Duel:Alex v Ayras, Match 10 of the 2016 Frostmaw Tournament

From HollowWiki
Duelists: Alex vs Ayras
Duel: Traditional 3 rounds with final defense
Stakes: No applicable stakes.
Judges:  No applicable judges.

Winter Berry Garden

Following the tiny passage through the hedges brings you into a secluded niche, a private garden sprawling out before you as a growing oasis in this frozen land. Bunched so closely together they create a living fence around the garden's perimeter is a sea of Winter Berry bushes, their tiny, snow white berries hanging heavy upon black thorned branches as strange insects hover about them. Upon close inspection, these creatures appear to be a species of bee, blue and white striped and far fuzzier than their warm-landed cousins, with even their wings and antennea coated in the insulating fur. Dutiful as any bee, these insects bustle about the garden, flitting between the various flowers with merry buzzing. Frost-Fire Roses, with their ghostly patterns of azure flames and glistening cloud of pollen, can be seen gathered in regal arrangements throughout, often nestled near patches of Blood Blossoms, strikingly beautiful with their deep crimson petals and toxic-yellow stigma. Other arctic or nocturnal flowers are visible throughout, clearly well tended by a determined soul to allow them survival in this harshest of climates. But most elegant of all in this floral display is the center piece, a Winter Willow, bent with ancient age but regal despite the kink in its thick trunk. Its gracefully bowed branches sprawl in all directions, leafy fingers brushing gently over flower heads and ground alike in an eternal caress, as if it were the loving gardener itself overseeing its charges. A peculiar space is found directly in front of this arboreal sentinel, where snow is unwilling to fall and only a blanket of alluringly scented malanga plants can be found, alongside a man-sized, gray-yellow flower bulb. Not even the waving vines of the Willow crosses into the dead space, always sweeping past it as if brushing against an invisible bowl in the air. Those that enter the ring's borders will feel a subtle, slow draining of their energy, much like the sensation of weakness inflicted on those fed upon by a vampire, and death is a very real risk if they remain too long within the patch of vampiric magic. That is, if the large flower doesn't strike first, as it unfurls fleshy petals and beckons with a tongue-like vine covered in toxic barbs, a bestial purring coming from the depths of its 'mouth'. There is no doubt this sentient plant is carnivorous, and thrives by joining forces with the scented malangas and life-draining circle to entice prey into its murderous grasp. You can linger in and take in the pleasantries and oddities of this secluded nook, or you can return to the path by weaving through the enormous hedge once more.

Alex stands near the center of the beautiful Winter Berry Garden, the variety of iced plants, buzzing wildlife and roaring echo of boo's from the giant filled crowd all bring a toothy smile to the ill equipped human who's dress insists he is ready to perform in the seediest party of Cenril. A long flowing back cape whips about in the wind complimenting his skin tight, knee cut shorts, torn leather top and fingerless gloves, the silver make up covering his eyes shimmers in the reflective glow of the heavy snowfall. Unlike his encounter with the desert elf, the man is unarmed for this battle but doesn't seem to fear his foe who lingers a few paces away, it only takes five seconds for it to become clear that Alex no longer feels the need to rely on blades for his combat skills as chapped lips part to allow his voice to begin leaking out in a booming low tone that gradually begins to shake the ground beneath their feet in a quake that threatens to become quite the distraction for Ayras and the onlooking audience.

Whereas Alex stood unarmored and unarmed, Ayras was (mostly) anything but. Clad in the majority of his Black Ice armor and with his jasper sword at his hip, it was clear he was ready for battle. In fact, from the crazed grin on the vampire's lips, it seemed he was far too ready. He was antsy, bouncing on his toes with barely constrained eagerness. Eagerness that was torn away as that deafening sound claimed his ears. Those elf ears of his were sensitive, and, low or not, the sound that came from Alex's mouth, a sound that caused the earth to rumble, brought pain to the vampire's head. A primal roar ripped from his throat as he covered those ears, fury blazing to life in his silver eyes. He curled into himself, sat himself on his knees as first his mithril arm, then his body, began to spark to life with electricity. He wanted the sound to stop. He -needed- the sound to stop. Another yell tore from him, and with it exploded the collected electrical energy, a burst of lightning sent out in all directions.

