Duel:Aromos v Chaine

From HollowWiki

Duel Info

  • Judges: Allanon, Eilyo, Locke
  • Stakes: None
  • Rd/time: 3 rounds, no time limit
  • Location: Main Hall
  • Decision: Aromos, 3-0


Main Hall
This refuge is purely remarkable. All is iced over, including the floor, yet you are able to walk normally. There is a mantle and a large crystalline fireplace to your right. As you look inside it, ice crystals stick up as fire would, and heat radiates from within the transparent flames. The walls here are so thick that little of the suns light reaches through, for if it could the result would probably be blindness. It does allow for the reflection of some of the light though, making candles during the daytime unnecessary. You suddenly notice the effect of the fireplace as the cold of the north has left your bones and body, you are warm in this enclosure of ice. To your north there is a stairway that leads to the second floor of this place. To the south appears to be leading to an exit.

Aromos v Chaine

Chaine rubbed her hands together, her left hand bound in gauze and bandages from a previous injury, to get some warmth into them. The scientist was freezing- apt, in this palace of ice and snow. Despite the heat practically flowing out and away from her, though, Chaine kept her eyes on her opponent- and what an opponent! The large, hulking draconian looked formidable, as if not even an avalanche from this great height would sway him. Batting her eyes to remove the ice chips from her vision, Chaine wracked her brain for an effect she could enact on the environment that would have any sort of effect on Aromos. After a split second flash of worry crossed her face, inspiration struck: Chaine closed her eyes and open her palms to the air in front of her, concentrating hard on the air around her. Breathable oxygen was thin in this mountainous atmosphere, but she wrangled up enough to work with. She subtly nudged them towards the draconian, urging the little oxygen molecules to fuse with the iron in Aromos' hide and flesh- trying to rust him from the inside out. She sent out tendrils, snaking missiles of oxygen gas, ready to strike the moment Aromos was incapacitated.

Aromos had been in this cold place for a day now, his body soaking in what it could of the cold as he meditated. He was, as of today, immune to the effects of the freeze. Oxygen on the other hand, hand him siezing up, had his scales accumulating bits of ferrule oxide. He shifts, shaking the slowly acting stuff off of his scales. With a grunt, he reaches for one of the banisters of the stairway, intent only in keeping himself upright as the stilling grime began to accumulate. That was when his own inspiration struck. With a ditch of effort, the male breaks off a shard of the crystal banister, using the tips of his ferite nails to crack and splinter off a foot long razor shard. This is hurled at Chaine even as he literally forces the scales of his right wrist to extend into his bioblade, that two and a half foot piece of razor sharp Ionite that was his scales. He hunkers down on the bottom step, but only long enough to force himself upward, causing various creaks and cracks as rust explodes from his body. His right arm is drawn back as his left falls forward to point with aim at his opponent. Should he land on her, the blade would be inserted in shoulder, aiming for the heart. Should he land anywhere near her, the cataclysmic effect of his weight on the crystal beneath would cause fractures and breaks, and maybe even that bit of violent shaking that accompanied an earthquake.

Chaine nimbly leapt aside from the tossed ice crystal, dodging with ease as the icicle embedded itself in the wall behind her. She jumped up to balance on the slippery banister, watching as Aromos slowly and clumsily made his way towards her. As the draconian fell towards her, intending to impale her upon his arm, Chaine jumped as high as she could. Aromos slammed down through the ice banister, causing it to shatter into a million bits and creating a tremor that crept along the icy floor. Chaine landed on her feet in the middle of the quake, and so was shaken off of her feet. Falling to her knees, the scientist gathered her wits about her. Aromos seemed to still be weakened by the oxidizing of his flesh, staying all but still on the floor where he'd fallen. Chaine rose to her feet, dizzy but still very much able to move, and closed her eyes in concentrated once again on what she wanted from her environment. She focused on the water below her, for now trapped in a crystalline form by the cold temperature. She willed the atoms in the water to move at a faster pace, imagining the water melting, then vaporizing. Faster and faster the molecules of the floor moved, until at last a geyser of blisteringly-hot steam rose up from the ground. Many more geysers began to appear, expelling the vapor trapped in the ice floor. Finally, vents opened up under where Aromos lay, her idea to scorch the rust from his hide and cause him what would probably be immense amounts of pain as his flesh was blown clean from his bones.

