Amethyst Crystal Skull

From HollowWiki
Lore Item
This item is important to Hollow's lore and history. It is held icly by Valrae . As as lore item, the terms of ownership for this item are different than from a custom item made for a particular player.

Amethyst Crystal Skull- (Weapon-Magic/Melee)

Creator: Unknown {ooc lore by Valrae}

Last Known Owner: Valrae

Description: A hardstone carving of amethyst shaped as a finely detailed human skull.

Magical Power: The Amethyst Crystal Skull is a mysterious and powerful artifact, said to possess the ability to unlock the full potential of the human mind. Its influence extends beyond the physical realm and into the spiritual, granting the wielder the power of astral projection, third-eye awakening, and prophetic dreams.

However, the power of the Amethyst Crystal Skull comes at a cost. Its use can lead to severe side effects, including strokes, brain bleeds, possession, and even soul entrapment. The power of the skull is immense and requires great care and caution in its use. Too many who have sought the power of the Amethyst Crystal Skull have fallen victim to its dangerous side effects, losing themselves in the pursuit of its power.

The Amethyst Crystal Skull remains a potent and dangerous artifact, one that should be approached with great caution and respect. While its power is undeniable, its side effects can be catastrophic, and its use should be reserved only for those who are prepared to face the consequences of its power.

History: One of six powerful artifacts of witch legend. Used in the ritual that resurrected Valrae Baines-Older.