Black Dragon

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Black Dragon

Black Dragon
Respawn: 55 mins
Level: 10 Attack: 275
HP: 6467 MP: 0 SP: 795

Rynvale Island
Kingdom of Enchantment

Max Drop: 345 gold, 90 silver, 1000 copper
Black Dragons are among the most wicked creatures of the land. These dragons are cunning and cruel, planning their moves with care to inflict the most pain possible on their prey before consumption. They mostly live alone, away from other dragons and most living things, preferring solitude, though it has been rumored that a black dragon in the caves beneath Enchantment has taken a White Dragon as it's ally. They like to lie in wait, creating traps for their prey before making their move suddenly and with finality. They are well versed in many forms of magic and will use their arcane skill to destroy enemies before they can close to their softer hides.

It must be distinguished that Black Dragons encountered as enemies roaming the wilds have become beasts, driven mad by years of hardship. They hunt and kill at a whim and barely have any skills of communication. Beastly dragons cannot be trusted or reasoned with; trying to talk to them is the same as talking to any other unintelligent creature.

Written by Kanna