Dog (Creature)

From HollowWiki


Respawn: 15 minutes
Level: 3 Attack: 8
HP: 156 MP: 143 SP: 31

Xalious Mountain Range

Drop: Spiked Leather Collar

Max Drops: 7 gold, 10 silver, 100 copper
Dogs prowl the streets with untamed and fierce spirits, their canine vagabonds exuding an air of wildness that remains unyielding to human control. Equipped with keen survival instincts, these stray dogs prove to be adept trackers and hunters, always prepared to defend their territories and fend for themselves in the unforgiving streets. Their lives amidst such harsh conditions have honed their senses, sharpening their teeth and claws, thus making them formidable adversaries for anyone who dares to cross their paths. Amidst these untamed canines, a duality exists - while some are relentless and territorial, others reveal a more amiable side, showcasing the untamed nature thriving beyond the comforts of domestication. Yet, one must exercise caution when encountering these relentless and territorial stray dogs, as they embody the very essence of untamed nature, demanding both skill and courage to face their indomitable spirits lurking within the shadows of the city.

Written by Aureus