Avian Republic Laws

From HollowWiki

Crime and Punishment

There are certain degrees of crime and punishment within the Avian Republic, a clan. All crimes are dealt in the most efficient of manners, for the good of the Republic and Citizens of Hollow.

Crime Against Property

Property crimes include: arson, burglary, larceny, shoplifting, and vandalism.

These crimes would be met with punishment, of course.

  • Arson - would be met with imprisonment and a formal apology to the victim.
    • Victim could ask for payment from the perpetrator, but such would be decided at the victim's discrection.
  • Burglary - perpetrator would be questioned as to why the crime was perpetrated and any stolen valuable would be returned.
  • Larceny - perpetrator would serve a small sentence to the community and items would be returned with a formal apology to the victim.
  • Shoplifting - items stolen would be returned to the business and compensation would be made.
    • Compensation could range from community service, to the victim's decision (within a reasonable context).
  • Vandalism - anything vandalized without just reason, must be adjusted. Vandals will be warned, and a formal apology given.

Violent Crime

Violent crime is when the offender threatens to, or does use violence against the victim. Violent crimes include: murder, assault and abduction.

Again, these crimes would be met with punishment.

  • Murder - would be given the highest of punishments. Life imprisonment or execution.
    • However, if it is self-defence - execution cannot be applied.
      • Also, attempted murder and manslaughter will earn the same punishments, or less.
  • Assault - perpetrator would serve time in prison.
  • Abduction - reasons must be explained by perpetrator. Formal apology; release of captive and some time in prison are to be expected.
    • However, if the abduction is in the name of war - this punishment may not apply.

Amendments to the Law

Avians do frown upon Vampires and have been seen to dislike them. Because of this, the Empire did not allow relationships between Vampires and Avians. However, due to some punishments being harsh (e.g, removal of wings) the Republic allows these relationships. Yet, this relationship would be frowned upon greatly. It is highly urged that if ensuing a relationship with a Vampire, the couple seek out a cure.