grabs his Lawbreakers Sledgehammer. Well Anyone who knows anythign about horses knows when thier nose is stuck in the dirt, here comes a hefty buck. Up flys the head of the centaur, front legs off the ground, closely followed by the hind legs. The Human stays on. Ride Em Cowboy! He bucks again. THe human stays on, and ekim is losing his breath now. One last buck is thrown with Ekims signature move. His buck includes his front legs kicking out to the left his hids kicking out to the right. Woops there goes Roldan. now hes got his breath back The Master Centaur throws another buck just as the Horses do in the rodeo, leaving Roldan practically not time to get out of the way while lying on the ground. EKims front legs will land squarely in the humans chest if followed shortly by the back legs. Only a Miracle would be able to move the human out of the way in time. Only Time will tell.

Roldan merely hangs on for dear life, the waves of pain from his shoulder leaving him in a sort of daze. As the centaur writhes beneath him, he wages a war for control, slowly forcing himself to mental clarity once again. Calculating, the knight suddenly lets go and pushes back, forcing himself out onto his enemy's rump. The final buck, then, sends him flying off to the left, away from the wildly kicking legs. He lands hard, the pain nearly causing him to black out, but he struggles to his feet all the same, one arm hanging loose, the other scrabbling for the small dagger at his belt, the only weapon within reach.

Jacklin said, "ooc: Nice duel to both of you. The winner is Roldan, congratulations."