Avian Ranks

From HollowWiki

The Avian Republic has introduced ranks, other than Khar; Zhan and Raan. These ranks, are for various things and should meet the various skill sets that people have.


Chai is a new recruit into the military. Most new members of the Avian Republic are placed into the military. This is so all members have a basic knowledge of military procedures and fighting skills.


Shim are soldiers. These are soldiers who have begun as Chai and progressed through the military ranks. They typically deal in physical combat, rather than magical.


Tzur are much like soldiers, but more magically adept. These are soldiers who excel in magical combat, or just magic in general compared to Shim


Hvan are the scholars of the Republic. If they choose not to delve into philosophy, they teach the other members of the Republic or even record the history.


Sian are the healers of the Republic. Devoting their lives to the healing arts - magical or otherwise. The Sian will often be relied upon during times of war.


The Khar are the Generals of the Republic. In times of war, the Khar of each city will take control of their city's army and lead the people appropriately. When the Khar think the war has ended, control is returned to the Senate.


The Zhan are the advisors to the Raan and the Khar. During times of peace, they will guard and advise the Senators and attend meetings with them in the Senate House. When war is declared, the Khar of each city choose their own Zhan to help them coordinate attacks and defenses.


The Raan are the Senators of the Republic. They make the laws and majority of decisions within the Republic.