Cat (Creature)

From HollowWiki


Respawn: 15 minutes
Level: 3 Attack: 8
HP: 156 MP: 119 SP: 28

Xalious Mountain Range

Drop: Dead Rat

Max Drops: 7 gold 5 silver, 50 copper
Cats are nimble and resourceful creatures that roam the streets with graceful agility. These feline adventurers are often seen navigating through narrow alleys and hidden corners, displaying an air of mystery and curiosity. With their keen senses and sharp instincts, cats rely on their hunting prowess to survive, skillfully catching rats and small critters to sustain themselves. Whether they are playful or aloof, these clever creatures can befriend some, while others remain distant, always retaining their independence. As the shadows of the city become their domain, cats embody the essence of a wild spirit intertwined with a touch of domestic charm.

Written by Aureus