Aromos slips his hands into a steepled formation, splitting the stream that would have been his face's doom. His side caught the burst of another and his scales were indeed ripped free. Mightily painfully he would add to that though. The force of it doesn't effect his position however, and once the initial shock of the pain settles mere seconds later, the male allows the heat still rushing up past his hand to fuel him, to accumulate within his body an shen he stands, the rust that had accumulated is burned away. The male himself begins to steam in the cold and shortly after standing, he cups his right hand at waist level and focuses the trace amounts of methane his body produces into a swirling orb in his hand. A snap of the glistening scaled fingers of his left hand within the burn has his methane bursting into flame. The next instant, he throws his hand out, allowing the flame to come in Chaine's direction. His head rears back and he spits into the flame, the saliva acting as a super accelerant that sticks to surfaces. Finally, using the tails of the flames as his cover, the male rushes in toward Chaine, suprising quiet as he rolls from heel to toe in the most effecient fashion he can manage. His right ar mis reared again, that blade sliding into place much more easily now, and the flames before him would clear just as he nears his target, blade already being thrust forth with incredible velocity.

Chaine opened her eyes to watch as a jet of steam let loose into the air a cloud of rust and scales. She allowed herself a small smile of pride as she realized that something as small as herself could would a great brute like Aromos. This did not stop her from being ready for retaliatory attacks, though, and as soon as she stood up again Aromos was on the attack. In all but a few moments a great fireball raced towards her. She was at a loss as to how to dodge it, and so simply turned her back to the flames, letting her rune-inscribed robes take the brunt of the attack. The runes on the coat glowed with magic, killing the brunt of the fire with relative ease and minimal damage to the wearer. However, Chaine had not foreseen Aromos' saliva allowing the fire to stick toher clothes. The woman dropped to the floor and rolled, trying to put the flames out. And she succeeded, though not before the flames had a chance to lick at her arm, singing her right shoulder. Great, she thought to herself. Two injured limbs. This was the only thought she was able to have before the gargantuan form of Aromos was upon her, stabbing his blade right down towards her face. By instinct Chaine rolled to the side, forcing the blade to instead pierce that same right shoulder. Chaine cried out from the pain, her scream echoing about the hall. As the draconian removed his blade for a second strike, Chaine rolled away and tried to regain her footing. Her vision hazy from pain and blood loss, her robes stained red, and her arm hanging limply from the side, Chaine desperately looked about her for another way to harm her foe. Through eyelids clenched shut from pain Chaine snuck a peak at Aromos' bioblade- stained red with her blood. With a wicked, pain-fueled grin she reached out with her bandaged left hand, calling out to the cells of her own blood stuck to the blade. Her thoughts were vague, the agony too much for her to concentrate on any one specific effect, and so Chaine unwittingly infused the blood with energy and no way to dissipate it. Luckily, the blood was more than capable of diffusing the energy by itself- it grew and warped, flying out in the air before and around the draconian like ink in water, then flew forward to envelop Aromos and squeeze the life out of him.

Aromos had infact not drawn back for a second attack, but to aim those three deadly scales at Chaine, and before she had the chance to enact her magic upon the blood, he had fired the three in unison at her form. It was a trick of moving a muscle borne to his race and the scales would leap free of his skin at his target. Simple yes? Well maybe not so much. The blood slows their progress and was in fact pulling it back toward him. Crap. Time to call on his own Templar abilities. He closes his eyes as the lifelike blood moved towards him, then with a simple thought of will, he forces out a wall of cleansing anti-magic that would, hopefully, deflate the ego of that swarm of crimson. The blood that pours from his side is then noticed and he frowns... The scales had taken chunks of skin with them, much like pulling hairs takes skin tags. None the less, he drops to the floor, runs his fingers through the purpleish sanguine, then launches tiny droplets of the stuff towards the scientist, creating a cloud of its own above her head. As they fall, he gives a final snap of that left hand and they burst into flame. So not only had the male made a wall of fire, he was also making it rain the same. He curls his hand into his side, then raises the left and angles another three scales at the cieling. They are launched in rapid succession in a triangle, aimed to lodge in, crack, and fracture free the ice above Chaine's head.

Chaine couldn't believe the colossal stamina and endurance her foe possessed, and was amazed as a rain of fire and ice fell right down towards her. Not able to see clearly for the pain that still yet assaulted her mind, she had just enough capacity to stumble towards the wall of the palace. Here the fire had melted some of the wall so that water ran down the wall and in the air in tiny rivulets of rain. She stumbled all-but-blindly towards this, and drenched herself in the cool water of the wall. As some of the ice crystals fell through the curtain of fire above her head and both dissolved into water and doused the fire, small pockets of both still remained. Having drenched her magic robe in water she dove out of the way of the nearest falling block of ice and straight for the flaming blood. As she had predicted, much of the flames could not stick to her wet clothing- but she had miscalculated: her hood had been up, and so when the fire attempted to catch on her hair she was powerless to stop it. Her head was set aflame, dazzling plumes of red and orange and blue spouting from Chaine's crown. The woman fell to the ground, screaming of the pain in her head and shoulder, unable anymore to cope.