Alex continued bellowing his heavy growl that shook the earth without falter despite the surprising sting of fear that pierced his heart the moment Ayras opened his mouth to reveal those sharpened fangs only a vampire could obtain, the very fangs that plagued the human's dreams with hellish nightmares of stolen skin, grinded bones and drained fluids. Unsure of Ayras' motive as he collapsed to the ground the bard began to wonder if he had beaten his foe with such ease though it appears the man would have no such luck as the electrical current blasts into his chest sending him across the garden to the ground with a heavy thud accompanied by a puff of dust, the taste of copper strong on his tongue as he groans with aching bones, the torn leather top fried revealing singed hair all across his torso. Shaking violently he struggles to pick himself up managing to pull his left knee up and locking his elbows in place to appear in a push up position while iced blue eyes look to Ayras with a blend of anxiety and fear though those perky ears are spotted by the coward's stare and when his lips part again the sound isn't meant to shake the earth with a vibrating low but instead shatter the mind of his foe with the same deafeningly high banshee like screech the man had used on the desert elf in his last battle. The cry is loud and powerful as it begins but over the next few seconds it slowly begins to lose amplification and pitch as Alex knowingly keeps his right hand planted firmly on the ground... directly in the aura of the vampiric plant that quickly starts depleting all of his stamina and will.

The higher pitched scream put Ayras back on his knees and his hands once more over his ears, his head throbbing with pain. The sound quickly sent the vampire deeper into crazy town, his screams coming out both pained and eratic. As the sound began to die, however, and Ayras was able to come back to his senses, primal instincts began to take over. When first he can remove his hands from his ears, the redhead shot a glare of hatred at Alex. Those fingers of his dug into the soil of the garden before he propelled himself forward at his mostly prone opponent. He did not draw his weapon, nor did he summon his lightning to his aid; Ayras simply punched at Alex's face with his fists, both flesh and mithril. But Ayras was not satisfied with just punching. One hand gripped the bard's collar to pull him from his spot on the ground, only to slam him onto another spot nearby, and then another. He alternated, punching and slamming, wanting nothing more than to beat Alex senseless.

Alex wasn't prepared for the brutality that he found himself on the receiving end of. The punching wasn't that bad except for the solid mithril connecting with his fragile jaw, his lips bursting open while teeth crack and fall from their place, his cheeks swelling up from the assault while skin peels apart to let crimson blood smear his previously perfect make up. The worst of it comes as he is smashed around like a rag doll, the sound of his bones snapping very audible and clear to the crowd that roars cheers of encouragement to the vampire. Alex falls to the ground with a thud and is leaking all over unable to move himself from the gore splattered spot as he resembles a fish out of water violently gasping for air and drifting out of consciousness which leaves him vulnerable for another cheap shot as Balgruuf grins wide from the sidelines to announce Ayras the victor, the crowd crying out in celebration of the cocky bard's utter defeat.


Ayras snarled as he heard those cheers, as he heard Balgruuf's voice above the din. He left Alex where he lay, turned to the giants' leader, and took a few steps forward. As he stood there with his opponents blood on his hands, he lifted a single finger to point at the lauded warrior. "I'll be coming for the rest of your son, Balgruuf!" he shouted, and that simple statement quieted a lot of the crowd. But there were those present that thought it was all theatrics, and they cheered all the louder. It fed Ayras' fury, his desire to kill them all. Away he started to walk, at least at first. He stopped by where Alex lay and crouched down. "Find yourself a healer when you can walk," he nearly snarled into the man's ear. "Help Hildegarde get this city back." And with those last words, the elf truly was away, towards the entrance of the city. Of course, any that went near the entrance would have found the redhead lingering, as though he were waiting for something.

Alex was deaf to Ayras' words and even if he weren't it's doubtful he'd consider them to be the words of an ally after the brutal beating he'd just received. The words of the vampire were mostly drowned out by continued cheers of the bloodthirsty crowd even as a single figure steps forward and attempts to collect the rag dolled body of the bard who is leaking from his wounds, Eleenin the dragon healer is confronted by a distressed Adagio who had rushed onto the field during the final moments. The dire bear roaring fiercely and swiping his massive paw towards Eleenin causing him to raise his hands in submission allowing the bear to take Alex by the neck of his shirt and begin pulling him away from the garden in hopes of finding help outside of this frozen land of chaos.