Basilisk (Item)

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This page describes an non-custom item available within Hollow. To see more items, go to Category:Items.

Basilisk - Pet
Bonus: +15
Sold at: Creature Market
Cost: 92750927,500 sp <br />9,275,000 cp <br /> gp, 3322332.2 gp <br />33,220 cp <br /> sp, 263626.36 gp <br />263.6 sp <br /> cp

Considered by most to be the king of serpents, basilisk eggs can only be produced precisely at midnight when both moons are at their fullest, making the grown creature quite a rarity. This beaked serpent leaves a wide trail of venom in its path when slithering, proving quite fatal for all foliage it crosses and almost any race unfortunate enough to come into direct contact with it. It is rumored that meeting the eyes of a basilisk would result in immediate death.

"...Look into my eyesssss...and me....."