Arc:A poor terrified Wretch

From HollowWiki

Description: A group of rps concerning the male drow slave named Wretch after his mistress brought him to the surface, and he ran away into a terrifying alien world.

RP Chapters

  1. RP:Kesslenic meets a terrified drow runaway slave named Wretch: User:Sophie
Wretch meets a kind draconian, who means well, but does not realise that returning the drow to the underdark will be doing him a great disservice.
  1. RP:Poor Wretch is sold to Eklenisec: User:Sophie
Eklenisec is a -far from kind - draconian. She is a mistress from poor Wretch's worst nightmares.
  1. RP:Eklenisec collects her slave Wretch who is terrified by the foreign phenomena of rain: User:Sophie