Category:Magic Restoratives

From HollowWiki

This is the listing of all herbs and potions that affect Magic, either raising or lowering it.

Item Cost MP MP/Gold Realm Shop
Herbal Rush: 153.78 Full Full Kelay Magic Herb Shop
Purified Liquid Nightmares * 150 Full Full Vailkrin Something Wicked
Pure Arcane Root * 150 Full Full Vailkrin Something Wicked
Taroza Flower Petal: 100 2000 20 Frostmaw Merchant Area
Rozota Flower Petal * 25 500 20 Rynvale Mystics
Zorata Flower Petal:* 2.5 40 16 Darkiln Cavern of Storing
Sunlight Kiss Flower Petal: 4 60 Cenril Calypso
Sunlight Kiss Tea: 80 full Cenril Calypso
Snow Gem: 95 350 3.68 Frostmaw The Frosty Herb and Armor
Snowflake Seed: 12 25 2.08 Frostmaw The Frosty Herb and Armor
Arcane Root: 13 20 1.54 Alithrya, Kelay, Rynvale, Venturil, Craughmoyle Healer's Hideout, Magic Herb Shop, Rynvale Herb Shop, Venturil Herbs, Craughmoyle Herb Emporium
Elerium Powder: 13 20 1.54 Larket Fermin Apothecary
Rainbow Smoke Surprise: 2 1 0.50 Craughmoyle MacCrunn's Tobacco & Pipe Shop
Green Liquid: 10 1 0.10 Enchantment Enchantment Apothecary

* Cost-effectiveness:

Zorota Flower Petal (0 - 400 MP)

Rozota Flower Petal (400 - 3000 MP)

Purified Liquid Nightmares (3000 - inf MP)

Pure Arcane Root (3000 - inf MP)

(note: at 800+ mp, it is more cost effective to use a healer - based by the Frostmaw healer prices)