Cave Dragon

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Race Rules
Official Races Unofficial Races

Homeland: Caves in Xalious Mountains, Underdark

Combat Style: Melee

Combat Rating: Very Strong

Magic Style: Moderate Terramancy

Magic Rating: Moderate

Strong Against: Physical Attack, Dark Magic, Lightning Magic

Weak Against: Fire, Water, Psychological Attack

Allied Races: Drow, Shadow Gnomes, Mind Flayers

Preferred Alignment: Any Evil

Intelligence: Very High

Aggressiveness: Very High


Also known as Stone Wyrms, these dragons are rather large with the potential to reach a maximum of sixty feet in length, depending on maturity and gender (males tend to be larger). Their scales are black or blackish brown, or the nearest color to the stone of their environment. Most often, their eyes glow softly, as an adaptation to give them sight in pitch-black areas and remove the need for external light. Unlike most dragons, Cave Dragons do not have wings, for they have no use of flight in caves, or closed spaces in which they are most commonly found. (Cave Dragons are aptly named due to the fact they are commonly found in deep, remote recesses of the earth.)

However, to compensate for the lack of flight, Cave Dragons are more armored. Their scales tend to be heavier and more resistant to magic and weapons than those of other dragons. Their bones tend to be heavier, and thicker than flight-born dragons, and they tend to have much more muscle, and pack a bigger punch to make up for the lack of maneuverability in the skies. This also, consequently, prevents them from attaining the ability to fly (even if they wanted wings) due to their sheer weight.

They are distant cousins to the Deep Dragons. Cave Dragons are well adapted to the underdark. They also have a natural camouflage against infra-vision (vision in the infrared spectrum) and normal vision. They also possess the ability to adjust their sight between infra-vision and vision in the normal color spectrum. Depending on their age, some Cave Dragons have been known to possess the ability to see through magical illusions, or conjured shadows and even conjure some of their own. Cave Dragons are developed toward fighting in a dark, damp cave rather than an open field or the sky.

As with all other dragons, Cave Dragons have their own unique breath-attack; a deadly and caustic acidic gas. While the breath itself will whittle anything organic to a bubbling pile of goo that was once flesh, it can remain in one area for up to a day. The compound that the gas is makes it heavier than air, so the breath-attack does not dissipate easily in closed spaces. A direct hit is a guaranteed death while walking through the mist, even inhaling once can have serious ramifications. However, this mist will have little effect on inorganic material other than causing it to oxidize at an accelerated rate, though a direct blast will result in complete oxidation in seconds.


Cave Dragons tend to all have a varying psychology as they are extreme nomads of the saurian race. Some have been found that were fetal-position insane, and others as civilized as a guest at a very expensive dinner party. Since they prefer solitude, they often conjure up ideas that society has either abandoned or will not look too kindly upon. However, no matter what the mental state of the dragon is, they all seem to be inherently evil.


Breath Weapon
Ability to breathe out an incredibly caustic, flesh corrosive gas in any non-Humanoid form
Saliva is acidic, corrosive to flesh, stone and metal alike, stems from breath attack.
Used to pierce into and grip smooth stone as well as rending the flesh of prey.
Razor-Sharp Teeth
Cave Dragon teeth can break bone and rip flesh with ease, used in dragon form only and tend to be very needle-like, meant for piercing armor.
Rock Manipulation
Ability to alter rock/stone/earth to some extent, best classified as a moderate terramancy
No known ability to fly, but they can jump great distances which has been sometimes characterized as flight.
Cave Dragons have specialized claws to deal with crawling on rock, and clinging to sheer surfaces. Their 'palms' have special scales that rise when the dragon needs them for traction or grip.

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