Chalcedony Coronella Crystal Crown

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Chalcedony Coronella Crystal Crown - (Head Armor +0)
Creator: Kanna
Last Known Owner: Valrae

The contrasting soft blues of chalcedony and the golden petals of coronella blossoms are reminiscent the last remaining stars in the skies before sunrise to those who look at it from a distance. When infused with arcane or bardic magic, the healing properties of natural chalcedony is amplified. It absorbs negative energy and brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. It also alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. The gemstones have been shaped and polished to resemble crescent moons, wrapped in gold wire along a yew-branch wreath that forms the base of the crown. In lieu of magical preservation, the vibrant golden blooms have been dipped in a clear plant resin mixed with ground mica stones, giving them a glittering luster. With a naturally rich scent of sweet peaches that lingers despite preservation, the vivid green stems each bear clusters of up to fifteen flowers in an rounded umbral shape that resembles a crown. The combination of crystals and flowers ware explained as follows: In old Larketian books, coronella blossoms are listed as one of the many flowers delivered between nobles to convey wordless messages. Coronella was, and still is, a difficult flower to harvest due to the fact that coronella serpents make their nests in the safety of these shrubs, and strike out at those who attempt to remove the flowers from its home. Those who are successful in harvesting the flower give them to others to say "success will crown your wishes."


Commissioned from Valrae at the Cenrili Charity Bazaar, Kanna assembled and gifted this crown to her towards the end of the God of Undeath arc as a token of their friendship.

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