Blade of Nature

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Official Classes Unofficial Classes

Class Name: Blade of Nature

Strengths: A Blade of Nature has the inherent ability of self-regeneration and a slew of natural offensive and healing spells similar to those which a druid might wield. They have extremely thick hides which help to withstand many melee and magical attacks. A Blade of Nature is also highly skilled in melee combat.

Weakness: Because a Blade of Nature trains from a very young age to wield one weapon type and is veritably paired with that weapons, they are typically at a severe disadvantage when disarmed or caught weaponless. In fact, except for the most veteran Blades, they rely on their weapon as a conduit for most of their magic. Fire and fire spells, which a Blade of Nature almost never learns to use, are highly effective against them due to the Blades' symbiosis with plants.

Races that can be this Class: Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, and Pixies are the only known races of the few Blades of Nature that are known to exist.

Description: A Blade of Nature, or Naturalist as they are sometimes known, is a subtype of the Spellblade class. Unlike the majority of Spellblades, the Blade of Nature combines natural and divine magic in tandem with deadly melee skill.

Few of these Naturalists are known to exist, and those who do remain cloistered away from society, preferring to focus the entirety of their lives on martial training, servitude to the gods of nature, and pursuit of oneness with the natural world. They are often mistaken for Druids, but their ideology differs in that a Blade of Nature sees herself as an orchestrator of nature, a sort of avatar of the nature gods on earth. They are also more taken with natural elements than with fauna.

A Blade of Nature is usually the offspring of two other Naturalists. The sect of Spellblades is introverted and rarely accepts newcomers into their midst. Or, perhaps, it is better said that they rarely allow themselves to be found by newcomers. They are typically trained from a young age and are disciples of a single diety. At birth their essence and body are merged with that of a tree, lending them incredible regenerative abilities, slow running blood and fast clotting blood, and impossibly strong skin and bones. At age four they choose the weapon which they will train with for the following fourteen years.

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